Browse Source

add MatchQueryProcess

shzhulin3 3 years ago

+ 2 - 1

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY(. main)
 AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY(./index_sync index_sync)
 AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY(./utils utils)
 AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY(./query query)
+AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY(./process process)
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../3rdlib/jsoncpp/lib
-ADD_EXECUTABLE(index_read ${main} ${index_sync} ${utils} ${query})
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(index_read ${main} ${index_sync} ${utils} ${query} ${process})
 target_include_directories(index_read  PUBLIC

+ 4 - 0

@@ -749,6 +749,10 @@ bool Component::TerminalTagValid(){
 	return m_terminal_tag_valid;
+Json::Value& Component::GetQuery(){
+	return m_query;
 void Component::GetKeyFromFieldInfo(const vector<FieldInfo>& field_info_vec, vector<string>& key_vec){
 	vector<FieldInfo>::const_iterator iter = field_info_vec.begin();
 	for(; iter != field_info_vec.end(); iter++){

+ 1 - 1

@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ public:
 	vector<string>& Fields();
 	uint32_t TerminalTag();
 	bool TerminalTagValid();
+	Json::Value& GetQuery();
 	void GetFieldWords(int type, string dataStr, uint32_t appid, uint32_t &m_has_gis);
 	void AddToFieldList(int type, vector<FieldInfo>& fields);
 	void GetKeyFromFieldInfo(const vector<FieldInfo>& field_info_vec, vector<string>& key_vec);

+ 4 - 1

@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
  * =====================================================================================
+#ifndef LOGICAL_OP_H
+#define LOGICAL_OP_H
 #include "component.h"
 #include <map>
 #include <set>
@@ -35,7 +38,6 @@ public:
 	void SetFunc(logical_func func);
 	int ProcessTerminal(const vector<vector<FieldInfo> >& and_keys, const TerminalQryCond& query_cond, vector<TerminalRes>& vecs);
 	void CalculateByWord(FieldInfo fieldInfo, const vector<IndexInfo> &doc_info, map<string, vec> &ves, map<string, uint32_t> &key_in_doc);
 	void SetDocIndexCache(const vector<IndexInfo> &doc_info, string& indexJsonStr);
 	bool GetDocIndexCache(string word, uint32_t field, vector<IndexInfo> &doc_info);
@@ -49,3 +51,4 @@ private:
 	logical_func m_func;

