require(['gitbook', 'jQuery'], function(gitbook, $) { var TOGGLE_CLASSNAME = 'expanded', CHAPTER = '.chapter', ARTICLES = '.articles', TRIGGER_TEMPLATE = '', LS_NAMESPACE = 'expChapters'; var init = function () { // adding the trigger element to each ARTICLES parent and binding the event var chapterLink = $(ARTICLES).parent(CHAPTER).children('a'); chapterLink.append($(TRIGGER_TEMPLATE)); chapterLink.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); //e.stopPropagation(); toggle($(; }); expand(lsItem()); //expand current selected chapter with it's parents collapse($(CHAPTER)); var activeChapter = $(CHAPTER + '.active'); expand(activeChapter); expand(activeChapter.parents(CHAPTER)); } //on page.change will happend the function. var toggle = function ($chapter) { if ($chapter.hasClass('expanded')) { collapse($chapter); } else { expand($chapter); //$chapter.addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); } } var collapse = function ($chapter) { if ($chapter.length && $chapter.hasClass(TOGGLE_CLASSNAME)) { $chapter.removeClass(TOGGLE_CLASSNAME); lsItem($chapter); } } var expand = function ($chapter) { if ($chapter.length && !$chapter.hasClass(TOGGLE_CLASSNAME)) { $chapter.addClass(TOGGLE_CLASSNAME); lsItem($chapter); } } var lsItem = function () { var map = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(LS_NAMESPACE)) || {} if (arguments.length) { var $chapters = arguments[0]; $chapters.each(function (index, element) { var level = $(this).data('level'); var value = $(this).hasClass(TOGGLE_CLASSNAME); map[level] = value; }) localStorage.setItem(LS_NAMESPACE, JSON.stringify(map)); } else { return $(CHAPTER).map(function(index, element){ if (map[$(this).data('level')]) { return this; } }) } }'page.change', function() { init() }); });