/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Tars available. * * Copyright (C) 2016THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "servant/CoroutineScheduler.h" #if TARGET_PLATFORM_LINUX || TARGET_PLATFORM_IOS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "util/tc_timeprovider.h" #include "servant/RemoteLogger.h" #include "servant/ServantHandle.h" namespace tars { #if TARGET_PLATFORM_WINDOWS // x86_64 // test x86_64 before i386 because icc might // define __i686__ for x86_64 too #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__x86_64) \ || defined(__amd64__) || defined(__amd64) \ || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_AMD64) // Windows seams not to provide a constant or function // telling the minimal stacksize # define MIN_STACKSIZE 8 * 1024 #else # define MIN_STACKSIZE 4 * 1024 #endif void system_info_( SYSTEM_INFO * si) { ::GetSystemInfo( si); } SYSTEM_INFO system_info() { static SYSTEM_INFO si; static std::once_flag flag; std::call_once( flag, static_cast< void(*)( SYSTEM_INFO *) >( system_info_), & si); return si; } std::size_t pagesize() { return static_cast< std::size_t >( system_info().dwPageSize); } // Windows seams not to provide a limit for the stacksize // libcoco uses 32k+4k bytes as minimum bool stack_traits::is_unbounded() { return true; } std::size_t stack_traits::page_size() { return pagesize(); } std::size_t stack_traits::default_size() { return 128 * 1024; } // because Windows seams not to provide a limit for minimum stacksize std::size_t stack_traits::minimum_size() { return MIN_STACKSIZE; } // because Windows seams not to provide a limit for maximum stacksize // maximum_size() can never be called (pre-condition ! is_unbounded() ) std::size_t stack_traits::maximum_size() { assert( ! is_unbounded() ); return 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 1GB } stack_context stack_traits::allocate(size_t size_) { // calculate how many pages are required const std::size_t pages(static_cast< std::size_t >( std::ceil( static_cast< float >( size_) / stack_traits::page_size() ) ) ); // add one page at bottom that will be used as guard-page const std::size_t size__ = ( pages + 1) * stack_traits::page_size(); void * vp = ::VirtualAlloc( 0, size__, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if ( ! vp) throw std::bad_alloc(); DWORD old_options; const BOOL result = ::VirtualProtect( vp, stack_traits::page_size(), PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_GUARD /*PAGE_NOACCESS*/, & old_options); assert( FALSE != result); stack_context sctx; sctx.size = size__; sctx.sp = static_cast< char * >( vp) + sctx.size; return sctx; } void stack_traits::deallocate( stack_context & sctx) { assert( sctx.sp); void * vp = static_cast< char * >( sctx.sp) - sctx.size; ::VirtualFree( vp, 0, MEM_RELEASE); } #else // 128kb recommended stack size // # define MINSIGSTKSZ (131072) void pagesize_( std::size_t * size) { // conform to POSIX.1-2001 * size = ::sysconf( _SC_PAGESIZE); } void stacksize_limit_( rlimit * limit) { // conforming to POSIX.1-2001 ::getrlimit( RLIMIT_STACK, limit); } std::size_t pagesize() { static std::size_t size = 0; static std::once_flag flag; std::call_once( flag, pagesize_, & size); return size; } rlimit stacksize_limit() { static rlimit limit; static std::once_flag flag; std::call_once( flag, stacksize_limit_, & limit); return limit; } bool stack_traits::is_unbounded() { return RLIM_INFINITY == stacksize_limit().rlim_max; } std::size_t stack_traits::page_size() { return pagesize(); } std::size_t stack_traits::default_size() { return 128 * 1024; } std::size_t stack_traits::minimum_size() { return MINSIGSTKSZ; } std::size_t stack_traits::maximum_size() { assert( ! is_unbounded() ); return static_cast< std::size_t >( stacksize_limit().rlim_max); } stack_context stack_traits::allocate(std::size_t size_) { // calculate how many pages are required const std::size_t pages(static_cast< std::size_t >( std::ceil( static_cast< float >( size_) / stack_traits::page_size() ) ) ); // add one page at bottom that will be used as guard-page const std::size_t size__ = ( pages + 1) * stack_traits::page_size(); // conform