/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Tars available. * * Copyright (C) 2016THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "util/tc_file.h" #include "util/tc_epoller.h" #include "servant/Communicator.h" #include "servant/CommunicatorEpoll.h" #include "servant/Application.h" #include "servant/StatReport.h" #include "servant/RemoteLogger.h" #include "servant/ObjectProxy.h" namespace tars { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string ClientConfig::LocalIp = ""; string ClientConfig::ModuleName = "unknown"; set ClientConfig::SetLocalIp; bool ClientConfig::SetOpen = false; string ClientConfig::SetDivision = ""; string ClientConfig::TarsVersion = string(TARS_VERSION); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Communicator::Communicator() : _initialized(false) , _terminating(false) , _statReport(NULL) , _timeoutLogFlag(true) , _keepAliveInterval(0) // #ifdef TARS_OPENTRACKING // , _traceManager(NULL) // #endif { #if TARGET_PLATFORM_WINDOWS WSADATA wsadata; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsadata); #endif } Communicator::Communicator(TC_Config& conf, const string& domain/* = CONFIG_ROOT_PATH*/) : _initialized(false) , _terminating(false) , _timeoutLogFlag(true) , _keepAliveInterval(0) // #ifdef TARS_OPENTRACKING // , _traceManager(NULL) // #endif { setProperty(conf, domain); } Communicator::~Communicator() { // LOG_CONSOLE_DEBUG << endl; ServantProxyThreadData::deconstructor(this); terminate(); #if TARGET_PLATFORM_WINDOWS WSACleanup(); #endif } bool Communicator::isTerminating() { return _terminating; } map Communicator::getServantProperty(const string &sObj) { TC_LockT lock(*this); auto it = _objInfo.find(sObj); if(it != _objInfo.end()) { return it->second; } return map(); } void Communicator::setServantProperty(const string &sObj, const string& name, const string& value) { TC_LockT lock(*this); _objInfo[sObj][name] = value; } string Communicator::getServantProperty(const string &sObj, const string& name) { TC_LockT lock(*this); auto it = _objInfo.find(sObj); if(it != _objInfo.end()) { auto vit = it->second.find(name); if(vit != it->second.end()) { return vit->second; } } return ""; } void Communicator::setTraceParam(const string& name) { if (!name.empty() && name != "trace_param_max_len") { return; } string defaultValue = ""; defaultValue = getProperty("trace_param_max_len", defaultValue); if (!defaultValue.empty() && TC_Common::isdigit(defaultValue)) { ServantProxyThreadData::setTraceParamMaxLen(TC_Common::strto(defaultValue)); } } shared_ptr Communicator::newClientSSL(const string & objName) { #if TARS_SSL TC_LockT lock(*this); auto it = _objCtx.find(objName); if(it != _objCtx.end()) { return TC_OpenSSL::newSSL(it->second); } if(!_ctx) { _ctx = TC_OpenSSL::newCtx("", "", "", false, ""); } return TC_OpenSSL::newSSL(_ctx); #else return NULL; #endif } void Communicator::setProperty(TC_Config& conf, const string& domain/* = CONFIG_ROOT_PATH*/) { TC_LockT lock(*this); conf.getDomainMap(domain, _properties); setTraceParam(); string defaultValue = "dft"; if ((defaultValue == getProperty("enableset", defaultValue)) || (defaultValue == getProperty("setdivision", defaultValue))) { _properties["enableset"] = conf.get("/tars/application", "n"); _properties["setdivision"] = conf.get("/tars/application", "NULL"); } vector auths; if (conf.getDomainVector(CONFIG_ROOT_PATH, auths)) { for(size_t i = 0; i < auths.size(); i++) { map &data = _objInfo[auths[i]]; data["accesskey"] = conf.get(CONFIG_ROOT_PATH + "/" + auths[i] + ""); data["secretkey"] = conf.get(CONFIG_ROOT_PATH + "/" + auths[i] + ""); data["ca"] = conf.get(CONFIG_ROOT_PATH + "/" + auths[i] + ""); data["cert"] = conf.get(CONFIG_ROOT_PATH + "/" + auths[i] + ""); data["key"] = conf.get(CONFIG_ROOT_PATH + "/" + auths[i] + ""); data["ciphers"] = conf.get(CONFIG_ROOT_PATH + "/" + auths[i] + ""); #if TARS_SSL if(!data["ca"].empty()) { shared_ptr ctx = TC_OpenSSL::newCtx( data["ca"], data["cert"], data["key"], false, data["ciphers"]); if(!ctx) { TLOGERROR("[load obj:" << auths[i] << ", ssl