## v2.4.10 2020.09.02 ### en - fix ssl EndpointManager.cpp bug - gbk2utf8 mode default set to ICONV_IGNORE ### cn - 修复ssl下, EndpointManager.cpp 的bug - 将gbk2utf8 mode 缺省值设置为ICONV_IGNORE ## v2.4.9 2020.08.19 ### en - Fix tars-tool.cmake `make upload` bug in linux - Update tars-tools.cmake, support multi tars file - tc_encoder optimize - fix servant http call context release bug - fix servant connection reconnect dead cycle - fix http servant set timeout bug - fix windows roll log bug - fix tc_time postAtTime bug - remove TARS_SSL in header - fix windows gtest build bug ### cn - 修改tars-tool.cmake `make upload` 在linux上bug, cmake用${CMAKE_COMMAND}代替 - 修改tars-tools.cmake, 支持多个tars文件 - 优化tc_encoder - 修复http servant 短连接模式下context释放的bug(貌似只会在windows下出现) - 修复prx重连可能导致的死循环的问题 - 修复http servant 设置timeout不正确的问题 - 修复windows下循环日志不启用的问题 - 修复tc_time postAtTime的bug - 头文件中删除TARS_SSL的宏, 避免内存模型不一致 - 修改windows gtest编译连接不争取的问题 ## v2.4.8 2020.08.05 ### en - add tarsmerge, can merge multi tars file to one - fix tars-tools.cmake, support: make xxxx-upload-tars, upload tars to web, for test - fix when http header has not content-length, tc_http decode bug - fix refresh endpoint crash ### cn - 添加 tarsmerge工具, 支持合并多个tars文件到一个 - 修改tars-tools.cmake, 支持make xxx-upload-tars, 上传本服务的tars文件到web, 方便自动测试 - 修改当http头没有content-length时的解析bug - 修改endpoint更新时可能导致的crash ## v2.4.7 2020.07.19 ### en - fix tars-tools.cmake, support ssl link order bug - tars2cpp delete routerkey support (for grid, not use now) - epoll server add onNewClient callback - fix tc_gzip memory leak - solve the default threads num problem ### cn - tars-tools.cmake, 修改ssl 连接顺序不对的问题 - tars2cpp去掉routerkey(给灰度使用, 目前版本都不再支持) - epoll server 增加onNewClient回调 - fix tc_gzip在某情况下的内存泄露 - 修改threads缺省参数值为0的bug ## v2.4.6 2020.07.09 ### en - fix http parse repsonse bug to support TarsGateway ### cn - 修改http解析响应包的bug ## v2.4.5 2020.07.07 ### en: - tars2node support JSON_VERSION. ### cn: - tars2node 工具支持JSON_VERSION 协议。 ## v2.4.4 2020.06.19 ### en: - add totalResponse for all protocol response; - modity tars2cpp for json protocol: gen json protocol default && gen async_response_xx json protocol; ### cn: - 增加 totalResponse,对tars所有协议(tars、tup、json)回包都支持; - 修改tars2cpp,默认都生成json协议支持,并修改了 async_response_xx 也支持json回包。 ## v2.4.3 2020.06.10 ### en: - tc_spin_lock support arm - fix tc_http security problem - fix tc_mysql table name with database name bug - tarscpp create tars protocol, default package optional field - fix tars2case 的bug ### cn: - tc_spin_lock 支持arm - tc_http解析安全问题 - tc_mysql 表名带db名称时 bug的问题 - tarscpp协议缺省值默认打包 - fix tars2case 的bug ## v2.4.2 2020.06.02 ### en: - Add English commet to some header file commet - tars2case support json format - fix tc_http bug, ignore last header line - fix tc_json null bug and add interface ### cn: - 部分头文件注释增加英文注释 - tars2case支持json格式 - 修复tc_http解析头, 漏掉最后一行的bug - 修复tc_json null的bug 以及修改tc_json的函数接口, 更易用 ## v2.4.1 2020.05.06 ### en: 1 fix windows tars proto, define long bug, change to long long 2 fix windows, longlong tars_ntohll bug 3 fix windows, tc_ex system message pointer may be null cause crash 4 fix windows tc_epoll_server when send pending add epoll mod ### cn: 1 修复windows 64位 tars协议中, long 定义的问题(为32位,改成long long) 2 修复windows 64位整形, 字节序转换的问题 3 修复windows tc_ex中系统消息指针为NULL的bug 4 修复windows windows tc_epoll_server when send pending add epoll mod ## v2.4.0 2020.04.24 ### en: - fix tars2json bug of array - TC_EpollServer::Connction add _authInit initialize - fix tarsnotify nodename bug - compiler & install framework/*.tars in tarscpp - fix tars-tools.cmake 'make tar' bug in linux - In epoll server, change tc_cas_queue to tc_thread_queue - tc_thread queue add front & pop_front - add tars to xml support , add tc_xml.h/cpp tool class - fix tc_json bug in float/double - tars2cpp add interface to get/set sql - TarsOutpuStream member change to public - add tars2case for benchmark ### cn: - 修复tars2json中 array的bug - TC_EpollServer::Connction 构造时,增加对_authInit变量初始化 - 修复tarsnotify nodename bug - compiler & install framework/*.tars in tarscpp - 修复tars-tools.cmake make tar在linux的bug - epoll server中tc_cas_queue改为 tc_thread_queue, tc_cas_queue在极端压力下可能会有问题, 原因待查 - tc_thread queue add front & pop_front - 增加tars to xml的支持, 增加tc_xml.h/cpp解析类 - 修复tc_json的float/double的bug - tars2cpp 工具增加将结构体转换成sql的接口 - TarsOutpuStream成员变量改成public, 便于外部访问 - 增加tars2case工具, 给benchmark工具使用 ## v2.3.0 2020.04.02 ### en: - modify cookies - To support short connection (HTTP), servantproxy adds connection serial mode - Support http1 client - The interface of http1 and http2 is unified (http2 is not compatible before, and there are bugs in the previous design) - Optimize HTTP performance - Modify the file name and some class names at the beginning of tars to facilitate code merging - Improve the logic of service IP list switching ### cn: - cookies修改实现方式 - 为支持短连接(http), ServantProxy增加连接串行模式 - rpc支持http1客户端 - 统一了http1 和 http2的接口(http2不在兼容之前的, 之前的设计上是有bug的) 优化http性能 - 修改Tars开头的文件名以及部分类名, 方便代码合并 - 改进服务ip list切换的逻辑 ## v2.2.0 2020.04.02 ## en - fix epoll bug in windows ## cn - 修复epoll在windows下的bug ## v2.1.2 2020.03.28 ### en: - Fix bugs in tar-tools.cmake's support for make release - cmake_tars_server.sh Permissions are automatically set to executable during installation - fix tc_common::strto bug in unsigned char - Download and compile curl automatically under windows to support the subsequent make upload - Repair the support of tars-tools.cmake for make upload under Windows ### cn: - 修复tars-tools.cmake对release支持的bug - cmake_tars_server.sh等安装时权限都自动设置为可执行 - tc_common::strto修复unsigned char的bug - windows下自动下载编译curl,为后续make upload提供支持 - 修复windows下tars-tools.cmake对make upload的支持 ## v2.1.1 2020.03.23 ### en: - update tars2node, support ts - tc_json add get - fix CMakeLists.txt in servant demo ### cn: - 更新tars2node, 完善对ts的支持 - tc_json增加一个api - 修改了脚本创建服务后, CMakeLists.txt模板, 默认管理ssl http2 ## v2.1.0 2020.03.14 ### en: - udp in ipv6 bug - add tars.resource - fix rsp queue - add max buffer limit, send queue, data accumulate clear - Adjust cmake third library path - tc_network_buffer add iterator - optimize tc_http tc_http_async, improve http parser performance - fix tars2node, support --with-tars - remove rapidjson depends ### cn: - 修改udp在ipv6下的bug - 服务框架增加tars.resource命令字, 可以查看服务内网络连接细节 - 修改响应队列上报的bug - 增加发送buffer过载保护 - 调整第三方库安装后的库路径 - tc_network_buffer增加iterator接口 - 优化tc_http tc_http tc_http_async性能, 提升http parser f- ix tars2node, support --with-tars ## v2.0.0 2020.03.03 - support linux mac windows - support ARM - Reduce memory copy and improve performance - Download compile dependencies automatically - fix epoll server dead cycle bug - Improve compilation mode and rely on MySQL client Lib - fix some bug