+ 329 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+#include "match_query_process.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "../order_op.h"
+#define DOC_CNT 10000
+MatchQueryProcess::MatchQueryProcess(uint32_t appid, Json::Value& value, Component* component)
+:QueryProcess(appid, value, component){
+    appid_ = component_->Appid();
+    sort_type_ = component_->SortType();
+    sort_field_ = component_->SortField();
+    has_gis_ = false;
+int MatchQueryProcess::ParseContent(){
+    return ParseContent(ORKEY);
+int MatchQueryProcess::ParseContent(uint32_t type){
+    vector<FieldInfo> fieldInfos;
+    Json::Value::Members member = value_.getMemberNames();
+    Json::Value::Members::iterator iter = member.begin();
+    string fieldname;
+    Json::Value field_value;
+    if(iter != member.end()){ // 一个match下只对应一个字段
+        fieldname = *iter;
+        field_value = value_[fieldname];
+    } else {
+        log_error("MatchQueryProcess error, value is null");
+        return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
+    }
+    uint32_t segment_tag = 0;
+    FieldInfo fieldInfo;
+    uint32_t field = DBManager::Instance()->GetWordField(segment_tag, appid_, fieldname, fieldInfo);
+    if (field != 0 && segment_tag == 1)
+    {
+        string split_data = SplitManager::Instance()->split(field_value.asString(), appid_);
+        log_debug("split_data: %s", split_data.c_str());
+        vector<string> split_datas = splitEx(split_data, "|");
+        for(size_t index = 0; index < split_datas.size(); index++)
+        {
+            FieldInfo info;
+            info.field = fieldInfo.field;
+            info.field_type = fieldInfo.field_type;
+            info.word = split_datas[index];
+            info.segment_tag = fieldInfo.segment_tag;
+            fieldInfos.push_back(info);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (field != 0)
+    {
+        fieldInfo.word = field_value.asString();
+        fieldInfos.push_back(fieldInfo);
+    }
+    component_->AddToFieldList(type, fieldInfos);
+    return 0;
+int MatchQueryProcess::GetValidDoc(){
+    doc_manager_ = new DocManager(component_);
+    logical_operate_ = new LogicalOperate(appid_, sort_type_, has_gis_, component_->CacheSwitch());
+    for (size_t index = 0; index < component_->Keys().size(); index++)
+	{
+		vector<IndexInfo> doc_id_vec;
+		vector<FieldInfo> fieldInfos = component_->Keys()[index];
+		vector<FieldInfo>::iterator it;
+		for (it = fieldInfos.begin(); it != fieldInfos.end(); it++) {
+			vector<IndexInfo> doc_info;
+			if ((*it).segment_tag == 3) {
+				int ret = GetDocByShiftWord(*it, doc_info, appid_, highlightWord_);
+				if (ret != 0) {
+					doc_id_vec.clear();
+					return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
+				}
+				sort(doc_info.begin(), doc_info.end());
+				for (size_t doc_info_idx = 0; doc_info_idx < doc_info.size(); doc_info_idx++){
+					KeyInfo info;
+					info.word_freq = 1;
+					info.field = (*it).field;
+					info.word = (*it).word;
+					doc_info_map_[doc_info[doc_info_idx].doc_id].push_back(info);
+				}
+			} else if ((*it).segment_tag == 4) {
+				int ret = GetDocByShiftEnWord(*it, doc_info, appid_, highlightWord_);
+				if (ret != 0) {
+					doc_id_vec.clear();
+					return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
+				}
+				sort(doc_info.begin(), doc_info.end());
+				for (size_t doc_info_idx = 0; doc_info_idx < doc_info.size(); doc_info_idx++){
+					KeyInfo info;
+					info.word_freq = 1;
+					info.field = (*it).field;
+					info.word = (*it).word;
+					doc_info_map_[doc_info[doc_info_idx].doc_id].push_back(info);
+				}
+			} else {
+				int ret = logical_operate_->GetDocIdSetByWord(*it, doc_info);
+				if (ret != 0){
+					return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
+				}
+				if (doc_info.size() == 0)
+					continue;
+				if (!isAllNumber((*it).word))
+					highlightWord_.insert((*it).word);
+				if(sort_type_ == SORT_RELEVANCE){
+					logical_operate_->CalculateByWord(*it, doc_info, doc_info_map_, key_in_doc_);
+				}
+			} 
+			doc_id_vec = vec_union(doc_id_vec, doc_info);
+		}
+		if(index == 0){ // 第一个直接赋值给vecs,后续的依次与前面的进行逻辑运算
+			doc_vec_.assign(doc_id_vec.begin(), doc_id_vec.end());
+		} else {
+			doc_vec_ = vec_union(doc_vec_, doc_id_vec);
+		}
+	}
+    bool bRet = doc_manager_->GetDocContent(has_gis_, doc_vec_, valid_docs_, distances_);
+    if (false == bRet) {
+        log_error("GetDocContent error.");
+        return -RT_DTC_ERR;
+    }
+    return 0;
+int MatchQueryProcess::GetScoreAndSort(){
+    // BM25 algorithm
+    uint32_t doc_cnt = DOC_CNT;
+    double k1 = 1.2;
+    double k2 = 200;
+    double K = 1.65;
+    string doc_id;
+    string keyword;
+    uint32_t word_freq = 0;
+    uint32_t field = 0;
+    if(sort_type_ == SORT_RELEVANCE || sort_type_ == SORT_TIMESTAMP){
+        map<string, vec>::iterator ves_iter = doc_info_map_.begin();
+        for (; ves_iter != doc_info_map_.end(); ves_iter++) {
+            double score = 0;
+            uint32_t key_docs = 0;
+            doc_id = ves_iter->first;
+            vector<KeyInfo> &key_info = ves_iter->second;
+            if(valid_docs_.find(doc_id) == valid_docs_.end()){
+                continue;
+            }
+            set<string> word_set;
+            map<string, vector<int> > pos_map;
+            map<string, vector<int> > title_pos_map;
+            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < key_info.size(); i++) {
+                keyword = key_info[i].word;
+                if (word_set.find(keyword) == word_set.end()) {
+                    word_set.insert(keyword);
+                }
+                word_freq = key_info[i].word_freq;
+                field = key_info[i].field;
+                if (field == LOCATE_ANY) {
+                    pos_map[keyword] = key_info[i].pos_vec;
+                }
+                if (field == LOCATE_TITLE) {
+                    title_pos_map[keyword] = key_info[i].pos_vec;
+                }
+                key_docs = key_in_doc_[keyword];
+                score += log((doc_cnt - key_docs + 0.5) / (key_docs + 0.5)) * ((k1 + 1)*word_freq) / (K + word_freq) * (k2 + 1) * 1 / (k2 + 1);
+            }
+            /*if (!complete_keys.empty()) { // 完全匹配
+                if (word_set.size() != word_vec.size()) { // 文章中出现的词语数量与输入的不一致,则不满足完全匹配