error, ca:" << data["ca"] << endl); exit(-1); } _objCtx[auths[i]] = ctx; } #endif } } // initClientConfig(); } void Communicator::notifyCommunicatorEpollStart() { ++_communicatorEpollStartNum; std::unique_lock lock(_mutex); _cond.notify_one(); } void Communicator::initialize() { TC_LockT lock(*this); //两次保护 if (_initialized) return; _initialized = true; _sigId = TC_Port::registerCtrlC([&]{ TC_Common::msleep(50); this->terminate(); #if TARGET_PLATFORM_WINDOWS ExitProcess(0); #else exit(0); #endif }); ClientConfig::TarsVersion = TARS_VERSION; ClientConfig::SetOpen = TC_Common::lower(getProperty("enableset", "n")) == "y" ? true : false; if (ClientConfig::SetOpen) { ClientConfig::SetDivision = getProperty("setdivision"); vector vtSetDivisions = TC_Common::sepstr(ClientConfig::SetDivision, "."); string sWildCard = "*"; if (vtSetDivisions.size() != 3 || vtSetDivisions[0] == sWildCard || vtSetDivisions[1] == sWildCard) { //set分组名不对时默认没有打开set分组 ClientConfig::SetOpen = false; setProperty("enableset", "n"); TLOGERROR("[set division name error:" << ClientConfig::SetDivision << ", client failed to open set]" << endl); } } ClientConfig::LocalIp = getProperty("localip", ""); if (ClientConfig::SetLocalIp.empty()) { vector v = TC_Socket::getLocalHosts(); for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { if (v[i] != "" && ClientConfig::LocalIp.empty()) { ClientConfig::LocalIp = v[i]; } ClientConfig::SetLocalIp.insert(v[i]); } } //缺省采用进程名称 string exe = ""; try { exe = TC_File::extractFileName(TC_File::getExePath()); } catch (TC_File_Exception& ex) { //取失败则使用ip代替进程名 exe = ClientConfig::LocalIp; } ClientConfig::ModuleName = getProperty("modulename", exe); #if TARS_SSL string ca = getProperty("ca"); string cert = getProperty("cert"); string key = getProperty("key"); string ciphers = getProperty("ciphers"); if(!ca.empty()) { _ctx = TC_OpenSSL::newCtx(ca, cert, key, false, ciphers); if (!_ctx) { TLOGERROR("load client ssl error, ca:" << ca << endl); exit(-1); } } #endif _servantProxyFactory = new ServantProxyFactory(this); //网络线程 size_t clientThreadNum = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("netthread", "1")); if (0 == clientThreadNum) { clientThreadNum = 1; } else if(MAX_CLIENT_THREAD_NUM < clientThreadNum) { clientThreadNum = MAX_CLIENT_THREAD_NUM; } //异步线程数 _asyncThreadNum = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("asyncthread", "3")); if(_asyncThreadNum == 0) { _asyncThreadNum = 3; } if(_asyncThreadNum > MAX_CLIENT_ASYNCTHREAD_NUM) { _asyncThreadNum = MAX_CLIENT_ASYNCTHREAD_NUM; } bool merge = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("mergenetasync", "0")); //异步队列的大小 size_t iAsyncQueueCap = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("asyncqueuecap", "100000")); if(iAsyncQueueCap < 10000) { iAsyncQueueCap = 10000; } //第一个通信器才去启动回调线程 for (size_t i = 0; i < _asyncThreadNum; ++i) { _asyncThread.push_back(new AsyncProcThread(iAsyncQueueCap, merge)); } //stat总是有对象, 保证getStat返回的对象总是有效 _statReport = new StatReport(this); _keepAliveInterval = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("keep-alive-interval", "0"))/1000; if (_keepAliveInterval<5 && _keepAliveInterval!=0) { _keepAliveInterval = 5; } for (size_t i = 0; i < clientThreadNum; ++i) { _communicatorEpoll.push_back(std::make_shared(this, -1, i == 0)); //以协程模式启动 _communicatorEpoll.back()->setThreadName("communicator-epoll-" + TC_Common::tostr(i)); _communicatorEpoll.back()->startCoroutine(3, 128*1024, false); } { std::unique_lock lock(_mutex); _cond.wait(lock, [&]{ return _communicatorEpollStartNum == clientThreadNum; }); } //异步队列数目上报 _reportAsyncQueue= getStatReport()->createPropertyReport(ClientConfig::ModuleName + ".asyncqueue", PropertyReport::avg()); //初始化统计上报接口 string statObj = getProperty("stat", ""); string propertyObj = getProperty("property", ""); int iReportInterval = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("report-interval", "60000")); int iReportTimeout = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("report-timeout", "5000")); // int iSampleRate = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("sample-rate", "1000")); // int