/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Tars available. * * Copyright (C) 2016THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "parse.h" #include "tars.tab.hpp" #include #include #include #include "util/tc_common.h" #include "util/tc_file.h" TarsParsePtr g_parse = new TarsParse(); void yyerror(char const *msg) { g_parse->error(msg); } TarsParse::TarsParse() { _bWithTars = false; _bUseCurrentPath = false; _itab = 0; _bUseCurrentPathFirst = false; initScanner(); } void TarsParse::setTars(bool bWithTars) { _bWithTars = bWithTars; } void TarsParse::setHeader(const string &sHeader) { _sHeader = sHeader; } void TarsParse::setCurrentPriority(bool bFlag) { _bUseCurrentPathFirst = bFlag; } string TarsParse::getHeader() { if(_sHeader.empty()) return _sHeader; return _sHeader + "/"; } void TarsParse::clear() { while(!_contexts.empty()) _contexts.pop(); while(!_contains.empty()) _contains.pop(); _vcontexts.clear(); _structs.clear(); _enums.clear(); _namespaces.clear(); } void TarsParse::parse(const string& sFileName) { if (_bUseCurrentPath) { std::string sTemp = sFileName; bool isExist = tars::TC_File::isFileExist(sFileName); if (!isExist) { sTemp = tars::TC_File::extractFileName(sFileName); } clear(); _contains.push(new Container("")); if(!(yyin = fopen(sTemp.c_str(), "r"))) { error("open file '" + sFileName + "(" + sTemp + ")" + "' error :" + string(strerror(errno))); } pushFile(sFileName); yyparse(); return ; } if (_bUseCurrentPathFirst) { std::string sTemp = tars::TC_File::extractFileName(sFileName); bool isExist = tars::TC_File::isFileExist(sTemp); if (!isExist) { sTemp = sFileName; } clear(); _contains.push(new Container("")); if(!(yyin = fopen(sTemp.c_str(), "r"))) { error("open file '" + sFileName + "(" + sTemp + ")" + "' error :" + string(strerror(errno))); } pushFile(sFileName); yyparse(); return ; } { clear(); _contains.push(new Container("")); if(!(yyin = fopen(sFileName.c_str(), "r"))) { error("open file '" + sFileName + "' error :" + string(strerror(errno))); } pushFile(sFileName); yyparse(); } } void TarsParse::pushFile(const string &file) { ContextPtr c = new Context(file); _contexts.push(c); _vcontexts.push_back(c); } ContextPtr TarsParse::popFile() { ContextPtr c = _contexts.top(); _contexts.pop(); return c; } bool TarsParse::getFilePath(const string &s, string &file) { if (_bUseCurrentPath) { if(s.length() < 2 || s[0] != '\"' || s[s.length()-1] != '\"') { error("#include need \"FILENAME\""); } file = s.substr(1, s.length() - 2); std::string sTemp = file; bool isExist = tars::TC_File::isFileExist(file); if (!isExist) { file = tars::TC_File::extractFileName(file); } for(size_t i = 0; i < _vcontexts.size(); i++) { if(_vcontexts[i]->getFileName() == file) { return false; } } return true; } if(_bUseCurrentPathFirst) { if(s.length() < 2 || s[0] != '\"' || s[s.length()-1] != '\"') { error("#include need \"FILENAME\""); } file = s.substr(1, s.length() - 2); std::string sTemp = tars::TC_File::extractFileName(file); bool isExist = tars::TC_File::isFileExist(sTemp); if (isExist) { file = sTemp; } for(size_t i = 0; i < _vcontexts.size(); i++) { if(_vcontexts[i]->getFileName() == file) { return false; } } return true; } if(s.length() < 2 || s[0] != '\"' || s[s.length()-1] != '\"') { error("#include need \"FILENAME\""); } file = s.substr(1, s.length() - 2); if (!tars::TC_File::isFileExist(file)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _vIncludePath.size(); i++) { if (tars::TC_File::isFileExist(_vIncludePath[i] + "/" + file)) { file = _vIncludePath[i] + "/" + file; break; } } } for(size_t i = 0; i < _vcontexts.size(); i++) { if(_vcontexts[i]->getFileName() == file) { return false; } } return true; } string TarsParse::getCurrFileName() { return _contexts.top()->getFileName(); } void TarsParse::nextLine() { _contexts.top()->nextLine(); } ContextPtr TarsParse::currentContextPtr() { return _contexts.top(); } void TarsParse::error(const string &msg) { cerr << _contexts.top()->getFileName() << ": " << _contexts.top()->getCurrLine() << ": error: " << msg << endl; exit(-1); } int TarsParse::checkKeyword(const string& s) { std::map::const_iterator it = _keywordMap.find(s); if(it != _keywordMap.end()) { return it->second; } if(!_bWithTars) { string sPrefix = "tars"; //不能以tars开头 if((s.length() >= sPrefix.length()) && (s.substr(0, sPrefix.length()) == sPrefix)) { error("identifier can't start with 'tars'"); } } return TARS_IDENTIFIER; } void TarsParse::initScanner() { _keywordMap["void"] = TARS_VOID; _keywordMap["struct"] = TARS_STRUCT; _keywordMap["bool"] = TARS_BOOL; _keywordMap["byte"] = TARS_BYTE; _keywordMap["short"] = TARS_SHORT; _keywordMap["int"] = TARS_INT; _keywordMap["double"] = TARS_DOUBLE; _keywordMap["float"] = TARS_FLOAT; _keywordMap["long"] = TARS_LONG; _keywordMap["string"] = TARS_STRING; _keywordMap["vector"] = TARS_VECTOR; _keywordMap["map"] = TARS_MAP; _keywordMap["key"] = TARS_KEY; _keywordMap["routekey"] = TARS_ROUTE_KEY; _keywordMap["module"] = TARS_NAMESPACE; _keywordMap["interface"]= TARS_INTERFACE; _keywordMap["out"] = TARS_OUT; _keywordMap["require"] = TARS_REQUIRE; _keywordMap["optional"] = TARS_OPTIONAL; _keywordMap["false"] = TARS_FALSE; _keywordMap["true"] = TARS_TRUE; _keywordMap["enum"] = TARS_ENUM; _keywordMap["const"] = TARS_CONST; _keywordMap["unsigned"] = TARS_UNSIGNED; } string TarsParse::getTab() { ostringstream s; for(int i = 0; i < _itab; i++) { s << " "; } return s.str(); } BuiltinPtr TarsParse::createBuiltin(Builtin::Kind kind,bool isUnsigned) { return new Builtin(kind,isUnsigned); } VectorPtr TarsParse::createVector(const TypePtr &ptr) { return new Vector(ptr); } MapPtr TarsParse::createMap(const TypePtr &pleft, const TypePtr &pright) { return new Map(pleft, pright); } void TarsParse::addNamespacePtr(const NamespacePtr &nPtr) { _namespaces.push_back(nPtr); } NamespacePtr TarsParse::findNamespace(const string &id) { for(size_t i = 0; i < _namespaces.size(); i++) { if(_namespaces[i]->getId() == id) { return _namespaces[i]; } } return NULL; } NamespacePtr TarsParse::currentNamespace() { return _namespaces.back(); } void TarsParse::addStructPtr(const StructPtr &sPtr) { _structs.push_back(sPtr); } void TarsParse::addEnumPtr(const EnumPtr &ePtr) { _enums.push_back(ePtr); } StructPtr TarsParse::findStruct(const string &sid) { string ssid = sid; //在当前namespace中查找 NamespacePtr np = currentNamespace(); if(ssid.find("::") == string::npos) { ssid = np->getId() + "::" + ssid; } for(size_t i = 0; i < _structs.size(); i++) { if(_structs[i]->getSid() == ssid) { return _structs[i]; } } return NULL; } EnumPtr TarsParse::findEnum(const string &sid) { string ssid = sid; //在当前namespace中查找 NamespacePtr np = currentNamespace(); if(ssid.find("::") == string::npos) { ssid = np->getId() + "::" + sid; } for(size_t i = 0; i < _enums.size(); i++) { if(_enums[i]->getSid() == ssid) { return _enums[i]; } } return NULL; } bool TarsParse::checkEnum(const string &idName) { for(size_t i = 0; i < _enums.size(); i++) { vector & list = _enums[i]->getAllMemberPtr(); for (size_t j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { if (list[j]->getId() == idName) { return true; } } } return false; } void TarsParse::checkConflict(const string &sid) { //是否和枚举重名 