
Remove code for unused FilePathWatcher and fix a warning under gcc 7.3

Ge Jun 6 年之前

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-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// This module provides a way to monitor a file or directory for changes.
-#include "butil/base_export.h"
-#include "butil/basictypes.h"
-#include "butil/callback.h"
-#include "butil/files/file_path.h"
-#include "butil/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "butil/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h"
-namespace butil {
-// This class lets you register interest in changes on a FilePath.
-// The callback will get called whenever the file or directory referenced by the
-// FilePath is changed, including created or deleted. Due to limitations in the
-// underlying OS APIs, FilePathWatcher has slightly different semantics on OS X
-// than on Windows or Linux. FilePathWatcher on Linux and Windows will detect
-// modifications to files in a watched directory. FilePathWatcher on Mac will
-// detect the creation and deletion of files in a watched directory, but will
-// not detect modifications to those files. See file_path_watcher_kqueue.cc for
-// details.
-class BUTIL_EXPORT FilePathWatcher {
- public:
-  // Callback type for Watch(). |path| points to the file that was updated,
-  // and |error| is true if the platform specific code detected an error. In
-  // that case, the callback won't be invoked again.
-  typedef butil::Callback<void(const FilePath& path, bool error)> Callback;
-  // Used internally to encapsulate different members on different platforms.
-  class PlatformDelegate : public butil::RefCountedThreadSafe<PlatformDelegate> {
-   public:
-    PlatformDelegate();
-    // Start watching for the given |path| and notify |delegate| about changes.
-    virtual bool Watch(const FilePath& path,
-                       bool recursive,
-                       const Callback& callback) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
-    // Stop watching. This is called from FilePathWatcher's dtor in order to
-    // allow to shut down properly while the object is still alive.
-    // It can be called from any thread.
-    virtual void Cancel() = 0;
-   protected:
-    friend class butil::RefCountedThreadSafe<PlatformDelegate>;
-    friend class FilePathWatcher;
-    virtual ~PlatformDelegate();
-    // Stop watching. This is only called on the thread of the appropriate
-    // message loop. Since it can also be called more than once, it should
-    // check |is_cancelled()| to avoid duplicate work.
-    virtual void CancelOnMessageLoopThread() = 0;
-    scoped_refptr<butil::MessageLoopProxy> message_loop() const {
-      return message_loop_;
-    }
-    void set_message_loop(butil::MessageLoopProxy* loop) {
-      message_loop_ = loop;
-    }
-    // Must be called before the PlatformDelegate is deleted.
-    void set_cancelled() {
-      cancelled_ = true;
-    }
-    bool is_cancelled() const {
-      return cancelled_;
-    }
-   private:
-    scoped_refptr<butil::MessageLoopProxy> message_loop_;
-    bool cancelled_;
-  };
-  FilePathWatcher();
-  virtual ~FilePathWatcher();
-  // A callback that always cleans up the PlatformDelegate, either when executed
-  // or when deleted without having been executed at all, as can happen during
-  // shutdown.
-  static void CancelWatch(const scoped_refptr<PlatformDelegate>& delegate);
-  // Returns true if the platform and OS version support recursive watches.
-  static bool RecursiveWatchAvailable();
-  // Invokes |callback| whenever updates to |path| are detected. This should be
-  // called at most once, and from a MessageLoop of TYPE_IO. Set |recursive| to
-  // true, to watch |path| and its children. The callback will be invoked on
-  // the same loop. Returns true on success.
-  //
-  // Recursive watch is not supported on all platforms and file systems.
-  // Watch() will return false in the case of failure.
-  bool Watch(const FilePath& path, bool recursive, const Callback& callback);
- private:
-  scoped_refptr<PlatformDelegate> impl_;
-}  // namespace butil