+                    continue;
+                }
+                else { // 在标题和正文中都不连续出现,则不满足
+                    if (CheckWordContinus(word_vec, pos_map) == false && CheckWordContinus(word_vec, title_pos_map) == false) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+            }*/
+            skipList_.InsertNode(score, doc_id.c_str());
+        }
+    } else {
+        set<string>::iterator set_iter = valid_docs_.begin();
+        for(; set_iter != valid_docs_.end(); set_iter++){
+            doc_id = *set_iter;
+            if (sort_type_ == SORT_FIELD_ASC || sort_type_ == SORT_FIELD_DESC){
+                doc_manager_->GetScoreMap(doc_id, sort_type_, sort_field_, sort_field_type_, appid_);
+            } else {
+                skipList_.InsertNode(1, doc_id.c_str());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+	return 0;
+void MatchQueryProcess::TaskEnd(){
+    Json::FastWriter writer;
+    Json::Value response;
+    response["code"] = 0;
+    int sequence = -1;
+    int rank = 0;
+    int page_size = component_->PageSize();
+    int limit_start = page_size * (component_->PageIndex()-1);
+    int limit_end = page_size * (component_->PageIndex()-1) + page_size - 1;
+    log_debug("search result begin.");
+    if((sort_type_ == SORT_FIELD_DESC || sort_type_ == SORT_FIELD_ASC) && skipList_.GetSize() == 0){
+        OrderOpCond order_op_cond;
+        order_op_cond.last_id = component_->LastId();
+        order_op_cond.limit_start = limit_start;
+        order_op_cond.count = page_size;
+        order_op_cond.has_extra_filter = false;
+        if(component_->ExtraFilterKeys().size() != 0 || component_->ExtraFilterAndKeys().size() != 0 || component_->ExtraFilterInvertKeys().size() != 0){
+            order_op_cond.has_extra_filter = true;
+        }
+        if(sort_field_type_ == FIELDTYPE_INT){
+            rank += doc_manager_->ScoreIntMap().size();
+            COrderOp<int> orderOp(FIELDTYPE_INT, component_->SearchAfter(), sort_type_);
+            orderOp.Process(doc_manager_->ScoreIntMap(), atoi(component_->LastScore().c_str()), order_op_cond, response, doc_manager_);
+        } else if(sort_field_type_ == FIELDTYPE_DOUBLE) {
+            rank += doc_manager_->ScoreDoubleMap().size();
+            COrderOp<double> orderOp(FIELDTYPE_DOUBLE, component_->SearchAfter(), sort_type_);
+            orderOp.Process(doc_manager_->ScoreDoubleMap(), atof(component_->LastScore().c_str()), order_op_cond, response, doc_manager_);
+        } else {
+            rank += doc_manager_->ScoreStrMap().size();
+            COrderOp<string> orderOp(FIELDTYPE_STRING, component_->SearchAfter(), sort_type_);
+            orderOp.Process(doc_manager_->ScoreStrMap(), component_->LastScore(), order_op_cond, response, doc_manager_);
+        }
+    } else if (has_gis_ || sort_type_ == SORT_FIELD_ASC) {
+        log_debug("m_has_gis or SORT_FIELD_ASC, size:%d ", skipList_.GetSize());
+        SkipListNode *tmp = skipList_.GetHeader()->level[0].forward;
+        while (tmp->level[0].forward != NULL) {
+            // 通过extra_filter_keys进行额外过滤(针对区分度不高的字段)
+            if(doc_manager_->CheckDocByExtraFilterKey(tmp->value) == false){
+                log_debug("CheckDocByExtraFilterKey failed, %s", tmp->value);
+                tmp = tmp->level[0].forward;
+                continue;
+            }
+            sequence++;
+            rank++;
+            if(component_->ReturnAll() == 0){
+                if (sequence < limit_start || sequence > limit_end) {
+                    tmp = tmp->level[0].forward;
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+            Json::Value doc_info;
+            doc_info["doc_id"] = Json::Value(tmp->value);
+            doc_info["score"] = Json::Value(tmp->key);
+            response["result"].append(doc_info);
+            tmp = tmp->level[0].forward;
+        }
+    } else {
+        SkipListNode *tmp = skipList_.GetFooter()->backward;
+        while(tmp->backward != NULL) {
+            if(doc_manager_->CheckDocByExtraFilterKey(tmp->value) == false){
+                tmp = tmp->backward;
+                continue;
+            }
+            sequence++;
+            rank++;
+            if (component_->ReturnAll() == 0){
+                if (sequence < limit_start || sequence > limit_end) {
+                    tmp = tmp->backward;
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+            Json::Value doc_info;
+            doc_info["doc_id"] = Json::Value(tmp->value);
+            doc_info["score"] = Json::Value(tmp->key);
+            response["result"].append(doc_info);
+            tmp = tmp->backward;
+        }
+    }
+    if(component_->Fields().size() > 0){
+        doc_manager_->AppendFieldsToRes(response, component_->Fields());
+    }
+    if (rank > 0)
+        AppendHighLightWord(response);
+    if (has_gis_) {
+        response["type"] = 1;
+    }
+    else {
+        response["type"] = 0;
+    }
+    response["count"] = rank;
+    /*if(m_index_set_cnt != 0){
+        response["count"] = m_index_set_cnt;
+    }*/
+    log_debug("search result end: %lld.", (long long int)GetSysTimeMicros());
+    std::string outputConfig = writer.write(response);
+    request_->setResult(outputConfig);
+    /*if (component_->ReturnAll() == 0 && component_->CacheSwitch() == 1 && component_->PageIndex() == 1 && has_gis_ == 0 
+        && rank > 0 && outputConfig.size() < MAX_VALUE_LEN) {
+        string m_Data_Cache = m_Primary_Data + "|" + component_->DataAnd() + "|" + component_->DataInvert() + "|" + component_->DataComplete() + "|" +
+                                ToString(sort_type_) + "|" + ToString(appid_);
+        unsigned data_size = m_Data_Cache.size();
+        int ret = cachelist->add_list(m_Data_Cache.c_str(), outputConfig.c_str(), data_size, outputConfig.size());
+        if (ret != 0) {
+            log_error("add to cache_list error, ret: %d.", ret);
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug("add to cache_list: %s.", m_Data_Cache.c_str());
+        }
+    }*/
+void MatchQueryProcess::AppendHighLightWord(Json::Value& response)
+    int count = 0;
+    set<string>::iterator iter = highlightWord_.begin();
+    for (; iter != highlightWord_.end(); iter++) {
+        if (count >= 10)
+            break;
+        count = count + 1;
+        response["hlWord"].append((*iter).c_str());
+    }
+    return ;

+ 50 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * =====================================================================================
+ *
+ *       Filename:  query_process.h
+ *
+ *    Description:  query_process class definition.
+ *
+ *        Version:  1.0
+ *        Created:  14/05/2021
+ *       Revision:  none
+ *       Compiler:  gcc
+ *
+ *         Author:  zhulin,
+ *        Company:, Inc.
+ *
+ * =====================================================================================
+ */
+#include "query_process.h"
+class MatchQueryProcess: public QueryProcess{
+    MatchQueryProcess(uint32_t appid, Json::Value& value, Component* component);
+    ~MatchQueryProcess();
+    int ParseContent();
+    int GetValidDoc();
+    int GetScoreAndSort();
+    void TaskEnd();
+    int ParseContent(uint32_t type);
+    void AppendHighLightWord(Json::Value& response);
+    set<string> highlightWord_;
+    map<string, vec> doc_info_map_;
+    map<string, uint32_t> key_in_doc_;
+    vector<IndexInfo> doc_vec_;
+    hash_double_map distances_;
+    set<string> valid_docs_;
+    uint32_t appid_;
+    uint32_t sort_type_;
+    string sort_field_;
+    bool has_gis_;
+    FIELDTYPE sort_field_type_;

+ 50 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#include "query_process.h"
+QueryProcess::QueryProcess(uint32_t appid, Json::Value& value, Component* component)
+int QueryProcess::DoJob(){
+    TaskBegin();
+    ParseContent();
+    GetValidDoc();
+    GetScoreAndSort();
+    TaskEnd();
+    return 0;
+void QueryProcess::SetSkipList(SkipList& skipList){
+    skipList_ = skipList;
+void QueryProcess::SetRequest(CTaskRequest* request){
+    request_ = request;
+void QueryProcess::TaskBegin(){
+int QueryProcess::ParseContent(){
+	return 0;
+int QueryProcess::GetValidDoc(){
+	return 0;
+int QueryProcess::GetScoreAndSort(){
+	return 0;
+void QueryProcess::TaskEnd(){

+ 56 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * =====================================================================================
+ *
+ *       Filename:  query_process.h
+ *
+ *    Description:  query_process class definition.
+ *
+ *        Version:  1.0
+ *        Created:  14/05/2021
+ *       Revision:  none
+ *       Compiler:  gcc
+ *
+ *         Author:  zhulin,
+ *        Company:, Inc.
+ *
+ * =====================================================================================
+ */
+#ifndef __QUERY_PROCESS_H__
+#define __QUERY_PROCESS_H__
+#include "../component.h"
+#include "../logical_operate.h"
+#include "../doc_manager.h"
+#include "../comm.h"
+#include "../db_manager.h"
+#include "../split_manager.h"
+#include "skiplist.h"
+#include "task_request.h"
+class QueryProcess{
+    QueryProcess(uint32_t appid, Json::Value& value, Component* component);
+    ~QueryProcess();
+    int DoJob();
+    void SetSkipList(SkipList& skipList);
+    void SetRequest(CTaskRequest* request);
+    void TaskBegin();
+    virtual int ParseContent();
+    virtual int GetValidDoc();
+    virtual int GetScoreAndSort();
+    virtual void TaskEnd();
+    Component* component_;
+    LogicalOperate* logical_operate_;
+    DocManager* doc_manager_;
+    uint32_t appid_;
+    Json::Value value_;
+    SkipList skipList_;
+    CTaskRequest* request_;

+ 601 - 580

@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
 #include "index_sync/sequence_search_index.h"
 #include "order_op.h"
+#include "process/match_query_process.h"
 using namespace std;
 #define DOC_CNT 10000
@@ -49,619 +51,638 @@ extern CCacheListUnit *cachelist;
 extern SyncIndexTimer *globalSyncIndexTimer;
 struct CmpByValue {
-	bool operator()(const PAIR& lhs, const PAIR& rhs) {
-		if(fabs(lhs.second - rhs.second) < 0.000001){
-			return > 0;
-		}
-		return lhs.second > rhs.second;
-	}
+    bool operator()(const PAIR& lhs, const PAIR& rhs) {
+        if(fabs(lhs.second - rhs.second) < 0.000001){
+            return > 0;
+        }
+        return lhs.second > rhs.second;
+    }
-	m_index_set_cnt = 0;
-	m_has_gis = 0;
-	component = new Component();
+    m_index_set_cnt = 0;
+    m_has_gis = 0;
+    component = new Component();
 int SearchTask::GetTopDocIdSetByWord(FieldInfo fieldInfo, vector<TopDocInfo>& doc_info) {
-	if (DataManager::Instance()->IsSensitiveWord(fieldInfo.word)) {
-		log_debug("%s is a sensitive word.", fieldInfo.word.c_str());
-		return 0;
-	}
-	string word_new = stem(fieldInfo.word);
-	bool bRet = false;
-	vector<TopDocInfo> no_filter_docs;
-	bRet = g_IndexInstance.GetTopDocInfo(m_appid, word_new, no_filter_docs);
-	if (false == bRet) {
-		log_error("GetTopDocInfo error.");
-		return -RT_DTC_ERR;
-	}
-	if (0 == no_filter_docs.size())
-		return 0;
-	if (component->SnapshotSwitch() == 1) {
-		bRet = g_IndexInstance.TopDocValid(m_appid, no_filter_docs, doc_info);
-		if (false == bRet) {
-			log_error("GetTopDocInfo by snapshot error.");
-			return -RT_DTC_ERR;
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < no_filter_docs.size(); i++)
-		{
-			TopDocInfo info = no_filter_docs[i];
-			doc_info.push_back(info);
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
+    if (DataManager::Instance()->IsSensitiveWord(fieldInfo.word)) {
+        log_debug("%s is a sensitive word.", fieldInfo.word.c_str());
+        return 0;
+    }
+    string word_new = stem(fieldInfo.word);
+    bool bRet = false;
+    vector<TopDocInfo> no_filter_docs;
+    bRet = g_IndexInstance.GetTopDocInfo(m_appid, word_new, no_filter_docs);
+    if (false == bRet) {
+        log_error("GetTopDocInfo error.");
+        return -RT_DTC_ERR;
+    }
+    if (0 == no_filter_docs.size())
+        return 0;
+    if (component->SnapshotSwitch() == 1) {
+        bRet = g_IndexInstance.TopDocValid(m_appid, no_filter_docs, doc_info);
+        if (false == bRet) {
+            log_error("GetTopDocInfo by snapshot error.");
+            return -RT_DTC_ERR;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < no_filter_docs.size(); i++)
+        {
+            TopDocInfo info = no_filter_docs[i];
+            doc_info.push_back(info);
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
 int SearchTask::GetTopDocScore(map<string, double>& top_doc_score)
-	vector<TopDocInfo> doc_info;
-	for (size_t index = 0; index < component->Keys().size(); index++) {
-		vector<FieldInfo> topInfos = component->Keys()[index];
-		vector<FieldInfo>::iterator iter;
-		for (iter = topInfos.begin(); iter != topInfos.end(); iter++) {
-			int ret = GetTopDocIdSetByWord(*iter, doc_info);
-			if (ret != 0) {
-				return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	double score = 0;
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < doc_info.size(); i++)
-	{
-		score = (double)doc_info[i].weight;
-		if (m_sort_type == DONT_SORT) {
-			score = 1;
-		} else if (m_sort_type == SORT_TIMESTAMP) {
-			score = (double)doc_info[i].created_time;
-		}
-		top_doc_score[doc_info[i].doc_id] = score;
-	}
-	return 0;
+    vector<TopDocInfo> doc_info;
+    for (size_t index = 0; index < component->Keys().size(); index++) {
+        vector<FieldInfo> topInfos = component->Keys()[index];
+        vector<FieldInfo>::iterator iter;
+        for (iter = topInfos.begin(); iter != topInfos.end(); iter++) {
+            int ret = GetTopDocIdSetByWord(*iter, doc_info);
+            if (ret != 0) {
+                return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    double score = 0;
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < doc_info.size(); i++)
+    {
+        score = (double)doc_info[i].weight;
+        if (m_sort_type == DONT_SORT) {
+            score = 1;
+        } else if (m_sort_type == SORT_TIMESTAMP) {
+            score = (double)doc_info[i].created_time;
+        }
+        top_doc_score[doc_info[i].doc_id] = score;
+    }
+    return 0;
 int SearchTask::GetValidDoc(map<string, vec> &ves, vector<string> &word_vec, map<string, uint32_t> &key_in_doc, hash_double_map &distances, set<string> &valid_docs){
-	vector<IndexInfo> doc_id_ver_vec; // 最终求完交集并集差集的结果
-	// key_or
-	vector<IndexInfo> or_vecs;
-	logical_operate->SetFunc(vec_union);
-	int ret = logical_operate->Process(component->Keys(), or_vecs, highlightWord, ves, key_in_doc);
-	if (ret != 0) {
-		log_debug("logical_operate error.");
-		return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
-	}
-	doc_id_ver_vec.assign(or_vecs.begin(), or_vecs.end());
-	if ((doc_id_ver_vec.size() == 0) && (component->Keys().size() != 0)) {
-		log_debug("search result of keys is empty.");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	log_debug("logical_operate begin: %lld.", (long long int)GetSysTimeMicros());
-	// key_and
-	vector<IndexInfo> and_vecs;
-	logical_operate->SetFunc(vec_intersection);
-	ret = logical_operate->Process(component->AndKeys(), and_vecs, highlightWord, ves, key_in_doc);
-	if (ret != 0) {
-		log_debug("logical_operate error.");
-		return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
-	}
-	if ((and_vecs.size() == 0) && (component->AndKeys().size() != 0)) {
-		log_debug("search result of and_keys is empty.");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if(component->AndKeys().size() != 0){
-		if(component->Keys().size() != 0){
-			doc_id_ver_vec = vec_intersection(and_vecs, doc_id_ver_vec);
-		} else {
-			doc_id_ver_vec.assign(and_vecs.begin(), and_vecs.end());
-		}
-	}
-	log_debug("logical_operate end: %lld.", (long long int)GetSysTimeMicros());
-	// key_complete
-	vector<IndexInfo> complete_vecs;
-	ret = logical_operate->ProcessComplete(complete_keys, complete_vecs, word_vec, ves, key_in_doc);
-	if (ret != 0) {
-		return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
-	}
-	if ((complete_vecs.size() == 0) && (complete_keys.size() != 0)) {
-		log_debug("search result of complete_keys is empty.");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if(complete_keys.size() != 0){
-		if(component->AndKeys().size() == 0 && component->Keys().size() == 0){
-			doc_id_ver_vec.assign(complete_vecs.begin(), complete_vecs.end());
-		} else {
-			doc_id_ver_vec = vec_intersection(doc_id_ver_vec, complete_vecs);
-		}
-	}
-	// key_invert,多个字段的结果先求并集,最后一起求差集
-	vector<IndexInfo> invert_vecs;
-	logical_operate->SetFunc(vec_union);
-	ret = logical_operate->Process(component->InvertKeys(), invert_vecs, highlightWord, ves, key_in_doc);
-	if (ret != 0) {
-		return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
-	}
-	doc_id_ver_vec = vec_difference(doc_id_ver_vec, invert_vecs);
-	if (doc_id_ver_vec.size() == 0){
-		return 0;
-	}
-	bool bRet = doc_manager->GetDocContent(m_has_gis, doc_id_ver_vec, valid_docs, distances);
-	if (false == bRet) {
-		log_error("GetDocContent error.");
-		return -RT_DTC_ERR;
-	}
-	return 0;
+    vector<IndexInfo> doc_id_ver_vec; // 最终求完交集并集差集的结果
+    // key_or
+    vector<IndexInfo> or_vecs;
+    logical_operate->SetFunc(vec_union);
+    int ret = logical_operate->Process(component->Keys(), or_vecs, highlightWord, ves, key_in_doc);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        log_debug("logical_operate error.");
+        return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
+    }
+    doc_id_ver_vec.assign(or_vecs.begin(), or_vecs.end());
+    if ((doc_id_ver_vec.size() == 0) && (component->Keys().size() != 0)) {
+        log_debug("search result of keys is empty.");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    log_debug("logical_operate begin: %lld.", (long long int)GetSysTimeMicros());
+    // key_and
+    vector<IndexInfo> and_vecs;
+    logical_operate->SetFunc(vec_intersection);
+    ret = logical_operate->Process(component->AndKeys(), and_vecs, highlightWord, ves, key_in_doc);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        log_debug("logical_operate error.");
+        return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
+    }
+    if ((and_vecs.size() == 0) && (component->AndKeys().size() != 0)) {
+        log_debug("search result of and_keys is empty.");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if(component->AndKeys().size() != 0){
+        if(component->Keys().size() != 0){
+            doc_id_ver_vec = vec_intersection(and_vecs, doc_id_ver_vec);
+        } else {
+            doc_id_ver_vec.assign(and_vecs.begin(), and_vecs.end());
+        }
+    }
+    log_debug("logical_operate end: %lld.", (long long int)GetSysTimeMicros());
+    // key_complete
+    vector<IndexInfo> complete_vecs;
+    ret = logical_operate->ProcessComplete(complete_keys, complete_vecs, word_vec, ves, key_in_doc);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
+    }
+    if ((complete_vecs.size() == 0) && (complete_keys.size() != 0)) {
+        log_debug("search result of complete_keys is empty.");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if(complete_keys.size() != 0){
+        if(component->AndKeys().size() == 0 && component->Keys().size() == 0){
+            doc_id_ver_vec.assign(complete_vecs.begin(), complete_vecs.end());
+        } else {
+            doc_id_ver_vec = vec_intersection(doc_id_ver_vec, complete_vecs);
+        }
+    }
+    // key_invert,多个字段的结果先求并集,最后一起求差集
+    vector<IndexInfo> invert_vecs;
+    logical_operate->SetFunc(vec_union);
+    ret = logical_operate->Process(component->InvertKeys(), invert_vecs, highlightWord, ves, key_in_doc);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
+    }
+    doc_id_ver_vec = vec_difference(doc_id_ver_vec, invert_vecs);
+    if (doc_id_ver_vec.size() == 0){
+        return 0;
+    }
+    bool bRet = doc_manager->GetDocContent(m_has_gis, doc_id_ver_vec, valid_docs, distances);
+    if (false == bRet) {
+        log_error("GetDocContent error.");
+        return -RT_DTC_ERR;
+    }
+    return 0;
 int SearchTask::GetDocScore(map<string, double>& top_doc_score) 
-	/***
-		关键词搜索的策略是:
-		1)如果主查询词(包括keys,and_keys,complete_keys等)不为空,但查询结果为空,则表示没有符合查询条件的结果
-		2)如果主查询词(包括keys,and_keys,complete_keys等)不为空,查询结果也不为空,则表示有符合查询条件的结果,记为S
-		3)若域字段为空,则直接返回S,若域字段不为空,则需将S与域搜索结果F进行AND运算
-		4)如果主查询词(包括keys,and_keys,complete_keys等)为空,则直接返回域搜索结果F
-	***/
-	map<string, vec> ves; // statistic word information in the latitude of documents
-	vector<string> word_vec;
-	map<string, uint32_t> key_in_doc; // how many documents contains key
-	hash_double_map distances;
-	set<string> valid_docs;
-	int ret = GetValidDoc(ves, word_vec, key_in_doc, distances, valid_docs);
-	if (ret != 0){
-		log_error("GetValidDoc error.");
-		return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
-	}
-	log_debug("GetValidDoc end: %lld. valid_docs size: %d.", (long long int)GetSysTimeMicros(), (int)valid_docs.size());
-	// BM25 algorithm
-	uint32_t doc_cnt = DOC_CNT;
-	double k1 = 1.2;
-	double k2 = 200;
-	double K = 1.65;
-	string doc_id;
-	string keyword;
-	uint32_t word_freq = 0;
-	uint32_t field = 0;
-	if(m_sort_type == SORT_RELEVANCE || m_sort_type == SORT_TIMESTAMP){
-		if(m_has_gis){
-			hash_double_map::iterator dis_iter = distances.begin();
-			for(; dis_iter != distances.end(); dis_iter++){
-				doc_id = dis_iter->first;
-				double score = dis_iter->second;
-				if ((component->Distance() > -0.0001 && component->Distance() < 0.0001) || (score + 1e-6 <= component->Distance())){
-					skipList.InsertNode(score, doc_id.c_str());
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			map<string, vec>::iterator ves_iter = ves.begin();
-			for (; ves_iter != ves.end(); ves_iter++) {
-				double score = 0;
-				uint32_t key_docs = 0;
-				doc_id = ves_iter->first;
-				vector<KeyInfo> &key_info = ves_iter->second;
-				if(valid_docs.find(doc_id) == valid_docs.end()){
-					continue;
-				} 
-				if (m_sort_type == SORT_TIMESTAMP) {  //按照时间排序
-					score = (double)key_info[0].created_time;
-					skipList.InsertNode(score, doc_id.c_str());
-					continue;
-				}
-				set<string> word_set;
-				map<string, vector<int> > pos_map;
-				map<string, vector<int> > title_pos_map;
-				for (uint32_t i = 0; i < key_info.size(); i++) {
-					keyword = key_info[i].word;
-					if (word_set.find(keyword) == word_set.end()) {
-						word_set.insert(keyword);
-					}
-					word_freq = key_info[i].word_freq;
-					field = key_info[i].field;
-					if (field == LOCATE_ANY) {
-						pos_map[keyword] = key_info[i].pos_vec;
-					}
-					if (field == LOCATE_TITLE) {
-						title_pos_map[keyword] = key_info[i].pos_vec;
-					}
-					key_docs = key_in_doc[keyword];
-					score += log((doc_cnt - key_docs + 0.5) / (key_docs + 0.5)) * ((k1 + 1)*word_freq) / (K + word_freq) * (k2 + 1) * 1 / (k2 + 1);
-				}
-				if (!complete_keys.empty()) { // 完全匹配
-					if (word_set.size() != word_vec.size()) { // 文章中出现的词语数量与输入的不一致,则不满足完全匹配
-						continue;
-					}
-					else { // 在标题和正文中都不连续出现,则不满足
-						if (CheckWordContinus(word_vec, pos_map) == false && CheckWordContinus(word_vec, title_pos_map) == false) {
-							continue;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				skipList.InsertNode(score, doc_id.c_str());
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		set<string>::iterator set_iter = valid_docs.begin();
-		for(; set_iter != valid_docs.end(); set_iter++){
-			doc_id = *set_iter;
-			double score = 0;
-			if (top_doc_score.find(doc_id) != top_doc_score.end()) {
-				continue;
-			} 
-			if (m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_ASC || m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_DESC){
-				//if(doc_manager->CheckDocByExtraFilterKey(doc_id) == false){
-				//	continue;
-				//}
-				doc_manager->GetScoreMap(doc_id, m_sort_type, m_sort_field, m_sort_field_type, m_appid);
-			} else {
-				skipList.InsertNode(1, doc_id.c_str());
-			}
-			if (m_has_gis) {
-				if (distances.find(doc_id) == distances.end())
-					continue;
-				score = distances[doc_id];
-				if ((component->Distance() > -0.0001 && component->Distance() < 0.0001) || (score <= component->Distance()))
-					skipList.InsertNode(score, doc_id.c_str());
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// 范围查的时候如果不指定排序类型,需要在这里对skipList进行赋值
-	if (!m_has_gis && ves.size() == 0 && skipList.GetSize() == 0 && m_sort_type == SORT_RELEVANCE) {
-		set<string>::iterator iter = valid_docs.begin();
-		for(; iter != valid_docs.end(); iter++){
-			skipList.InsertNode(1, (*iter).c_str());
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
+    /***
+        关键词搜索的策略是:
+        1)如果主查询词(包括keys,and_keys,complete_keys等)不为空,但查询结果为空,则表示没有符合查询条件的结果
+        2)如果主查询词(包括keys,and_keys,complete_keys等)不为空,查询结果也不为空,则表示有符合查询条件的结果,记为S
+        3)若域字段为空,则直接返回S,若域字段不为空,则需将S与域搜索结果F进行AND运算
+        4)如果主查询词(包括keys,and_keys,complete_keys等)为空,则直接返回域搜索结果F
+    ***/
+    map<string, vec> ves; // statistic word information in the latitude of documents
+    vector<string> word_vec;
+    map<string, uint32_t> key_in_doc; // how many documents contains key
+    hash_double_map distances;
+    set<string> valid_docs;
+    int ret = GetValidDoc(ves, word_vec, key_in_doc, distances, valid_docs);
+    if (ret != 0){
+        log_error("GetValidDoc error.");
+        return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
+    }
+    log_debug("GetValidDoc end: %lld. valid_docs size: %d.", (long long int)GetSysTimeMicros(), (int)valid_docs.size());
+    // BM25 algorithm
+    uint32_t doc_cnt = DOC_CNT;
+    double k1 = 1.2;
+    double k2 = 200;
+    double K = 1.65;
+    string doc_id;
+    string keyword;
+    uint32_t word_freq = 0;
+    uint32_t field = 0;
+    if(m_sort_type == SORT_RELEVANCE || m_sort_type == SORT_TIMESTAMP){
+        if(m_has_gis){
+            hash_double_map::iterator dis_iter = distances.begin();
+            for(; dis_iter != distances.end(); dis_iter++){
+                doc_id = dis_iter->first;
+                double score = dis_iter->second;
+                if ((component->Distance() > -0.0001 && component->Distance() < 0.0001) || (score + 1e-6 <= component->Distance())){
+                    skipList.InsertNode(score, doc_id.c_str());
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            map<string, vec>::iterator ves_iter = ves.begin();
+            for (; ves_iter != ves.end(); ves_iter++) {
+                double score = 0;
+                uint32_t key_docs = 0;
+                doc_id = ves_iter->first;
+                vector<KeyInfo> &key_info = ves_iter->second;
+                if(valid_docs.find(doc_id) == valid_docs.end()){
+                    continue;
+                } 
+                if (m_sort_type == SORT_TIMESTAMP) {  //按照时间排序
+                    score = (double)key_info[0].created_time;
+                    skipList.InsertNode(score, doc_id.c_str());
+                    continue;
+                }
+                set<string> word_set;
+                map<string, vector<int> > pos_map;
+                map<string, vector<int> > title_pos_map;
+                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < key_info.size(); i++) {
+                    keyword = key_info[i].word;
+                    if (word_set.find(keyword) == word_set.end()) {
+                        word_set.insert(keyword);
+                    }
+                    word_freq = key_info[i].word_freq;
+                    field = key_info[i].field;
+                    if (field == LOCATE_ANY) {
+                        pos_map[keyword] = key_info[i].pos_vec;
+                    }
+                    if (field == LOCATE_TITLE) {
+                        title_pos_map[keyword] = key_info[i].pos_vec;
+                    }
+                    key_docs = key_in_doc[keyword];
+                    score += log((doc_cnt - key_docs + 0.5) / (key_docs + 0.5)) * ((k1 + 1)*word_freq) / (K + word_freq) * (k2 + 1) * 1 / (k2 + 1);
+                }
+                if (!complete_keys.empty()) { // 完全匹配
+                    if (word_set.size() != word_vec.size()) { // 文章中出现的词语数量与输入的不一致,则不满足完全匹配
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    else { // 在标题和正文中都不连续出现,则不满足
+                        if (CheckWordContinus(word_vec, pos_map) == false && CheckWordContinus(word_vec, title_pos_map) == false) {
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                skipList.InsertNode(score, doc_id.c_str());
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        set<string>::iterator set_iter = valid_docs.begin();
+        for(; set_iter != valid_docs.end(); set_iter++){
+            doc_id = *set_iter;
+            double score = 0;
+            if (top_doc_score.find(doc_id) != top_doc_score.end()) {
+                continue;
+            } 
+            if (m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_ASC || m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_DESC){
+                //if(doc_manager->CheckDocByExtraFilterKey(doc_id) == false){
+                //	continue;
+                //}
+                doc_manager->GetScoreMap(doc_id, m_sort_type, m_sort_field, m_sort_field_type, m_appid);
+            } else {
+                skipList.InsertNode(1, doc_id.c_str());
+            }
+            if (m_has_gis) {
+                if (distances.find(doc_id) == distances.end())
+                    continue;
+                score = distances[doc_id];
+                if ((component->Distance() > -0.0001 && component->Distance() < 0.0001) || (score <= component->Distance()))
+                    skipList.InsertNode(score, doc_id.c_str());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // 范围查的时候如果不指定排序类型,需要在这里对skipList进行赋值
+    if (!m_has_gis && ves.size() == 0 && skipList.GetSize() == 0 && m_sort_type == SORT_RELEVANCE) {
+        set<string>::iterator iter = valid_docs.begin();
+        for(; iter != valid_docs.end(); iter++){
+            skipList.InsertNode(1, (*iter).c_str());
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
 void SearchTask::AppendHighLightWord(Json::Value& response)
-	int count = 0;
-	set<string>::iterator iter = highlightWord.begin();
-	for (; iter != highlightWord.end(); iter++) {
-		if (count >= 10)
-			break;
-		count = count + 1;
-		response["hlWord"].append((*iter).c_str());
-	}
-	return ;
+    int count = 0;
+    set<string>::iterator iter = highlightWord.begin();
+    for (; iter != highlightWord.end(); iter++) {
+        if (count >= 10)
+            break;
+        count = count + 1;
+        response["hlWord"].append((*iter).c_str());
+    }
+    return ;
 int SearchTask::DoJob(CTaskRequest *request) {
-	int ret = 0;
-	// terminal_tag=1时单独处理
-	if(component->TerminalTag() == 1){
-		uint32_t count = 0;
-		uint32_t N = 2;
-		uint32_t limit_start = 0;
-		vector<TerminalRes> candidate_doc;
-		int try_times = 0;
-		while(count < component->PageSize()){
-			if(try_times++ > 10){
-				log_debug("ProcessTerminal try_times is the max, return");
-				break;
-			}
-			vector<TerminalRes> and_vecs;
-			TerminalQryCond query_cond;
-			query_cond.sort_type = m_sort_type;
-			query_cond.sort_field = m_sort_field;
-			query_cond.last_id = component->LastId();
-			query_cond.last_score = component->LastScore();
-			query_cond.limit_start = limit_start;
-			query_cond.page_size = component->PageSize() * N;
-			ret = logical_operate->ProcessTerminal(component->AndKeys(), query_cond, and_vecs);
-			if(0 != ret){
-				log_error("ProcessTerminal error.");
-				return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
-			}
-			for(int i = 0; i < (int)and_vecs.size(); i++){
-				string doc_id = and_vecs[i].doc_id;
-				stringstream ss;
-				ss << (int)and_vecs[i].score;
-				string ss_key = ss.str();
-				log_debug("last_score: %s, ss_key: %s, score: %lf", query_cond.last_score.c_str(), ss_key.c_str(), and_vecs[i].score);
-				if(component->LastId() != "" && ss_key == query_cond.last_score){ // 翻页时过滤掉已经返回过的文档编号
-					if(m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_DESC && doc_id >= component->LastId()){
-						continue;
-					}
-					if(m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_ASC && doc_id <= component->LastId()){
-						continue;
-					}