iMaxSampleCount = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("max-sample-count", "100")); int iMaxReportSize = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("max-report-size", "1400")); _timeoutLogFlag = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("timeout-log-flag", "1")); _minTimeout = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("min-timeout", "100")); if(_minTimeout < 1) _minTimeout = 1; StatFPrx statPrx = NULL; if (!statObj.empty()) { statPrx = stringToProxy(statObj); } //上报Property信息的代理 PropertyFPrx propertyPrx = NULL; if (!propertyObj.empty()) { propertyPrx = stringToProxy(propertyObj); } string sSetDivision = ClientConfig::SetOpen ? ClientConfig::SetDivision : ""; _statReport->setReportInfo(statPrx, propertyPrx, ClientConfig::ModuleName, ClientConfig::LocalIp, sSetDivision, iReportInterval, 0, 0, iMaxReportSize, iReportTimeout); #if TARS_OPENTRACKING string collector_host = getProperty("collector_host", ""); string collector_port = getProperty("collector_port", ""); if(!collector_host.empty() && !collector_port.empty()) { //init zipkin config zipkin::ZipkinOtTracerOptions options; options.service_name = ClientConfig::ModuleName; options.service_address = {zipkin::IpVersion::v4, ClientConfig::LocalIp}; options.sample_rate = strtod(getProperty("sample_rate", "1.0").c_str(), NULL); options.collector_host = collector_host; options.collector_port = atoi(collector_port.c_str()); _traceManager = new TraceManager(options); assert(_traceManager != NULL); } #endif } void Communicator::setProperty(const map& properties) { TC_LockT lock(*this); _properties = properties; setTraceParam(); } void Communicator::setProperty(const string& name, const string& value) { TC_LockT lock(*this); _properties[name] = value; setTraceParam(name); } string Communicator::getProperty(const string& name, const string& dft/* = ""*/) { TC_LockT lock(*this); map::iterator it = _properties.find(name); if (it != _properties.end()) { return it->second; } return dft; } vector> Communicator::getAllCommunicatorEpoll() { vector> communicatorEpolls = _communicatorEpoll; forEachSchedCommunicatorEpoll([&](const shared_ptr &c){ communicatorEpolls.push_back(c); }); return communicatorEpolls; } void Communicator::forEachSchedCommunicatorEpoll(std::function &)> func) { TC_LockT lock(_schedMutex); for(auto it : _schedCommunicatorEpoll) { func(it.second); } } shared_ptr Communicator::createSchedCommunicatorEpoll(size_t netThreadSeq, const shared_ptr &reqInfoQueue) { shared_ptr communicatorEpoll = std::make_shared(this, netThreadSeq); communicatorEpoll->initializeEpoller(); communicatorEpoll->initNotify(netThreadSeq, reqInfoQueue); { TC_LockT lock(_schedMutex); _schedCommunicatorEpoll.insert(std::make_pair(netThreadSeq, communicatorEpoll)); } return communicatorEpoll; } void Communicator::eraseSchedCommunicatorEpoll(size_t netThreadSeq) { shared_ptr ce; { TC_LockT lock(_schedMutex); ce = _schedCommunicatorEpoll[netThreadSeq]; _schedCommunicatorEpoll.erase(netThreadSeq); } if(ce) { ce->terminate(); } } void Communicator::reloadLocator() { for (size_t i = 0; i < _communicatorEpoll.size(); ++i) { _communicatorEpoll[i]->_epoller->syncCallback(std::bind(&CommunicatorEpoll::loadObjectLocator, _communicatorEpoll[i].get())); // _communicatorEpoll[i]->loadObjectLocator(); } forEachSchedCommunicatorEpoll([](const shared_ptr &c){ c->_epoller->syncCallback(std::bind(&CommunicatorEpoll::loadObjectLocator, c.get())); // c->loadObjectLocator(); }); } int Communicator::reloadProperty(string & sResult) { // size_t num = getCommunicatorEpollNum(); reloadLocator(); int iReportInterval = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("report-interval", "60000")); int iReportTimeout = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("report-timeout", "5000")); int iMaxReportSize = TC_Common::strto(getProperty("max-report-size", "1400")); string statObj = getProperty("stat", ""); string propertyObj = getProperty("property", ""); StatFPrx statPrx = NULL; if (!statObj.empty()) { statPrx = stringToProxy(statObj); } PropertyFPrx