/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Tars available. * * Copyright (C) 2016THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "code_generator.h" string CodeGenerator::generateDTSProxy(const InterfacePtr &pPtr) { vector &vOperation = pPtr->getAllOperationPtr(); ostringstream str; //class INC_TAB; str << TAB << "class " << pPtr->getId() << "Proxy {" << endl; INC_TAB; str << TAB << "setTimeout(iTimeout: number): void;" << endl; str << TAB << "getTimeout(): number;" << endl; str << TAB << "setVersion(iVersion: number): void;" << endl; str << TAB << "getVersion(): number;" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < vOperation.size(); i++) { OperationPtr &oPtr = vOperation[i]; string funcReturnGeneric = "<"; if (oPtr->getReturnPtr()->getTypePtr()) { funcReturnGeneric += getTsType(oPtr->getReturnPtr()->getTypePtr()) + ", "; } else { funcReturnGeneric += "undefined, "; } str << TAB << oPtr->getId() << "("; string argType = ""; vector &vParamDecl = oPtr->getAllParamDeclPtr(); for (size_t j = 0; j < vParamDecl.size(); j++) { if(vParamDecl[j]->isOut()) { argType += (argType.empty() ? "" : ", ") + vParamDecl[j]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() + ": " + getTsType(vParamDecl[j]->getTypeIdPtr()->getTypePtr()); continue; } str << vParamDecl[j]->getTypeIdPtr()->getId() << ": " << getTsType(vParamDecl[j]->getTypeIdPtr()->getTypePtr()); str << ", "; } if (!argType.empty()) { funcReturnGeneric += "{ " + argType + " }>"; } else { funcReturnGeneric += "undefined>"; } str << "tars_options?: " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Rpc.InvokeProperty): Promise<" << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Rpc.ProxyResponse" << funcReturnGeneric << ">;" << endl; str << TAB << "static " << oPtr->getId() << ": " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Rpc.SharedFunctionInfo" << ";" << endl; } DEL_TAB; str << TAB << "}" << endl; DEL_TAB; return str.str(); } string CodeGenerator::generateDTSProxy(const NamespacePtr &nPtr, bool &bNeedStream, bool &bNeedRpc) { ostringstream str; vector &is = nPtr->getAllInterfacePtr(); if (is.size() > 0) { bNeedStream = true; bNeedRpc = true; } for (size_t i = 0; i < is.size(); i++) { str << generateDTSProxy(is[i]) << endl; } return str.str(); } void CodeGenerator::generateDTSProxy(const ContextPtr &cPtr) { vector namespaces = cPtr->getNamespaces(); // generate proxy classes with encoders and decoders ostringstream estr; bool bNeedStream = false; bool bNeedRpc = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < namespaces.size(); i++) { ostringstream kstr; kstr << generateDTS(namespaces[i], bNeedStream); kstr << generateDTSProxy(namespaces[i], bNeedStream, bNeedRpc); estr << generateDTS(namespaces[i], kstr.str()); } if (estr.str().empty()) { return; } // generate module imports ostringstream ostr; for (map::iterator it = _mapFiles.begin(); it != _mapFiles.end(); it++) { if (it->second.sModule.empty()) continue; if (estr.str().find(it->second.sModule + ".") == string::npos) continue; ostr << "import * as " << it->second.sModule << " from \"" << TC_File::excludeFileExt(it->second.sFile) << "\";" << endl; } // concat generated code ostringstream sstr; sstr << printHeaderRemark("Client"); sstr << DISABLE_TSLINT << endl; sstr << DISABLE_ESLINT << endl; sstr << endl; if (bNeedStream) { sstr << "import * as " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Stream from \"" << _sStreamPath << "\";" << endl; } if (bNeedRpc) { sstr << "import * as " << IDL_NAMESPACE_STR << "Rpc from \"" << _sRpcPath << "\";" << endl; } sstr << ostr.str() << endl; sstr << estr.str() << endl; string sFileName = TC_File::excludeFileExt(_sToPath + TC_File::extractFileName(cPtr->getFileName())) + "Proxy.d.ts"; TC_File::makeDirRecursive(_sToPath); makeUTF8File(sFileName, sstr.str()); }