to POSIX.4 (POSIX.1b-1993, _POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L) #if defined(MAP_ANON) void * vp = ::mmap( 0, size__, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON, -1, 0); #else void * vp = ::mmap( 0, size__, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); #endif if ( MAP_FAILED == vp) throw std::bad_alloc(); // conforming to POSIX.1-2001 const int result( ::mprotect( vp, stack_traits::page_size(), PROT_NONE) ); assert( 0 == result); stack_context sctx; sctx.size = size__; sctx.sp = static_cast< char * >( vp) + sctx.size; return sctx; } void stack_traits::deallocate(stack_context & sctx) { assert( sctx.sp); void * vp = static_cast< char * >( sctx.sp) - sctx.size; // conform to POSIX.4 (POSIX.1b-1993, _POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L) ::munmap( vp, sctx.size); } #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CoroutineInfo::CoroutineInfo() : _prev(NULL) , _next(NULL) // , _main(true) , _scheduler(NULL) , _uid(0) , _eStatus(CORO_FREE) // , _ctx_to(NULL) { } CoroutineInfo::CoroutineInfo(CoroutineScheduler* scheduler) : _prev(NULL) , _next(NULL) // , _main(false) , _scheduler(scheduler) , _uid(0) , _eStatus(CORO_FREE) // , _ctx_to(NULL) { } CoroutineInfo::CoroutineInfo(CoroutineScheduler* scheduler, uint32_t iUid, stack_context stack_ctx) : _prev(NULL) , _next(NULL) // , _main(false) , _scheduler(scheduler) , _uid(iUid) , _eStatus(CORO_FREE) , _stack_ctx(stack_ctx) // , _ctx_to(NULL) { } CoroutineInfo::~CoroutineInfo() { } void CoroutineInfo::registerFunc(const std::function& callback) { _callback = callback; _init_func.coroFunc = CoroutineInfo::corotineProc; _init_func.args = this; // _ctx_to = make_fcontext(_stack_ctx.sp, _stack_ctx.size, CoroutineInfo::corotineEntry); // jump_fcontext(&_ctx_from, _ctx_to, (intptr_t)this, false); fcontext_t ctx = make_fcontext(_stack_ctx.sp, _stack_ctx.size, CoroutineInfo::corotineEntry); transfer_t tf = jump_fcontext(ctx, this); //实际的ctx this->setCtx(tf.fctx); } void CoroutineInfo::setStackContext(stack_context stack_ctx) { _stack_ctx = stack_ctx; } void CoroutineInfo::corotineEntry(transfer_t tf) { CoroutineInfo * coro = static_cast< CoroutineInfo * >(tf.data); Func func = coro->_init_func.coroFunc; void* args = coro->_init_func.args; // jump_fcontext(coro->_ctx_to, &(coro->_ctx_from), 0, false); transfer_t t = jump_fcontext(tf.fctx, NULL); coro->_scheduler->setMainCtx(t.fctx); try { func(args, t); } catch(std::exception &ex) { TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineInfo::corotineEntry exception:" << ex.what() << endl); } catch(...) { TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineInfo::corotineEntry unknown exception." << endl); } } void CoroutineInfo::corotineProc(void * args, transfer_t t) { CoroutineInfo *coro = (CoroutineInfo*)args; try { std::function cb = coro->_callback; cb(); } catch(std::exception &ex) { TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineInfo::corotineProc exception:" << ex.what() << endl); } catch(...) { TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineInfo::corotineProc unknown exception." << endl); } CoroutineScheduler* scheduler = coro->getScheduler(); scheduler->decUsedSize(); scheduler->moveToFreeList(coro); scheduler->switchCoro(&(scheduler->getMainCoroutine())); // scheduler->switchCoro(coro, &(scheduler->getMainCoroutine())); TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineInfo::corotineProc no come." << endl); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CoroutineScheduler::CoroutineScheduler() : _terminal(false) , _poolSize(1000) , _stackSize(128*1024) , _currentSize(0) , _usedSize(0) , _uniqId(0) , _handle(NULL) , _currentCoro(NULL) , _all_coro(NULL) { _all_coro = new CoroutineInfo*[_poolSize+1]; for(size_t i = 0; i <= _poolSize; ++i) { _all_coro[i] = NULL; } CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadInit(&_active); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadInit(&_avail); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadInit(&_inactive); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadInit(&_timeout); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadInit(&_free); } CoroutineScheduler::~CoroutineScheduler() {} void CoroutineScheduler::init(uint32_t iPoolSize, size_t iStackSize) { if(iPoolSize <= 0) { TLOGERROR("[TARS][[CoroutineScheduler::init iPoolSize <= 0." << endl); return ; } _terminal = false; _poolSize = iPoolSize; _stackSize = iStackSize; if(_poolSize <= 100) { _currentSize = _poolSize; } else { _currentSize = 100; } if(_all_coro != NULL) { delete [] _all_coro; _all_coro = new CoroutineInfo*[_poolSize+1]; for(size_t i = 0; i <= _poolSize; ++i) { _all_coro[i] = NULL; } } _usedSize = 0; _uniqId = 0; int iSucc = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < _currentSize; ++i) { CoroutineInfo *coro = new CoroutineInfo(this); // stack_context s_ctx; // int ret = _alloc.allocate(s_ctx, iStackSize); // if(ret != 0) // { // TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineScheduler::init iPoolSize:" << iPoolSize << "|iStackSize:" << iStackSize << "|i:" << i << endl); // delete coro; // coro = NULL; // break; // } stack_context s_ctx = stack_traits::allocate(iStackSize); coro->setStackContext(s_ctx); uint32_t iId = generateId(); coro->setUid(iId); coro->setStatus(CORO_FREE); //_free.push_front(coro); //_all.insert(make_pair(coro->getUid(), coro)); _all_coro[iId] = coro; CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_free); ++iSucc; } _currentSize = iSucc; _mainCoro.setUid(0); _mainCoro.setStatus(CORO_FREE); _currentCoro = &_mainCoro; TLOGDEBUG("[TARS][CoroutineScheduler::init iPoolSize:" << _poolSize << "|iCurrentSize:" << _currentSize << "|iStackSize:" << _stackSize << endl); } int CoroutineScheduler::increaseCoroPoolSize() { int iInc = ((_poolSize - _currentSize) > 100) ? 100 : (_poolSize - _currentSize); if(iInc <= 0) { TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineScheduler::increaseCoroPoolSize full iPoolSize:" << _poolSize << "|iCurrentSize:" << _currentSize << endl); return -1; } int iSucc = 0; for(int i = 0; i < iInc; ++i) { CoroutineInfo *coro = new CoroutineInfo(this); uint32_t iId = generateId(); coro->setUid(iId); coro->setStatus(CORO_FREE); // stack_context s_ctx; // int ret = _alloc.allocate(s_ctx, _stackSize); // if(ret != 0) // { // TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineScheduler::increaseCoroPoolSize iPoolSize:" << _poolSize << "|iStackSize:" << _stackSize << "|i:" << i << endl); // delete coro; // coro = NULL; // break; // } stack_context s_ctx = stack_traits::allocate(_stackSize); coro->setStackContext(s_ctx); _all_coro[iId] = coro; CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_free); ++iSucc; } if(iSucc == 0) { TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineScheduler::increaseCoroPoolSize cannot create iInc:" << iInc << "|iPoolSize:" << _poolSize << endl); return -1; } _currentSize += iSucc; return 0; } uint32_t CoroutineScheduler::createCoroutine(const std::function &callback) { if(_usedSize >= _currentSize || CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadEmpty(&_free)) { int iRet = increaseCoroPoolSize(); if(iRet != 0) return 0; } CoroutineInfo *coro = _free._next; assert(coro != NULL); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineDel(coro); _usedSize++; coro->setStatus(CORO_AVAIL); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_avail); coro->registerFunc(callback); return coro->getUid(); } void CoroutineScheduler::run() { while(!_terminal) { if(CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadEmpty(&_avail) && CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadEmpty(&_active)) { TC_ThreadLock::Lock lock(_monitor); if(_activeCoroQueue.size() <= 0) { _monitor.timedWait(1000); } } wakeupbytimeout(); wakeupbyself(); wakeup(); if(!CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadEmpty(&_active)) { int iLoop = 100; while(iLoop > 0 && !CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadEmpty(&_active)) { CoroutineInfo *coro = _active._next; assert(coro != NULL); // switchCoro(&_mainCoro, coro); switchCoro(coro); --iLoop; } } if(!CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadEmpty(&_avail)) { CoroutineInfo *coro = _avail._next; assert(coro != NULL); // switchCoro(&_mainCoro, coro); switchCoro(coro); } if(_usedSize == 0) break; } destroy(); } void CoroutineScheduler::tars_run() { if(!