propertyPrx = NULL; if (!propertyObj.empty()) { propertyPrx = stringToProxy(propertyObj); } string sSetDivision = ClientConfig::SetOpen ? ClientConfig::SetDivision : ""; _statReport->setReportInfo(statPrx, propertyPrx, ClientConfig::ModuleName, ClientConfig::LocalIp, sSetDivision, iReportInterval, 0, 0, iMaxReportSize, iReportTimeout); sResult = "locator=" + getProperty("locator", "") + "\r\n" + "stat=" + statObj + "\r\n" + "property=" + propertyObj + "\r\n" + "SetDivision=" + sSetDivision + "\r\n" + "report-interval=" + TC_Common::tostr(iReportInterval) + "\r\n" + "report-timeout=" + TC_Common::tostr(iReportTimeout) + "\r\n"; return 0; } vector Communicator::getEndpoint(const string& objName) { ServantProxy * pServantProxy = getServantProxy(objName, "", true); return pServantProxy->getEndpoint(); } vector Communicator::getEndpoint4All(const string& objName) { ServantProxy *pServantProxy = getServantProxy(objName, "", true); return pServantProxy->getEndpoint4All(); } string Communicator::getResourcesInfo() { ostringstream os; for (size_t i = 0; i < _communicatorEpoll.size(); ++i) { os << OUT_LINE << endl; _communicatorEpoll[i]->_epoller->syncCallback(std::bind(&CommunicatorEpoll::getResourcesInfo, _communicatorEpoll[i].get(), std::ref(os))); } forEachSchedCommunicatorEpoll([&](const shared_ptr & c){ os << OUT_LINE << endl; c->_epoller->syncCallback(std::bind(&CommunicatorEpoll::getResourcesInfo, c.get(), std::ref(os))); }); return os.str(); } void Communicator::terminate() { { if (_terminating) return; TC_LockT lock(*this); _terminating = true; TC_Port::unregisterCtrlC(_sigId); if (_initialized) { //先要结束stat的, 这样后续结束可以把stat队列清空 if (_statReport) { _statReport->terminate(); _statReport->getThreadControl().join(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < _communicatorEpoll.size(); ++i) { if(_communicatorEpoll[i]) { _communicatorEpoll[i]->terminate(); } } forEachSchedCommunicatorEpoll([](const shared_ptr &c) { c->terminate(); }); for(size_t i = 0;i < _asyncThreadNum; ++i) { _asyncThread[i]->terminate(); } } } //把锁释放掉, 再来等待线程停止, 避免死锁 //因为通信器线程运行过程中, 有可能加上上面那把锁 if (_initialized) { // LOG_CONSOLE_DEBUG << endl; //停止掉异步线程 for (size_t i = 0; i < _asyncThread.size(); ++i) { if (_asyncThread[i]) { if (_asyncThread[i]->joinable()) { _asyncThread[i]->join(); } } } //停止掉网络线程 for (size_t i = 0; i < _communicatorEpoll.size(); ++i) { if(_communicatorEpoll[i]->joinable()) { _communicatorEpoll[i]->join(); } } //都停止了, 再把异步线程析构掉(因为异步线程中会调用网络线程的数据) for (size_t i = 0; i < _asyncThread.size(); ++i) { delete _asyncThread[i]; _asyncThread[i] = NULL; } _asyncThread.clear(); if(_statReport) { delete _statReport; _statReport = NULL; } if(_servantProxyFactory) { delete _servantProxyFactory; _servantProxyFactory = NULL; } _communicatorEpoll.clear(); _schedCommunicatorEpoll.clear(); } } void Communicator::pushAsyncThreadQueue(ReqMessage * msg) { if (msg->pObjectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->_callback) { ReqMessagePtr msgPtr = msg; msg->pObjectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->_callback(msgPtr); } else if (msg->pObjectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->_callbackHash && msg->adapter ) { //先不考虑每个线程队列数目不一致的情况 _asyncThread[((uint32_t) msg->adapter->trans()->fd()) % _asyncThreadNum]->push_back(msg); } else { //先不考虑每个线程队列数目不一致的情况 _asyncThread[(_asyncSeq++) % _asyncThreadNum]->push_back(msg); } } void Communicator::doStat() { //队列长度上报 if (_reportAsyncQueue) { size_t n = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < _asyncThread.size(); ++i) { n = n + _asyncThread[i]->getSize(); } _reportAsyncQueue->report((int) n); } } ServantProxy* Communicator::getServantProxy(const string& objectName, const string& setName, bool rootServant) { Communicator::initialize(); return _servantProxyFactory->getServantProxy(objectName, setName, rootServant); } StatReport* Communicator::getStatReport() { Communicator::initialize(); return _statReport; } ServantProxyFactory* Communicator::servantProxyFactory() { return _servantProxyFactory; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }