/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Tars available. * * Copyright (C) 2016THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "code_generator.h" string CodeGenerator::generatePing(const NamespacePtr &nPtr, const InterfacePtr &pPtr) { ostringstream str; str << TAB << "var __" << nPtr->getId() << "_" << pPtr->getId() << "$" << TC_Common::lower(IDL_NAMESPACE_STR) << "_ping$RE = function (_ret) {" << endl; INC_TAB; str << TAB << "if (this.getRequestVersion() === " << PROTOCOL_SIMPLE << " || this.getRequestVersion() === " << PROTOCOL_COMPLEX << ") {" << endl; INC_TAB; str << TAB << "var " << PROTOCOL_VAR << " = new " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Stream.UniAttribute();" << endl; str << TAB << PROTOCOL_VAR << "." << PROTOCOL_VAR << "Version = this.getRequestVersion();" << endl; str << TAB << PROTOCOL_VAR << ".writeInt32(\"\", _ret);" << endl << endl; str << TAB << "this.doResponse(" << PROTOCOL_VAR << ".encode());" << endl; DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "} else {" << endl; INC_TAB; str << TAB << "var os = new " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Stream." << IDL_TYPE << "OutputStream();" << endl; str << TAB << "os.writeInt32(0, _ret);" << endl << endl; str << TAB << "this.doResponse(os.getBinBuffer());" << endl; DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "}" << endl; DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "};" << endl << endl; str << TAB << nPtr->getId() << "." << pPtr->getId() << "Imp.prototype.__" << TC_Common::lower(IDL_NAMESPACE_STR) << "_ping = function (current) {" << endl; INC_TAB; str << TAB << "__" << nPtr->getId() << "_" << pPtr->getId() << "$" << TC_Common::lower(IDL_NAMESPACE_STR) << "_ping$RE.call(current, 0);" << endl << endl; str << TAB << "return " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Error.SUCCESS;" << endl; DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "};" << endl; return str.str(); } string CodeGenerator::generateAsync(const NamespacePtr &nPtr, const InterfacePtr &pPtr, const OperationPtr &oPtr) { ostringstream str; string sParams = ""; if (oPtr->getReturnPtr()->getTypePtr()) { sParams += "_ret"; // push the symbol into dependent list getDataType(oPtr->getReturnPtr()->getTypePtr()); } vector & vParamDecl = oPtr->getAllParamDeclPtr(); for (size_t i = 0; i < vParamDecl.size(); i++) { if (!vParamDecl[i]->isOut()) continue; sParams += (sParams.empty()?"":", ") + vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId(); } str << TAB << "var __" << nPtr->getId() << "_" << pPtr->getId() << "$" << oPtr->getId() << "$RE = function (" << sParams << ") {" << endl; INC_TAB; if (sParams.empty()) { str << TAB << "this.doResponse(new " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Stream.BinBuffer());" << endl; DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "};" << endl; return str.str(); } str << TAB << "if (this.getRequestVersion() === " << PROTOCOL_SIMPLE << " || this.getRequestVersion() === " << PROTOCOL_COMPLEX << ") {" << endl; INC_TAB; str << TAB << "var " << PROTOCOL_VAR << " = new " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Stream.UniAttribute();" << endl; str << TAB << PROTOCOL_VAR << "." << PROTOCOL_VAR << "Version = this.getRequestVersion();" << endl; if (oPtr->getReturnPtr()->getTypePtr()) { str << TAB << PROTOCOL_VAR << "." << toFunctionName(oPtr->getReturnPtr(), "write") << "(\"\", _ret" << representArgument(oPtr->getReturnPtr()->getTypePtr()) << ");" << endl; } for (size_t i = 0; i < vParamDecl.size(); i++) { if (!vParamDecl[i]->isOut()) continue; str << TAB << PROTOCOL_VAR << "." << toFunctionName(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr(), "write") << "(\"" << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << "\", " << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << representArgument(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getTypePtr()) << ");" << endl; } str << endl; str << TAB << "this.doResponse(" << PROTOCOL_VAR << ".encode());" << endl; DEL_TAB; //// ========= 增加对 JSON_VERSION 支持 str << TAB << "} else if (this.getRequestVersion() === " << PROTOCOL_JSON << ") {" << endl; INC_TAB; str << TAB << "var _data_ = {};" << endl; if (oPtr->getReturnPtr()->getTypePtr()) { str << TAB << "_data_[\"tars_ret\"] = _ret;" << endl; } for (size_t i = 0; i < vParamDecl.size(); i++) { if (!vParamDecl[i]->isOut()) continue; str << TAB << "_data_[\"" << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << "\"] = " << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << ".toObject ? " << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << ".toObject() : " << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << ";" << endl; } str << endl; str << TAB << " this.doResponse(new TarsStream.BinBuffer(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(_data_))));" << endl; DEL_TAB; //// ========= str << TAB << "} else {" << endl; INC_TAB; str << TAB << "var os = new " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Stream." << IDL_TYPE << "OutputStream();" << endl; if (oPtr->getReturnPtr()->getTypePtr()) { str << TAB << "os." << toFunctionName(oPtr->getReturnPtr(), "write") << "(0, _ret" << representArgument(oPtr->getReturnPtr()->getTypePtr()) << ");" << endl; } for (size_t i = 0; i < vParamDecl.size(); i++) { if (!vParamDecl[i]->isOut()) continue; str << TAB << "os." << toFunctionName(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr(), "write") << "(" << (i + 1) << ", " << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << representArgument(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getTypePtr()) << ");" << endl; } str << endl; str << TAB << "this.doResponse(os.getBinBuffer());" << endl; DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "}" << endl; DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "};" << endl; return str.str(); } string CodeGenerator::generateDispatch(const NamespacePtr &nPtr, const InterfacePtr &pPtr, const OperationPtr &oPtr) { ostringstream str; vector & vParamDecl = oPtr->getAllParamDeclPtr(); str << TAB << nPtr->getId() << "." << pPtr->getId() << "Imp.prototype.__" << oPtr->getId() << " = function (current" << (vParamDecl.size() != 0 ? ", binBuffer" : "") << ") {" << endl; INC_TAB; ostringstream dstr; for (size_t i = 0; i < vParamDecl.size(); i++) { dstr << TAB << "var " << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << " = null;" << endl; } if (vParamDecl.size() != 0) { dstr << endl; } dstr << TAB << "if (current.getRequestVersion() === " << PROTOCOL_SIMPLE << " || current.getRequestVersion() === " << PROTOCOL_COMPLEX << ") {" << endl; INC_TAB; dstr << TAB << "var " << PROTOCOL_VAR << " = new " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Stream.UniAttribute();" << endl; dstr << TAB << PROTOCOL_VAR << "." << PROTOCOL_VAR << "Version = current.getRequestVersion();" << endl; dstr << TAB << PROTOCOL_VAR << ".decode(binBuffer);" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < vParamDecl.size(); i++) { dstr << TAB << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << " = " << PROTOCOL_VAR << "." << toFunctionName(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr(), "read") << "(\"" << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << "\""; if (!isSimple(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getTypePtr()) && !isBinBuffer(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getTypePtr())) { dstr << ", " << getDataType(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getTypePtr()); } if (vParamDecl[i]->isOut()) { dstr << ", " << getDefault(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr(), "", nPtr->getId(), true) << representArgument(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getTypePtr()); } dstr << ");" << endl; } DEL_TAB; //// ========= 增加对 JSON_VERSION 支持 dstr << TAB << "} else if (current.getRequestVersion() === " << PROTOCOL_JSON << ") {" << endl; INC_TAB; dstr << TAB << "var _data_ = JSON.parse(binBuffer.toNodeBuffer());" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < vParamDecl.size(); i++) { if (vParamDecl[i]->isOut()) { dstr << TAB << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << " = _data_." << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << " || " << getDefault(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr(), "", nPtr->getId(), true) << ";" << endl; } else { dstr << TAB << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << " = _data_." << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << ";" << endl; } } DEL_TAB; //// ========= dstr << TAB << "} else {" << endl; INC_TAB; dstr << TAB << "var is = new " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Stream." << IDL_TYPE << "InputStream(binBuffer);" << endl; string sParams = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < vParamDecl.size(); i++) { sParams += ", " + vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId(); dstr << TAB << vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << " = is." << toFunctionName(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr(), "read") << "(" << (i + 1) << ", " << (vParamDecl[i]->isOut() ? "false" : "true") << ", "; if (isSimple(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getTypePtr())) { dstr << getDefault(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr(), vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->def(), nPtr->getId()) << representArgument(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getTypePtr()); } else { dstr << getDataType(vParamDecl[i]->getTypeIdPtr()->getTypePtr()); } dstr << ");" << endl; } DEL_TAB; dstr << TAB << "}" << endl << endl; if (!sParams.empty()) { str << dstr.str(); } str << TAB << "current.sendResponse = __" << nPtr->getId() << "_" << pPtr->getId() << "$" << oPtr->getId() << "$RE;" << endl << endl; str << TAB << "this." << oPtr->getId() << "(current" << sParams << ");" << endl << endl; str << TAB << "return " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Error.SUCCESS;" << endl; DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "};" << endl; return str.str(); } string CodeGenerator::generateJSServer(const NamespacePtr &nPtr, const InterfacePtr &pPtr, const OperationPtr &oPtr) { ostringstream str; str << TAB << nPtr->getId() << "." << pPtr->getId() << "Imp.prototype." << oPtr->getId() << " = function () {" << endl; INC_TAB; str << TAB << "assert.fail(\"" << oPtr->getId() << " function not implemented\");" << endl; DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "};" << endl; return str.str(); } string CodeGenerator::generateJSServer(const InterfacePtr &pPtr, const NamespacePtr &nPtr) { ostringstream str; vector & vOperation = pPtr->getAllOperationPtr(); // generate the implementation class str << TAB << nPtr->getId() << "." << pPtr->getId() << "Imp = function () { " << endl; INC_TAB; str << TAB << "this._name = undefined;" << endl; str << TAB << "this._worker = undefined;" << endl; DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "};" << endl << endl; // generate the initialize function str << TAB << nPtr->getId() << "." << pPtr->getId() << "Imp.prototype.initialize = function () {};" << endl << endl; // generate the dispatch function str << TAB << nPtr->getId() << "." << pPtr->getId() << "Imp.prototype.onDispatch = function (current, funcName, binBuffer) { " << endl; INC_TAB; str << TAB << "if (\"__\" + funcName in this) {" << endl; INC_TAB; str << TAB << "return this[\"__\" + funcName](current, binBuffer);" << endl; DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "} else {" << endl; INC_TAB; str << TAB << "return " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Error.SERVER.FUNC_NOT_FOUND;" << endl; DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "}" << endl; DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "};" << endl << endl; // generate the ping function str << generatePing(nPtr, pPtr) << endl; // generate functions for (size_t i = 0; i < vOperation.size(); i++) { str << generateJSServer(nPtr, pPtr, vOperation[i]) << endl; str << generateAsync(nPtr, pPtr, vOperation[i]) << endl; str << generateDispatch(nPtr, pPtr, vOperation[i]) << endl; } str << endl; return str.str(); } string CodeGenerator::generateJSServer(const NamespacePtr &pPtr, bool &bNeedStream, bool &bNeedRpc, bool &bNeedAssert) { ostringstream str; vector & is = pPtr->getAllInterfacePtr(); for (size_t i = 0; i < is.size(); i++) { str << generateJSServer(is[i], pPtr) << endl; } if (is.size() != 0) { bNeedRpc = true; bNeedStream = true; bNeedAssert = true; } return str.str(); } bool CodeGenerator::generateJSServer(const ContextPtr &pPtr) { vector namespaces = pPtr->getNamespaces(); ostringstream istr; set setNamespace; for(size_t i = 0; i < namespaces.size(); i++) { if (setNamespace.count(namespaces[i]->getId()) == 0) { istr << TAB << "var " << namespaces[i]->getId() << " = " << namespaces[i]->getId() << " || {};" << endl; istr << TAB << "module.exports." << namespaces[i]->getId() << " = " << namespaces[i]->getId() << ";" << endl << endl; setNamespace.insert(namespaces[i]->getId()); } } // generate server classes with encoders and decoders ostringstream estr; bool bNeedAssert = false; bool bNeedStream = false; bool bQuickFunc = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < namespaces.size(); i++) { estr << generateJS(namespaces[i], bNeedStream, bNeedAssert, bQuickFunc); } bool bNeedRpc = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < namespaces.size(); i++) { estr << generateJSServer(namespaces[i], bNeedStream, bNeedRpc, bNeedAssert) << endl; } if (estr.str().empty()) { return false; } // generate module imports ostringstream ostr; if (bNeedAssert) { ostr << TAB << "var assert = require(\"assert\");" << endl; } if (bNeedStream) { ostr << TAB << "var " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Stream = require(\"" << _sStreamPath << "\");" << endl; } if (bNeedRpc) { ostr << TAB << "var " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Error = require(\"" << _sRpcPath << "\").error;" << endl; } for (map::iterator it = _mapFiles.begin(); it != _mapFiles.end(); it++) { if (it->second.sModule.empty()) continue; if (estr.str().find(it->second.sModule + ".") == string::npos) continue; ostr << TAB << "var " << it->second.sModule << " = require(\"" << it->second.sFile << "\");" << endl; } if (bQuickFunc) { ostr << endl; ostr << TAB << "var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;" << endl; } ostringstream str; str << printHeaderRemark("Server"); str << DISABLE_ESLINT << endl; str << endl; str << "\"use strict\";" << endl << endl; str << ostr.str() << endl; str << istr.str(); str << estr.str() << endl; string sFileName = TC_File::excludeFileExt(_sToPath + TC_File::extractFileName(pPtr->getFileName())) + ".js"; TC_File::makeDirRecursive(_sToPath); makeUTF8File(sFileName, str.str()); return true; }