/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Tars available. * * Copyright (C) 2016THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "servant/AdapterProxy.h" #include "servant/Communicator.h" #include "servant/CommunicatorEpoll.h" #include "servant/StatReport.h" #include "servant/RemoteLogger.h" #include "tup/tup.h" #include "servant/StatF.h" // #ifdef TARS_OPENTRACKING // #include "servant/text_map_carrier.h" // #endif namespace tars { std::atomic AdapterProxy::_idGen; AdapterProxy::AdapterProxy(ObjectProxy * pObjectProxy, const EndpointInfo &ep, Communicator* pCom) : _communicator(pCom) , _objectProxy(pObjectProxy) , _ep(ep) , _activeStateInReg(true) , _activeStatus(true) , _totalInvoke(0) , _timeoutInvoke(0) , _nextFinishInvokeTime(0) , _frequenceFailInvoke(0) , _frequenceFailTime(0) , _nextRetryTime(0) , _nextKeepAliveTime(0) //, _connTimeout(false) , _connExc(false) , _connExcCnt(0) , _timeoutLogFlag(true) , _noSendQueueLimit(100000) , _id((++_idGen)) { _timeoutQueue.reset(new TC_TimeoutQueueNew()); if(pObjectProxy->getCommunicatorEpoll()) { _noSendQueueLimit = pObjectProxy->getCommunicatorEpoll()->getNoSendQueueLimit(); } if(_communicator) { _timeoutLogFlag = _communicator->getTimeoutLogFlag(); } #if TARS_SSL if (ep.isSsl()) { _trans.reset(new TC_SSLTransceiver(pObjectProxy->getCommunicatorEpoll()->getEpoller(), ep.getEndpoint())); } else if (ep.isTcp()) { _trans.reset(new TC_TCPTransceiver(pObjectProxy->getCommunicatorEpoll()->getEpoller(), ep.getEndpoint())); } else { _trans.reset(new TC_UDPTransceiver(pObjectProxy->getCommunicatorEpoll()->getEpoller(), ep.getEndpoint())); } #else if (ep.isUdp()) { _trans.reset(new TC_UDPTransceiver(pObjectProxy->getCommunicatorEpoll()->getEpoller(), ep.getEndpoint())); } else { _trans.reset(new TC_TCPTransceiver(pObjectProxy->getCommunicatorEpoll()->getEpoller(), ep.getEndpoint())); } #endif _trans->initializeClient(std::bind(&AdapterProxy::onCreateCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1), std::bind(&AdapterProxy::onCloseCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3), std::bind(&AdapterProxy::onConnectCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1), std::bind(&AdapterProxy::onRequestCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1), std::bind(&AdapterProxy::onParserCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2), std::bind(&AdapterProxy::onOpensslCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1), std::bind(&AdapterProxy::onCompletePackage, this, std::placeholders::_1)); _trans->setClientAuthCallback(std::bind(&AdapterProxy::onSendAuthCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1), std::bind(&AdapterProxy::onVerifyAuthCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); // if (!_endpoint.isTcp()) // { // _checkTransInterval = 10; //udp端口10秒检查一次, 避免影响用户请求 // } //初始化stat的head信息 initStatHead(); } AdapterProxy::~AdapterProxy() { } shared_ptr AdapterProxy::onCreateCallback(TC_Transceiver* trans) { // LOG_CONSOLE_DEBUG << "fd:" << trans->fd() << ", " << trans << endl; _objectProxy->getCommunicatorEpoll()->addFd(this); trans->setConnTimeout(_objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_connect_timeout()); if(_objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->getProxyInfo()) { return TC_ProxyInfo::createProxyInfo(*_objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->getProxyInfo()); } return NULL; } std::shared_ptr AdapterProxy::onOpensslCallback(TC_Transceiver* trans) { // LOG_CONSOLE_DEBUG << "fd:" << trans->fd() << ", " << trans << endl; return _objectProxy->getCommunicatorEpoll()->getCommunicator()->newClientSSL(_objectProxy->name()); } void AdapterProxy::onCloseCallback(TC_Transceiver* trans, TC_Transceiver::CloseReason reason, const string &err) { if(_objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_get_push_callback()) { _objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_get_push_callback()->onClose(); } int second =_objectProxy->reconnect(); if(second > 0) { _objectProxy->getCommunicatorEpoll()->reConnect(TNOWMS + second * 1000, trans); TLOGERROR("[trans close:" << _objectProxy->name() << "," << trans->getConnectEndpoint().toString() << ", reconnect:" << second << "]" << endl); } } void AdapterProxy::onConnectCallback(TC_Transceiver* trans) { // LOG_CONSOLE_DEBUG << "fd:" << trans->fd() << ", " << trans << endl; addConnExc(false); if(_objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_get_push_callback()) { _objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_get_push_callback()->onConnect(trans->getConnectEndpoint()); } _objectProxy->onConnect(this); } void AdapterProxy::onRequestCallback(TC_Transceiver* trans) { // LOG_CONSOLE_DEBUG << "fd:" << trans->fd() << ", " << trans << endl; doInvoke(); } TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_TYPE AdapterProxy::onParserCallback(TC_NetWorkBuffer& buff, TC_Transceiver* trans) { // LOG_CONSOLE_DEBUG << "fd:" << trans->fd() << ", " << trans<< endl; try { shared_ptr rsp = std::make_shared(); TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_TYPE ret = _objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_get_protocol().responseFunc(buff, *rsp.get()); if(ret == TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_FULL || ret == TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_FULL_CLOSE) { finishInvoke(rsp); } return ret; } catch(exception &ex) { TLOG_ERROR(ex.what() << ", obj: " << _objectProxy->name() << ", desc:" << _trans->getConnectionString()<< endl); } return TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_ERR; } void AdapterProxy::onCompletePackage(TC_Transceiver* trans) { // LOG_CONSOLE_DEBUG << "fd:" << trans->fd() << ", " << trans << endl; if(_objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_connection_serial() > 0) { _objectProxy->prepareConnection(this); if(!_timeoutQueue->sendListEmpty()) { //并行连接模式, 继续发起连接, 建立连接后, 会自动doInvoke发包 if(_trans->hasConnected()) { doInvoke(); } else { checkActive(true); } } } } shared_ptr AdapterProxy::onSendAuthCallback(TC_Transceiver* trans) { // LOG_CONSOLE_DEBUG << "fd:" << trans->fd() << ", " << trans << endl; // 走框架的AK/SK认证 BasicAuthInfo info; info.sObjName = _objectProxy->name(); info.sAccessKey = _objectProxy->getCommunicatorEpoll()->getCommunicator()->getServantProperty(_objectProxy->name(), "accesskey"); info.sSecretKey = _objectProxy->getCommunicatorEpoll()->getCommunicator()->getServantProperty(_objectProxy->name(), "secretkey"); // std::string out = tars::defaultCreateAuthReq(info); const int kAuthType = 0x40; RequestPacket request; request.sFuncName = "InnerAuthServer"; request.sServantName = "authServant"; request.iVersion = TARSVERSION; request.iRequestId = 1; request.cPacketType = TARSNORMAL; request.iMessageType = kAuthType; request.sBuffer = tars::defaultCreateAuthReq(info);//.assign(out.begin(), out.end()); return _objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_get_protocol().requestFunc(request, trans); } TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_TYPE AdapterProxy::onVerifyAuthCallback(TC_NetWorkBuffer &buff, TC_Transceiver*trans) { shared_ptr rsp = std::make_shared(); TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_TYPE ret = _objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_get_protocol().responseFunc(buff, *rsp.get()); if(ret == TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_FULL) { // std::string ret(rsp->sBuffer.begin(), rsp->sBuffer.end()); if(TC_Port::strncasecmp(rsp->sBuffer.data(), "AUTH_SUCC", rsp->sBuffer.size()) == 0) { return TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_FULL; } return TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_ERR; } return ret; } void AdapterProxy::initStatHead() { vector vtSetInfo; if(!ClientConfig::SetDivision.empty() && StatReport::divison2SetInfo(ClientConfig::SetDivision, vtSetInfo)) { //主调(client)启用set _statHead.masterName = StatReport::trimAndLimitStr(ClientConfig::ModuleName + "." + vtSetInfo[0] + vtSetInfo[1] + vtSetInfo[2] + "@" + ClientConfig::TarsVersion, StatReport::MAX_MASTER_NAME_LEN); } else { _statHead.masterName = StatReport::trimAndLimitStr(ClientConfig::ModuleName + "@" + ClientConfig::TarsVersion, StatReport::MAX_MASTER_NAME_LEN); } string sSlaveSet = _ep.setDivision(); const string sSlaveName = getSlaveName(_objectProxy->name()); if (!sSlaveSet.empty() && StatReport::divison2SetInfo(sSlaveSet, vtSetInfo)) //被调启用set { _statHead.slaveSetName = vtSetInfo[0]; _statHead.slaveSetArea = vtSetInfo[1]; _statHead.slaveSetID = vtSetInfo[2]; _statHead.slaveName = StatReport::trimAndLimitStr(sSlaveName + "." + vtSetInfo[0] + vtSetInfo[1] + vtSetInfo[2], StatReport::MAX_MASTER_NAME_LEN); } else { _statHead.slaveName = StatReport::trimAndLimitStr(sSlaveName, StatReport::MAX_MASTER_NAME_LEN); } _statHead.slaveIp = StatReport::trimAndLimitStr(_ep.host(), StatReport::MAX_MASTER_IP_LEN); _statHead.slavePort = _ep.port(); _statHead.returnValue = 0; } string AdapterProxy::getSlaveName(const string& sSlaveName) { string::size_type pos = sSlaveName.find("."); if (pos != string::npos) { pos = sSlaveName.find(".", pos + 1); if (pos != string::npos) { return sSlaveName.substr(0, pos); } } return sSlaveName; } void AdapterProxy::onConnect() { _objectProxy->onConnect(this); } int AdapterProxy::invoke_connection_serial(ReqMessage * msg) { assert(msg->eType != ReqMessage::ONE_WAY); msg->sReqData = _objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_get_protocol().requestFunc(msg->request, _trans.get()); msg->request.iRequestId = _timeoutQueue->generateId(); if(!_requestMsg && _timeoutQueue->sendListEmpty()) { int ret = _trans->sendRequest(msg->sReqData); if(ret == TC_Transceiver::eRetOk || ret == TC_Transceiver::eRetFull) { TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::invoke_connection_serial push (send) obj: " << _objectProxy->name() << ", desc:" << _trans->getConnectionString() << ", id: " << msg->request.iRequestId << endl); _requestMsg = msg; bool bFlag = _timeoutQueue->push(msg, msg->request.iRequestId, msg->request.iTimeout + msg->iBeginTime); if (!bFlag) { TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::invoke_connection_serial fail1 : insert timeout queue fail,queue size:" << _timeoutQueue->size() << ",id: " << msg->request.iRequestId << "," << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << "]" << endl); _requestMsg = NULL; msg->eStatus = ReqMessage::REQ_EXC; finishInvoke(msg); } return 0; } else if(ret == TC_Transceiver::eRetError) { //发送出错了 _requestMsg = NULL; msg->eStatus = ReqMessage::REQ_EXC; finishInvoke(msg); return -1; } } //数据没有发送 TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::invoke_connection_serial push (no send) " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << ",id " << msg->request.iRequestId << ", " << _requestMsg << endl); //数据没有发送 bool bFlag = _timeoutQueue->push(msg, msg->request.iRequestId, msg->request.iTimeout + msg->iBeginTime, false); if (!bFlag) { TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::invoke_connection_serial fail2 : insert timeout queue fail,queue size:" << _timeoutQueue->size() << ", id: " << msg->request.iRequestId << ", " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << "]" << endl); msg->eStatus = ReqMessage::REQ_EXC; finishInvoke(msg); } return 0; } int AdapterProxy::invoke_connection_parallel(ReqMessage * msg) { msg->sReqData = _objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_get_protocol().requestFunc(msg->request, _trans.get()); //当前队列是空的, 且是连接复用模式, 交给连接发送数据 //连接连上 buffer不为空 发送数据成功 if (_timeoutQueue->sendListEmpty()) { int ret = _trans->sendRequest(msg->sReqData); if(ret == TC_Transceiver::eRetOk || ret == TC_Transceiver::eRetFull) { TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::invoke_connection_parallel push (send) obj: " << _objectProxy->name() << ", desc:" << _trans->getConnectionString() << ", id: " << msg->request.iRequestId << endl); //请求发送成功了 处理采样 //这个请求发送成功了。单向调用直接返回 if (msg->eType == ReqMessage::ONE_WAY) { // #ifdef TARS_OPENTRACKING // finishTrack(msg); // #endif delete msg; msg = NULL; return 0; } bool bFlag = _timeoutQueue->push(msg, msg->request.iRequestId, msg->request.iTimeout + msg->iBeginTime); if (!bFlag) { TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::invoke_connection_parallel fail1 : insert timeout queue fail,queue size:" << _timeoutQueue->size() << ",id: " << msg->request.iRequestId << "," << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << "]" << endl); msg->eStatus = ReqMessage::REQ_EXC; finishInvoke(msg); } return 0; } else if(ret == TC_Transceiver::eRetError) { TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::invoke_connection_parallel send request failed,queue size:" << _timeoutQueue->size() << ",id: " << msg->request.iRequestId << "," << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << "]" << endl); //发送出错了 msg->eStatus = ReqMessage::REQ_EXC; finishInvoke(msg); return -1; } } //没有发送数据 TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::invoke_connection_parallel push (no send) " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << ",id " << msg->request.iRequestId << endl); //之前还没有数据没发送 或者 请求发送失败了, 进队列 bool bFlag = _timeoutQueue->push(msg, msg->request.iRequestId, msg->request.iTimeout + msg->iBeginTime, false); if (!bFlag) { TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::invoke_connection_parallel fail2 : insert timeout queue fail,queue size:" << _timeoutQueue->size() << ", id: " << msg->request.iRequestId << ", " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << "]" << endl); msg->eStatus = ReqMessage::REQ_EXC; finishInvoke(msg); } return 0; } int AdapterProxy::invoke(ReqMessage * msg) { assert(_trans != NULL); TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::invoke " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << "]" << endl); //未发链表有长度限制 if (_timeoutQueue->getSendListSize() > _noSendQueueLimit) { TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::invoke fail,ReqInfoQueue.size(" << _timeoutQueue->getSendListSize() << ") > " << _noSendQueueLimit << "," << _objectProxy->name() << "," << _trans->getConnectionString() << "]" << endl); msg->eStatus = ReqMessage::REQ_EXC; msg->response->iRet = tars::TARSSENDREQUESTERR; finishInvoke(msg); return 0; } //生成requestid //tars调用 而且 不是单向调用 if (!msg->bFromRpc) { msg->request.iRequestId = _timeoutQueue->generateId(); } // #ifdef TARS_OPENTRACKING // startTrack(msg); // #endif if(_objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_connection_serial() > 0) { return invoke_connection_serial(msg); } else { return invoke_connection_parallel(msg); } } void AdapterProxy::doInvoke_serial() { if(_requestMsg != NULL || _timeoutQueue->sendListEmpty()) { //有请求 or 发送队列是空的, 当前请求不再发送 等epoll事件通知 在doRequest中发送 TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::doInvoke_serial not send obj:" << _objectProxy->name() << ",desc:" << _trans->getConnectionString() << ", send size:" << _timeoutQueue->getSendListSize() << ", " << _requestMsg << endl); return; } ReqMessage * msg = NULL; _timeoutQueue->getSend(msg); int iRet = _trans->sendRequest(msg->sReqData); if(iRet == TC_Transceiver::eRetError) { _requestMsg = NULL; _timeoutQueue->popSend(true); msg->response->iRet = TARSSENDREQUESTERR; TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::doInvoke_serial sendRequest failed, obj:" << _objectProxy->name() << ",desc:" << _trans->getConnectionString() << ",id:" << msg->request.iRequestId << ", ret:" << iRet << endl); finishInvoke(msg); } else if(iRet == TC_Transceiver::eRetOk || iRet == TC_Transceiver::eRetFull) { _requestMsg = msg; //从发送send 队列中清掉, 但是保留在定时队列中 _timeoutQueue->popSend(false); } } void AdapterProxy::doInvoke_parallel() { while(!_timeoutQueue->sendListEmpty()) { ReqMessage * msg = NULL; _timeoutQueue->getSend(msg); int iRet = _trans->sendRequest(msg->sReqData); //发送失败 or 没有发送 if (iRet == TC_Transceiver::eRetError) { TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::doInvoke_parallel sendRequest failed, obj:" << _objectProxy->name() << ",desc:" << _trans->getConnectionString() << ",id:" << msg->request.iRequestId << ", ret:" << iRet << endl); return; } if (iRet == TC_Transceiver::eRetNotSend) { TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::doInvoke_parallel sendRequest not send, obj:" << _objectProxy->name() << ",desc:" << _trans->getConnectionString() << ",id:" << msg->request.iRequestId << ", ret:" << iRet << endl); return; } //发送完成,要从队列里面清掉 _timeoutQueue->popSend(msg->eType == ReqMessage::ONE_WAY); if (msg->eType == ReqMessage::ONE_WAY) { delete msg; msg = NULL; } //发送buffer已经满了 要返回 if (iRet == TC_Transceiver::eRetFull) { return; } } } void AdapterProxy::doInvoke() { if(_objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_connection_serial() > 0) { doInvoke_serial(); } else { doInvoke_parallel(); } } void AdapterProxy::finishInvoke(bool bFail) { TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::finishInvoke(bool), " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << "," << bFail << "]" << endl); time_t now = TNOW; const CheckTimeoutInfo& info = _objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_check_timeout_info(); //处于异常状态 已经屏蔽 if (!_activeStatus) { if (!bFail) { //重试成功,恢复正常状态 _activeStatus = true; //连续失败次数清零 _frequenceFailInvoke = 0; _nextFinishInvokeTime = now + info.checkTimeoutInterval; _frequenceFailInvoke = 0; _totalInvoke = 1; _timeoutInvoke = 0; _trans->setIsConnTimeout(false); _connExc = false; TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::finishInvoke(bool), " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << ", retry ok]" << endl); } else { //结点已经屏蔽 过来失败的包不用处理 TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::finishInvoke(bool), " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << ", retry fail]" << endl); } return; } ++_totalInvoke; if (bFail) { //调用失败 //失败次数+1 ++_timeoutInvoke; //连续失败时间间隔重新计算 if (0 == _frequenceFailInvoke) { _frequenceFailTime = now + info.minFrequenceFailTime; } //连续失败次数加1 _frequenceFailInvoke++; //检查是否到了连续失败次数,且至少在5s以上 if (_frequenceFailInvoke >= info.frequenceFailInvoke && now >= _frequenceFailTime) { setInactive(); _activeStatus = false; resetRetryTime(); TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::finishInvoke(bool) objname:"<< _objectProxy->name() << ",desc:" << _trans->getConnectionString() << ",disable frequenceFail,freqtimeout:" << _frequenceFailInvoke << ",timeout:"<< _timeoutInvoke << ",total:" << _totalInvoke << endl); return ; } } else { _frequenceFailInvoke = 0; } //判断一段时间内的超时比例 if (now > _nextFinishInvokeTime) { _nextFinishInvokeTime = now + info.checkTimeoutInterval; if (bFail && _timeoutInvoke >= info.minTimeoutInvoke && _timeoutInvoke >= info.radio * _totalInvoke) { setInactive(); TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::finishInvoke(bool), " << _objectProxy->name() << "," << _trans->getConnectionString() << ",disable radioFail,freqtimeout:" << _frequenceFailInvoke << ",timeout:" << _timeoutInvoke << ",total:" << _totalInvoke << "] " << endl); } else { //每一分钟清空一次 _totalInvoke = 0; _timeoutInvoke = 0; } } } void AdapterProxy::resetRetryTime(bool next) { if(next) { _nextRetryTime = TNOW + _objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_check_timeout_info().tryTimeInterval; }else { _nextRetryTime = TNOW; } } bool AdapterProxy::checkActive(bool connecting) { time_t now = TNOW; TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::checkActive," << _objectProxy->name() << "," << _trans->getConnectionString() << "," << (_activeStatus ? "active" : "inactive") << (connecting ? ", connecting" : "") << ", freqtimeout:" << _frequenceFailInvoke << ", timeout:" << _timeoutInvoke << ", connExcCnt:" << _connExcCnt << ", total:" << _totalInvoke << "]" << endl); //失效且没有到下次重试时间, 直接返回不可用 if ((!_activeStatus) && (now < _nextRetryTime)) { TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::checkActive,not reach retry time ," << _objectProxy->name() << "," << _trans->getConnectionString() << endl); return false; } if (!_activeStatus) { resetRetryTime(); } //连接没有建立或者连接无效, 重新建立连接 if (!_trans->isValid()) { try { _trans->connect(); } catch (exception & ex) { _activeStatus = false; _trans->close(); TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::checkActive connect obj:" << _objectProxy->name() << ",desc:" << _trans->getConnectionString() << ", ex:" << ex.what() << endl); } } if(connecting && _activeStatus) { //hash模式, 且是第一次连接(_activeStatus=true, 即没有失败过), 返回已经连接或者正在连接的, 这样保证第一次hash不会错且连接挂过以后, 不会马上就使用, 直到连接成功才使用! return (_trans->hasConnected() || _trans->isConnecting()); } else { return _trans->hasConnected(); } } void AdapterProxy::onSetInactive() { _activeStatus = false; resetRetryTime(); //需要关闭连接 _trans->close(); } //屏蔽结点 void AdapterProxy::setInactive() { onSetInactive(); _objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->onSetInactive(_ep); TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::setInactive, " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << ", inactive]" << endl); } void AdapterProxy::finishInvoke_serial(shared_ptr & rsp) { TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::finishInvoke_serial, " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << ", id:" << rsp->iRequestId << "]" << endl); if (!_requestMsg) { if(_timeoutLogFlag) { TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::finishInvoke_serial," << _objectProxy->name() << ", get req-ptr NULL,may be timeout,id:" << rsp->iRequestId << ",desc:" << _trans->getConnectionString() << "]" << endl); } return; } ReqMessage * msg = _requestMsg; //这里的队列中的发送链表中的数据可能已经在timeout的时候删除了,因此可能会core,在erase中要加判断 //获取请求信息 bool retErase = _timeoutQueue->erase(_requestMsg->request.iRequestId, msg); assert(retErase); assert(_requestMsg == msg); assert(msg->eType != ReqMessage::ONE_WAY); assert(msg->eStatus == ReqMessage::REQ_REQ); _requestMsg = NULL; msg->eStatus = ReqMessage::REQ_RSP; msg->response = rsp; finishInvoke(msg); } void AdapterProxy::finishInvoke_parallel(shared_ptr & rsp) { TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::finishInvoke_parallel, " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << ", id:" << rsp->iRequestId << "]" << endl); ReqMessage * msg = NULL; if (rsp->iRequestId == 0) { //requestid 为0 是push消息, push callback is null if (!_objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_get_push_callback()) { TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::finishInvoke(BasePacket), request id is 0, pushcallback is null, " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << "]" << endl); throw TarsDecodeException("request id is 0, pushcallback is null, obj: " + _objectProxy->name() + ", desc: " + _trans->getConnectionString()); } msg = new ReqMessage(); msg->eStatus = ReqMessage::REQ_RSP; msg->eType = ReqMessage::ASYNC_CALL; msg->bFromRpc = true; msg->bPush = true; msg->proxy = _objectProxy->getServantProxy(); msg->pObjectProxy = _objectProxy; msg->adapter = this; msg->callback = _objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_get_push_callback(); } else { //这里的队列中的发送链表中的数据可能已经在timeout的时候删除了,因此可能会core,在erase中要加判断 //获取请求信息 bool retErase = _timeoutQueue->erase(rsp->iRequestId, msg); //找不到此id信息 if (!retErase) { if (_timeoutLogFlag) { TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::finishInvoke_parallel," << _objectProxy->name() << ",get req-ptr NULL,may be timeout,id:" << rsp->iRequestId << ",desc:" << _trans->getConnectionString() << "]" << endl); } return ; } assert(msg->eStatus == ReqMessage::REQ_REQ); msg->eStatus = ReqMessage::REQ_RSP; } msg->response = rsp; finishInvoke(msg); } void AdapterProxy::finishInvoke(shared_ptr & rsp) { if(_objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_connection_serial() > 0) { finishInvoke_serial(rsp); } else { finishInvoke_parallel(rsp); } } void AdapterProxy::finishInvoke(ReqMessage * msg) { // assert(msg->eStatus != ReqMessage::REQ_REQ); TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::finishInvokeMsg " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << " ,id:" << msg->response->iRequestId << "]" << endl); // #ifdef TARS_OPENTRACKING // finishTrack(msg); // #endif //单向调用 if (msg->eType == ReqMessage::ONE_WAY) { TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::finishInvokeMsg " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << " ,id:" << msg->response->iRequestId << " ,one way call]" << endl); delete msg; msg = NULL; return ; } //stat 上报调用统计 stat(msg); //超时屏蔽统计,异常不算超时统计 if (msg->eStatus != ReqMessage::REQ_EXC && !msg->bPush) { finishInvoke(msg->response->iRet != TARSSERVERSUCCESS); } //同步调用,唤醒ServantProxy线程 if (msg->eType == ReqMessage::SYNC_CALL) { if (!msg->sched) { assert(msg->pMonitor); msg->pMonitor->notify(); } else { msg->sched->put(msg->iCoroId); } return ; } //异步调用 if (msg->eType == ReqMessage::ASYNC_CALL) { if(!msg->sched) { if (msg->callback->getNetThreadProcess()) { //如果是本线程的回调,直接本线程处理 //比如获取endpoint ReqMessagePtr msgPtr = msg; try { msg->callback->dispatch(msgPtr); } catch (exception & e) { TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::finishInvoke(ReqMessage) exp:" << e.what() << " ,line:" << __LINE__ << "]" << endl); } catch (...) { TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::finishInvoke(ReqMessage) exp:unknown line:|" << __LINE__ << "]" << endl); } } else { //异步回调,放入回调处理线程中 _objectProxy->getCommunicatorEpoll()->pushAsyncThreadQueue(msg); } } else { CoroParallelBasePtr ptr = msg->callback->getCoroParallelBasePtr(); if (ptr) { ptr->insert(msg); if (ptr->checkAllReqReturn()) { msg->sched->put(msg->iCoroId); } } else { TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::finishInvoke(ReqMessage) coro parallel callback error,obj:" << _objectProxy->name() << ",endpoint:" << _trans->getConnectionString() << " ,id:" << msg->response->iRequestId << "]" << endl); delete msg; msg = NULL; } } return; } assert(false); return; } void AdapterProxy::doTimeout() { ReqMessage * msg; while (_timeoutQueue->timeout(msg)) { TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::doTimeout, " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << ", id:" << msg->request.iRequestId << ", status:" << msg->eStatus << "]" << endl); // assert(msg->eStatus == ReqMessage::REQ_REQ); if(msg == _requestMsg) { _requestMsg = NULL; //timeout, close _trans->close(); } msg->eStatus = ReqMessage::REQ_TIME; //有可能是单向调用超时了 if (msg->eType == ReqMessage::ONE_WAY) { delete msg; msg = NULL; continue; } //如果是异步调用超时 if (msg->eType == ReqMessage::ASYNC_CALL) { //_connExcCnt大于0说明是网络连接异常引起的超时 msg->response->iRet = (_connExcCnt > 0 ? TARSPROXYCONNECTERR : TARSASYNCCALLTIMEOUT); } finishInvoke(msg); } } void AdapterProxy::doKeepAlive() { if (!checkActive(false)) { return; } time_t now = TNOW; if (now < _nextKeepAliveTime) { return; } _nextKeepAliveTime = now + _communicator->getKeepAliveInterval(); TLOGTARS("[AdapterProxy::doKeepAlive, " << _objectProxy->name() << ", " << _trans->getConnectionString() << "]" << endl); ReqMessage *msg = new ReqMessage(); msg->init(ReqMessage::ONE_WAY, _objectProxy->getServantProxy()); msg->callback = NULL; msg->request.iVersion = TARSVERSION; msg->request.cPacketType = TARSONEWAY; msg->request.sFuncName = "tars_ping"; msg->request.sServantName = _objectProxy->name(); msg->request.iTimeout = ServantProxy::DEFAULT_ASYNCTIMEOUT; msg->proxy = _objectProxy->getServantProxy(); msg->response->iRet = TARSSERVERUNKNOWNERR; //调用发起时间 msg->iBeginTime = TNOWMS; msg->pObjectProxy = _objectProxy; invoke(msg); } // #ifdef TARS_OPENTRACKING // void AdapterProxy::startTrack(ReqMessage * msg) // { // if(!_communicator->_traceManager) // { // TLOGTARS("tracer info is null, just return" << endl); // return; // } // string functionName = msg->request.sFuncName; // std::unique_ptr span; // if(msg->trackInfoMap.empty()) //start a new track // { // //std::chrono::time_point t1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); // // _communicator->_traceManager->_tracer->StartSpan(functionName, {opentracing::StartTimestamp(t1)}); // span = _communicator->_traceManager->_tracer->StartSpan(functionName); // }else{ // TextMapCarrier carrier1(msg->trackInfoMap); // auto span_context_maybe = _communicator->_traceManager->_tracer->Extract(carrier1); // assert(span_context_maybe); // //std::chrono::time_point t1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); // //_communicator->_traceManager->_tracer->StartSpan(functionName, {opentracing::ChildOf(span_context_maybe->get()), opentracing::StartTimestamp(t1)}); // span = _communicator->_traceManager->_tracer->StartSpan(functionName, {opentracing::ChildOf(span_context_maybe->get())}); // } // //将调用链信息注入到request的status中 // std::unordered_map text_map; // TextMapCarrier carrier(text_map); // auto err = _communicator->_traceManager->_tracer->Inject(span->context(), carrier); // assert(err); // std::string contxt = read_span_context(text_map); // _spanMap[msg->request.iRequestId].reset(span.release()); // //_spanMap.insert(std::move(make_pair(msg->request.iRequestId, std::move(span)))); // msg->request.status[ServantProxy::STATUS_TRACK_KEY] = contxt; // SET_MSG_TYPE(msg->request.iMessageType, tars::TARSMESSAGETYPETRACK); // } // void AdapterProxy::finishTrack(ReqMessage * msg) // { // map>::iterator spanIter = _spanMap.find(msg->request.iRequestId); // //report span info to zipkin collector // if(spanIter != _spanMap.end()) // { // if(msg->eType == ReqMessage::ONE_WAY) // { // spanIter->second->SetTag("Retcode", 0); // } // else // { // spanIter->second->SetTag("Retcode",msg->response->iRet); // } // spanIter->second->Finish(); // _spanMap.erase(msg->response->iRequestId); // } // } // #endif void AdapterProxy::stat(ReqMessage * msg) { if (msg->bPush) { return ; } StatMicMsgBody body; // int64_t sptime = 0; msg->iEndTime = TNOWMS; //包体信息. if(msg->eStatus == ReqMessage::REQ_RSP && TARSSERVERSUCCESS == msg->response->iRet) { body.count = 1; int64_t sptime = (msg->iEndTime >= msg->iBeginTime) ? (msg->iEndTime - msg->iBeginTime) : 10000; body.totalRspTime = body.minRspTime = body.maxRspTime = sptime; } else if (msg->eStatus == ReqMessage::REQ_TIME) { body.timeoutCount = 1; } else { body.execCount = 1; } auto it = _statBody.find(msg->request.sFuncName); if (it != _statBody.end()) { merge(body, it->second); } else { _communicator->getStatReport()->getIntervCount(body.maxRspTime, body); _statBody[msg->request.sFuncName] = body; } } void AdapterProxy::merge(const StatMicMsgBody& inBody, StatMicMsgBody& outBody/*out*/) { outBody.count += inBody.count; outBody.timeoutCount += inBody.timeoutCount; outBody.execCount += inBody.execCount; outBody.totalRspTime += inBody.totalRspTime; if (outBody.maxRspTime < inBody.maxRspTime ) { outBody.maxRspTime = inBody.maxRspTime; } //非0最小值 if (outBody.minRspTime == 0 || (outBody.minRspTime > inBody.minRspTime && inBody.minRspTime != 0)) { outBody.minRspTime = inBody.minRspTime; } _communicator->getStatReport()->getIntervCount(inBody.maxRspTime, outBody); } void AdapterProxy::mergeStat(map & mStatMicMsg) { auto iter = _statBody.begin(); for (; iter != _statBody.end(); ++iter) { _statHead.interfaceName = iter->first; //有数据就放到map里面 if (iter->second.count != 0 || iter->second.timeoutCount != 0 || iter->second.execCount != 0) { //判断是否已经有相同的数据了,需要汇总 auto it = mStatMicMsg.find(_statHead); if (it != mStatMicMsg.end()) { merge(iter->second, it->second); } else { mStatMicMsg[_statHead] = iter->second; } } } //清空数据 _statBody.clear(); } void AdapterProxy::addConnExc(bool bExc) { if (bExc) { if(!_connExc && ++_connExcCnt >= _objectProxy->getRootServantProxy()->tars_check_timeout_info().maxConnectExc) { // TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::addConnExc ep: " << _trans->getConnectionString() << " connect exception! (connect error)]" << endl); setInactive(); _connExc = true; } } else { // if (_connExc) // { // TLOGERROR("[AdapterProxy::addConnExc ep: " << _trans->getConnectionString() << " connect exception change to succ]" << endl); // } _connExc = false; _connExcCnt = 0; if (!_activeStatus) { _activeStatus = true; } } } }