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-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "butil/files/file_path.h"
-#include "butil/files/file_path_watcher.h"
-namespace butil {
-// Mac-specific file watcher implementation based on FSEvents.
-// There are trade-offs between the FSEvents implementation and a kqueue
-// implementation. The biggest issues are that FSEvents on 10.6 sometimes drops
-// events and kqueue does not trigger for modifications to a file in a watched
-// directory. See file_path_watcher_mac.cc for the code that decides when to
-// use which one.
-class FilePathWatcherFSEvents : public FilePathWatcher::PlatformDelegate {
- public:
-  FilePathWatcherFSEvents();
-  // Called from the FSEvents callback whenever there is a change to the paths.
-  void OnFilePathsChanged(const std::vector<FilePath>& paths);
-  // (Re-)Initialize the event stream to start reporting events from
-  // |start_event|.
-  void UpdateEventStream(FSEventStreamEventId start_event);
-  // Returns true if resolving the target path got a different result than
-  // last time it was done.
-  bool ResolveTargetPath();
-  // FilePathWatcher::PlatformDelegate overrides.
-  virtual bool Watch(const FilePath& path,
-                     bool recursive,
-                     const FilePathWatcher::Callback& callback) OVERRIDE;
-  virtual void Cancel() OVERRIDE;
- private:
-  virtual ~FilePathWatcherFSEvents();
-  // Destroy the event stream.
-  void DestroyEventStream();
-  // Start watching the FSEventStream.
-  void StartEventStream(FSEventStreamEventId start_event);
-  // Cleans up and stops the event stream.
-  virtual void CancelOnMessageLoopThread() OVERRIDE;
-  // Callback to notify upon changes.
-  FilePathWatcher::Callback callback_;
-  // Target path to watch (passed to callback).
-  FilePath target_;
-  // Target path with all symbolic links resolved.
-  FilePath resolved_target_;
-  // Backend stream we receive event callbacks from (strong reference).
-  FSEventStreamRef fsevent_stream_;
-}  // namespace butil

+ 0 - 132

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-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <sys/event.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "butil/files/file_path.h"
-#include "butil/files/file_path_watcher.h"
-#include "butil/message_loop/message_loop.h"
-#include "butil/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h"
-namespace butil {
-// Mac-specific file watcher implementation based on kqueue.
-// The Linux and Windows versions are able to detect:
-// - file creation/deletion/modification in a watched directory
-// - file creation/deletion/modification for a watched file
-// - modifications to the paths to a watched object that would affect the
-//   object such as renaming/attibute changes etc.
-// The kqueue implementation will handle all of the items in the list above
-// except for detecting modifications to files in a watched directory. It will
-// detect the creation and deletion of files, just not the modification of
-// files. It does however detect the attribute changes that the FSEvents impl
-// would miss.
-class FilePathWatcherKQueue : public FilePathWatcher::PlatformDelegate,
-                              public MessageLoopForIO::Watcher,
-                              public MessageLoop::DestructionObserver {
- public:
-  FilePathWatcherKQueue();
-  // MessageLoopForIO::Watcher overrides.
-  virtual void OnFileCanReadWithoutBlocking(int fd) OVERRIDE;
-  virtual void OnFileCanWriteWithoutBlocking(int fd) OVERRIDE;
-  // MessageLoop::DestructionObserver overrides.
-  virtual void WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop() OVERRIDE;
-  // FilePathWatcher::PlatformDelegate overrides.
-  virtual bool Watch(const FilePath& path,
-                     bool recursive,
-                     const FilePathWatcher::Callback& callback) OVERRIDE;
-  virtual void Cancel() OVERRIDE;
- protected:
-  virtual ~FilePathWatcherKQueue();
- private:
-  class EventData {
-   public:
-    EventData(const FilePath& path, const FilePath::StringType& subdir)
-        : path_(path), subdir_(subdir) { }
-    FilePath path_;  // Full path to this item.
-    FilePath::StringType subdir_;  // Path to any sub item.
-  };
-  typedef std::vector<struct kevent> EventVector;
-  // Can only be called on |io_message_loop_|'s thread.
-  virtual void CancelOnMessageLoopThread() OVERRIDE;
-  // Returns true if the kevent values are error free.
-  bool AreKeventValuesValid(struct kevent* kevents, int count);
-  // Respond to a change of attributes of the path component represented by
-  // |event|. Sets |target_file_affected| to true if |target_| is affected.
-  // Sets |update_watches| to true if |events_| need to be updated.
-  void HandleAttributesChange(const EventVector::iterator& event,
-                              bool* target_file_affected,
-                              bool* update_watches);
-  // Respond to a move or deletion of the path component represented by
-  // |event|. Sets |target_file_affected| to true if |target_| is affected.
-  // Sets |update_watches| to true if |events_| need to be updated.
-  void HandleDeleteOrMoveChange(const EventVector::iterator& event,
-                                bool* target_file_affected,
-                                bool* update_watches);
-  // Respond to a creation of an item in the path component represented by
-  // |event|. Sets |target_file_affected| to true if |target_| is affected.
-  // Sets |update_watches| to true if |events_| need to be updated.
-  void HandleCreateItemChange(const EventVector::iterator& event,
-                              bool* target_file_affected,
-                              bool* update_watches);
-  // Update |events_| with the current status of the system.
-  // Sets |target_file_affected| to true if |target_| is affected.
-  // Returns false if an error occurs.
-  bool UpdateWatches(bool* target_file_affected);
-  // Fills |events| with one kevent per component in |path|.
-  // Returns the number of valid events created where a valid event is
-  // defined as one that has a ident (file descriptor) field != -1.
-  static int EventsForPath(FilePath path, EventVector *events);
-  // Release a kevent generated by EventsForPath.
-  static void ReleaseEvent(struct kevent& event);
-  // Returns a file descriptor that will not block the system from deleting
-  // the file it references.
-  static uintptr_t FileDescriptorForPath(const FilePath& path);
-  static const uintptr_t kNoFileDescriptor = static_cast<uintptr_t>(-1);
-  // Closes |*fd| and sets |*fd| to -1.
-  static void CloseFileDescriptor(uintptr_t* fd);
-  // Returns true if kevent has open file descriptor.
-  static bool IsKeventFileDescriptorOpen(const struct kevent& event) {
-    return event.ident != kNoFileDescriptor;
-  }
-  static EventData* EventDataForKevent(const struct kevent& event) {
-    return reinterpret_cast<EventData*>(event.udata);
-  }
-  EventVector events_;
-  scoped_refptr<butil::MessageLoopProxy> io_message_loop_;
-  MessageLoopForIO::FileDescriptorWatcher kqueue_watcher_;
-  FilePathWatcher::Callback callback_;
-  FilePath target_;
-  int kqueue_;
-}  // namespace butil