if(findEnum(sid)) { error("conflicts with enum '" + sid + "'"); } //是否和结构重名 if(findStruct(sid)) { error("conflicts with struct '" + sid + "'"); } } TypePtr TarsParse::findUserType(const string &sid) { StructPtr sPtr = findStruct(sid); if(sPtr) return sPtr; EnumPtr ePtr = findEnum(sid); if(ePtr) return ePtr; return NULL; } ContainerPtr TarsParse::currentContainer() { return _contains.top(); } void TarsParse::pushContainer(const ContainerPtr &c) { _contains.push(c); NamespacePtr np = NamespacePtr::dynamicCast(c); if(np) { addNamespacePtr(np); } } ContainerPtr TarsParse::popContainer() { ContainerPtr c = _contains.top(); _contains.pop(); return c; } void TarsParse::checkTag(int i) { if(i >= 256) { error("struct memeber tag can't beyond 256"); } if(i < 0) { error("struct memeber tag can't less then 0"); } } void TarsParse::checkSize(int i) { if(i >= 1024*1024) { error("struct memeber size can't beyond 1M"); } if(i < 1) { error("struct memeber size can't less than 1"); } } void TarsParse::checkArrayVaid(TypePtr &tPtr,int size) { checkSize(size); //只有string/vector可以为array类型 //vector不可以嵌套array类型 例如不允许vector:2; VectorPtr vPtr = VectorPtr::dynamicCast(tPtr); if(vPtr ) { if(vPtr->getTypePtr()->isArray()) { error("fixed array type can not be nested"); } return; } BuiltinPtr bPtr = BuiltinPtr::dynamicCast(tPtr); if(bPtr && bPtr->kind()== Builtin::KindString) { return; } error("only string or vector can use fix array"); } void TarsParse::checkPointerVaid(TypePtr &tPtr) { //必须为vector类型 VectorPtr vPtr = VectorPtr::dynamicCast(tPtr); if(vPtr) { BuiltinPtr bPtr = BuiltinPtr::dynamicCast(vPtr->getTypePtr()); if( bPtr && bPtr->kind()== Builtin::KindByte) return; } error("only 'byte *' can be pointer type"); } void TarsParse::checkConstValue(TypeIdPtr &tPtr, int c) { //只有内建类型才能有缺省值 BuiltinPtr bPtr = BuiltinPtr::dynamicCast(tPtr->getTypePtr()); EnumPtr ePtr = EnumPtr::dynamicCast(tPtr->getTypePtr()); if(!bPtr && !ePtr) { error("only base/enum type can have default value"); } if (ePtr) { if (c != ConstGrammar::VALUE && c != ConstGrammar::ENUM) { error("default value of enum only be int or enum_type"); } return ; } int b = bPtr->kind(); if(c == ConstGrammar::VALUE) { if(b == Builtin::KindBool) { error("default value of bool can only be true or false"); } if(b == Builtin::KindString) { error("default value of string can only be \"string\""); } } else if(c == ConstGrammar::BOOL) { if(b != Builtin::KindBool) { error("only bool type can be true or false"); } } else if(c == ConstGrammar::STRING) { if(b != Builtin::KindString) { error("only string type can be \"string\""); } } } string TarsParse::printHeaderRemark() { ostringstream s; s << "// **********************************************************************" << endl; s << "// This file was generated by a TARS parser!" << endl; s << "// TARS version " << TARS_VERSION << "." << endl; s << "// **********************************************************************" << endl; s << endl; return s.str(); } string TarsParse::getFileName(const string &fileName) { string tmpFileName = fileName; string::size_type pos = tmpFileName.rfind('/'); if(pos != string::npos) { tmpFileName = tmpFileName.substr(pos + 1); } else { pos = tmpFileName.rfind('\\'); if(pos != string::npos) { tmpFileName = tmpFileName.substr(pos + 1); } } return tars::TC_File::excludeFileExt(tmpFileName); } string TarsParse::replaceFileName(const string &fileName, const string &ext) { return tars::TC_File::excludeFileExt(getFileName(fileName)) + "." + ext; } string TarsParse::getAbsoluteFileName(const string &baseDir, const string &fileName) { return baseDir + FILE_SEP + fileName; }