_terminal) { wakeupbytimeout(); wakeupbyself(); wakeup(); if(!CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadEmpty(&_active)) { int iLoop = 100; while(iLoop > 0 && !CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadEmpty(&_active)) { CoroutineInfo *coro = _active._next; assert(coro != NULL); // switchCoro(&_mainCoro, coro); switchCoro(coro); --iLoop; } } if(!CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadEmpty(&_avail)) { int iLoop = 100; while(iLoop > 0 && !CoroutineInfo::CoroutineHeadEmpty(&_avail)) { CoroutineInfo *coro = _avail._next; assert(coro != NULL); // switchCoro(&_mainCoro, coro); switchCoro(coro); --iLoop; } } } } void CoroutineScheduler::yield(bool bFlag) { if(bFlag) { putbyself(_currentCoro->getUid()); } moveToInactive(_currentCoro); // switchCoro(_currentCoro, &_mainCoro); switchCoro(&_mainCoro); } void CoroutineScheduler::sleep(int iSleepTime) { int64_t iNow = TNOWMS; int64_t iTimeout = iNow + (iSleepTime >= 0 ? iSleepTime : -iSleepTime); _timeoutCoroId.insert(make_pair(iTimeout, _currentCoro->getUid())); moveToTimeout(_currentCoro); // switchCoro(_currentCoro, &_mainCoro); switchCoro(&_mainCoro); } void CoroutineScheduler::putbyself(uint32_t iCoroId) { if(!_terminal) { _needActiveCoroId.push_back(iCoroId); } } void CoroutineScheduler::wakeupbyself() { if(!_terminal) { if(_needActiveCoroId.size() > 0) { list::iterator it = _needActiveCoroId.begin(); while(it != _needActiveCoroId.end()) { CoroutineInfo *coro = _all_coro[*it]; assert(coro != NULL); moveToAvail(coro); ++it; } _needActiveCoroId.clear(); } } } void CoroutineScheduler::put(uint32_t iCoroId) { if(!_terminal) { _activeCoroQueue.push_back(iCoroId); if(_handle) { _handle->notifyFilter(); } else { TC_ThreadLock::Lock lock(_monitor); _monitor.notifyAll(); } } } void CoroutineScheduler::wakeup() { if(!_terminal) { if(_activeCoroQueue.size() > 0) { TC_ThreadQueue >::queue_type coroIds; _activeCoroQueue.swap(coroIds); TC_ThreadQueue >::queue_type::iterator it = coroIds.begin(); TC_ThreadQueue >::queue_type::iterator itEnd = coroIds.end(); while(it != itEnd) { CoroutineInfo *coro = _all_coro[*it]; assert(coro != NULL); moveToActive(coro); ++it; } } } } void CoroutineScheduler::wakeupbytimeout() { if(!_terminal) { if(_timeoutCoroId.size() > 0) { int64_t iNow = TNOWMS; while(true) { multimap::iterator it = _timeoutCoroId.begin(); if(it == _timeoutCoroId.end() || it->first > iNow) break; CoroutineInfo *coro = _all_coro[it->second]; assert(coro != NULL); moveToActive(coro); _timeoutCoroId.erase(it); } } } } void CoroutineScheduler::terminate() { _terminal = true; if(_handle) { _handle->notifyFilter(); } else { TC_ThreadLock::Lock lock(_monitor); _monitor.notifyAll(); } } uint32_t CoroutineScheduler::generateId() { uint32_t i = ++_uniqId; if(i == 0) { i = ++_uniqId; } assert(i <= _poolSize); return i; } // void CoroutineScheduler::switchCoro(CoroutineInfo *from, CoroutineInfo *to) void CoroutineScheduler::switchCoro(CoroutineInfo *to) { _currentCoro = to; // jump_fcontext(from->getCtx(), to->getCtx(), 0, false); transfer_t t = jump_fcontext(to->getCtx(), NULL); to->setCtx(t.fctx); } void CoroutineScheduler::moveToActive(CoroutineInfo *coro, bool bFlag) { if(coro->getStatus() == CORO_INACTIVE) { CoroutineInfo::CoroutineDel(coro); coro->setStatus(CORO_ACTIVE); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_active); } else if(coro->getStatus() == CORO_TIMEOUT) { CoroutineInfo::CoroutineDel(coro); coro->setStatus(CORO_ACTIVE); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_active); } else { TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineScheduler::moveToActive ERROR|iCoroId:" << coro->getUid() << "|tyep:" << coro->getStatus() << endl); } } void CoroutineScheduler::moveToAvail(CoroutineInfo *coro) { if(coro->getStatus() == CORO_INACTIVE) { CoroutineInfo::CoroutineDel(coro); coro->setStatus(CORO_AVAIL); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_avail); } else { TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineScheduler::moveToAvail