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-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "butil/files/file_path_watcher.h"
-#include "butil/files/file_path_watcher_kqueue.h"
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-#include "butil/files/file_path_watcher_fsevents.h"
-namespace butil {
-namespace {
-class FilePathWatcherImpl : public FilePathWatcher::PlatformDelegate {
- public:
-  virtual bool Watch(const FilePath& path,
-                     bool recursive,
-                     const FilePathWatcher::Callback& callback) OVERRIDE {
-    // Use kqueue for non-recursive watches and FSEvents for recursive ones.
-    DCHECK(!impl_.get());
-    if (recursive) {
-      if (!FilePathWatcher::RecursiveWatchAvailable())
-        return false;
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-      impl_ = new FilePathWatcherFSEvents();
-#endif  // OS_IOS
-    } else {
-      impl_ = new FilePathWatcherKQueue();
-    }
-    DCHECK(impl_.get());
-    return impl_->Watch(path, recursive, callback);
-  }
-  virtual void Cancel() OVERRIDE {
-    if (impl_)
-      impl_->Cancel();
-    set_cancelled();
-  }
-  virtual void CancelOnMessageLoopThread() OVERRIDE {
-    if (impl_)
-      impl_->Cancel();
-    set_cancelled();
-  }
- protected:
-  virtual ~FilePathWatcherImpl() {}
-  scoped_refptr<PlatformDelegate> impl_;
-}  // namespace
-FilePathWatcher::FilePathWatcher() {
-  impl_ = new FilePathWatcherImpl();
-}  // namespace butil

+ 2 - 1

@@ -56,8 +56,9 @@ TEST(VersionTest, GetVersionFromString) {
   for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
     Version version(cases[i].input);
     EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].success, version.IsValid());
-    if (cases[i].success)
+    if (cases[i].success) {
       EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].parts, version.components().size());
+    }