ERROR:|iCoroId:" << coro->getUid() << "|tyep:" << coro->getStatus() << endl); } } void CoroutineScheduler::moveToInactive(CoroutineInfo *coro) { if(coro->getStatus() == CORO_ACTIVE) { CoroutineInfo::CoroutineDel(coro); coro->setStatus(CORO_INACTIVE); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_inactive); } else if(coro->getStatus() == CORO_AVAIL) { CoroutineInfo::CoroutineDel(coro); coro->setStatus(CORO_INACTIVE); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_inactive); } else { TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineScheduler::moveToInactive ERROR|iCoroId:" << coro->getUid() << "|tyep:" << coro->getStatus() << endl); } } void CoroutineScheduler::moveToTimeout(CoroutineInfo *coro) { if(coro->getStatus() == CORO_ACTIVE) { CoroutineInfo::CoroutineDel(coro); coro->setStatus(CORO_TIMEOUT); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_timeout); } else if(coro->getStatus() == CORO_AVAIL) { CoroutineInfo::CoroutineDel(coro); coro->setStatus(CORO_TIMEOUT); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_timeout); } else { TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineScheduler::moveToTimeout ERROR|iCoroId:" << coro->getUid() << "|tyep:" << coro->getStatus() << endl); } } void CoroutineScheduler::moveToFreeList(CoroutineInfo *coro) { if(coro->getStatus() == CORO_ACTIVE) { CoroutineInfo::CoroutineDel(coro); coro->setStatus(CORO_FREE); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_free); } else if(coro->getStatus() == CORO_AVAIL) { CoroutineInfo::CoroutineDel(coro); coro->setStatus(CORO_FREE); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_free); } else if(coro->getStatus() == CORO_INACTIVE) { CoroutineInfo::CoroutineDel(coro); coro->setStatus(CORO_FREE); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_free); } else if(coro->getStatus() == CORO_TIMEOUT) { CoroutineInfo::CoroutineDel(coro); coro->setStatus(CORO_FREE); CoroutineInfo::CoroutineAddTail(coro, &_free); } else { TLOGERROR("[TARS][CoroutineScheduler::moveToFreeList ERROR: already free|iCoroId:" << coro->getUid() << "|tyep:" << coro->getStatus() << endl); } } void CoroutineScheduler::destroy() { if(_all_coro) { for(size_t i = 1; i <= _poolSize; i++) { if(_all_coro[i]) { stack_traits::deallocate(_all_coro[i]->getStackContext()); } } delete [] _all_coro; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Coroutine::Coroutine() : _coroSched(NULL) , _num(1) , _maxNum(128) , _stackSize(128*1024) { } Coroutine::~Coroutine() { if(isAlive()) { terminate(); getThreadControl().join(); } } void Coroutine::setCoroInfo(uint32_t iNum, uint32_t iMaxNum, size_t iStackSize) { _maxNum = (iMaxNum > 0 ? iMaxNum : 1); _num = (iNum > 0 ? (iNum <= _maxNum ? iNum : _maxNum) : 1); _stackSize = (iStackSize >= pagesize() ? iStackSize : pagesize()); } void Coroutine::run() { initialize(); handleCoro(); destroy(); } void Coroutine::terminate() { if(_coroSched) { _coroSched->terminate(); } } void Coroutine::handleCoro() { _coroSched = new CoroutineScheduler(); _coroSched->init(_maxNum, _stackSize); ServantProxyThreadData * pSptd = ServantProxyThreadData::getData(); assert(pSptd != NULL); pSptd->_sched = _coroSched; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < _num; ++i) { _coroSched->createCoroutine(std::bind(&Coroutine::coroEntry, this)); } _coroSched->run(); delete _coroSched; _coroSched = NULL; } void Coroutine::coroEntry(Coroutine *pCoro) { try { pCoro->handle(); } catch(exception &ex) { TLOGERROR("[TARS][[Coroutine::coroEntry exception:" << ex.what() << "]" << endl); } catch(...) { TLOGERROR("[TARS][[Coroutine::coroEntry unknown exception]" << endl); } } uint32_t Coroutine::createCoroutine(const std::function &coroFunc) { if(_coroSched) { return _coroSched->createCoroutine(coroFunc); } else { TLOGERROR("[TARS][[Coroutine::createCoroutine coro sched no init]" << endl); } return -1; } void Coroutine::yield() { if(_coroSched) { _coroSched->yield(); } else { throw CoroutineException("[TARS][[Coroutine::yield coro sched no init]"); } } void Coroutine::Sleep(int iSleepTime) { if(_coroSched) { _coroSched->sleep(iSleepTime); } else { throw CoroutineException("[TARS][[Coroutine::yield coro sched no init]"); } } }