-				}
-				if(doc_manager->CheckDocByExtraFilterKey(doc_id) == true){
-					count++;
-					candidate_doc.push_back(and_vecs[i]);
-				}
-			}
-			limit_start += component->PageSize() * N;
-			N *= 2;
-		}
-		Json::FastWriter writer;
-		Json::Value response;
-		response["code"] = 0;
-		int sequence = -1;
-		int rank = 0;
-		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < candidate_doc.size(); i++) {
-			if(rank >= (int)component->PageSize()){
-				break;
-			}
-			sequence++;
-			rank++;
-			TerminalRes tmp = candidate_doc[i];
-			Json::Value doc_info;
-			doc_info["doc_id"] = Json::Value(tmp.doc_id.c_str());
-			doc_info["score"] = Json::Value(tmp.score);
-			response["result"].append(doc_info);
-		}
-		response["type"] = 0;
-		response["count"] = rank;  // TODO 这里的count并不是实际的总数
-		std::string outputConfig = writer.write(response);
-		request->setResult(outputConfig);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	map<string, double> top_doc_score;
-	if (component->TopSwitch() == 1) {
-		ret = GetTopDocScore(top_doc_score);
-		if (ret != 0) {
-			return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
-		}
-	}
-	ret = GetDocScore(top_doc_score);
-	if (ret != 0) {
-		return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
-	}
-	Json::FastWriter writer;
-	Json::Value response;
-	response["code"] = 0;
-	int sequence = -1;
-	int rank = 0;
-	int page_size = component->PageSize();
-	int limit_start = page_size * (component->PageIndex()-1);
-	int limit_end = page_size * (component->PageIndex()-1) + page_size - 1;
-	log_debug("search result begin.");
-	vector<PAIR> top_vec(top_doc_score.begin(), top_doc_score.end());
-	sort(top_vec.begin(), top_vec.end(), CmpByValue());
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < top_vec.size(); i++) {
-		sequence++;
-		rank++;
-		if(component->ReturnAll() == 0){
-			if (sequence < limit_start || sequence > limit_end) {
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
-		pair<string, double> tmp = top_vec[i];
-		Json::Value doc_info;
-		doc_info["doc_id"] = Json::Value(tmp.first.c_str());
-		doc_info["score"] = Json::Value(tmp.second);
-		response["result"].append(doc_info);
-	}
-	if((m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_DESC || m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_ASC) && skipList.GetSize() == 0){
-		OrderOpCond order_op_cond;
-		order_op_cond.last_id = component->LastId();
-		order_op_cond.limit_start = limit_start;
-		order_op_cond.count = page_size;
-		order_op_cond.has_extra_filter = false;
-		if(component->ExtraFilterKeys().size() != 0 || component->ExtraFilterAndKeys().size() != 0 || component->ExtraFilterInvertKeys().size() != 0){
-			order_op_cond.has_extra_filter = true;
-		}
-		if(m_sort_field_type == FIELDTYPE_INT){
-			rank += doc_manager->ScoreIntMap().size();
-			COrderOp<int> orderOp(FIELDTYPE_INT, component->SearchAfter(), m_sort_type);
-			orderOp.Process(doc_manager->ScoreIntMap(), atoi(component->LastScore().c_str()), order_op_cond, response, doc_manager);
-		} else if(m_sort_field_type == FIELDTYPE_DOUBLE) {
-			rank += doc_manager->ScoreDoubleMap().size();
-			COrderOp<double> orderOp(FIELDTYPE_DOUBLE, component->SearchAfter(), m_sort_type);
-			orderOp.Process(doc_manager->ScoreDoubleMap(), atof(component->LastScore().c_str()), order_op_cond, response, doc_manager);
-		} else {
-			rank += doc_manager->ScoreStrMap().size();
-			COrderOp<string> orderOp(FIELDTYPE_STRING, component->SearchAfter(), m_sort_type);
-			orderOp.Process(doc_manager->ScoreStrMap(), component->LastScore(), order_op_cond, response, doc_manager);
-		}
-	} else if (m_has_gis || m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_ASC) {
-		log_debug("m_has_gis, size:%d ", skipList.GetSize());
-		SkipListNode *tmp = skipList.GetHeader()->level[0].forward;
-		while (tmp->level[0].forward != NULL) {
-			// 通过extra_filter_keys进行额外过滤(针对区分度不高的字段)
-			if(doc_manager->CheckDocByExtraFilterKey(tmp->value) == false){
-				log_debug("CheckDocByExtraFilterKey failed, %s", tmp->value);
-				tmp = tmp->level[0].forward;
-				continue;
-			}
-			sequence++;
-			rank++;
-			if(component->ReturnAll() == 0){
-				if (sequence < limit_start || sequence > limit_end) {
-					tmp = tmp->level[0].forward;
-					continue;
-				}
-			}
-			Json::Value doc_info;
-			doc_info["doc_id"] = Json::Value(tmp->value);
-			doc_info["score"] = Json::Value(tmp->key);
-			response["result"].append(doc_info);
-			tmp = tmp->level[0].forward;
-		}
-	} else {
-		SkipListNode *tmp = skipList.GetFooter()->backward;
-		while(tmp->backward != NULL) {
-			if(doc_manager->CheckDocByExtraFilterKey(tmp->value) == false){
-				tmp = tmp->backward;
-				continue;
-			}
-			sequence++;
-			rank++;
-			if (component->ReturnAll() == 0){
-				if (sequence < limit_start || sequence > limit_end) {
-					tmp = tmp->backward;
-					continue;
-				}
-			}
-			Json::Value doc_info;
-			doc_info["doc_id"] = Json::Value(tmp->value);
-			doc_info["score"] = Json::Value(tmp->key);
-			response["result"].append(doc_info);
-			tmp = tmp->backward;
-		}
-	}
-	if(m_fields.size() > 0){
-		doc_manager->AppendFieldsToRes(response, m_fields);
-	}
-	if (rank > 0)
-		AppendHighLightWord(response);
-	if (m_has_gis) {
-		response["type"] = 1;
-	}
-	else {
-		response["type"] = 0;
-	}
-	response["count"] = rank;
-	if(m_index_set_cnt != 0){
-		response["count"] = m_index_set_cnt;
-	}
-	log_debug("search result end: %lld.", (long long int)GetSysTimeMicros());
-	std::string outputConfig = writer.write(response);
-	request->setResult(outputConfig);
-	if (component->ReturnAll() == 0 && component->CacheSwitch() == 1 && component->PageIndex() == 1 && m_has_gis == 0 
-		&& rank > 0 && outputConfig.size() < MAX_VALUE_LEN && m_Primary_Data != "") {
-		string m_Data_Cache = m_Primary_Data + "|" + component->DataAnd() + "|" + component->DataInvert() + "|" + component->DataComplete() + "|" +
-								ToString(m_sort_type) + "|" + ToString(m_appid);
-		unsigned data_size = m_Data_Cache.size();
-		int ret = cachelist->add_list(m_Data_Cache.c_str(), outputConfig.c_str(), data_size, outputConfig.size());
-		if (ret != 0) {
-			log_error("add to cache_list error, ret: %d.", ret);
-		}
-		else {
-			log_debug("add to cache_list: %s.", m_Data_Cache.c_str());
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
+    int ret = 0;
+    // terminal_tag=1时单独处理
+    if(component->TerminalTag() == 1){
+        uint32_t count = 0;
+        uint32_t N = 2;
+        uint32_t limit_start = 0;
+        vector<TerminalRes> candidate_doc;
+        int try_times = 0;
+        while(count < component->PageSize()){
+            if(try_times++ > 10){
+                log_debug("ProcessTerminal try_times is the max, return");
+                break;
+            }
+            vector<TerminalRes> and_vecs;
+            TerminalQryCond query_cond;
+            query_cond.sort_type = m_sort_type;
+            query_cond.sort_field = m_sort_field;
+            query_cond.last_id = component->LastId();
+            query_cond.last_score = component->LastScore();
+            query_cond.limit_start = limit_start;
+            query_cond.page_size = component->PageSize() * N;
+            ret = logical_operate->ProcessTerminal(component->AndKeys(), query_cond, and_vecs);
+            if(0 != ret){
+                log_error("ProcessTerminal error.");
+                return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
+            }
+            for(int i = 0; i < (int)and_vecs.size(); i++){
+                string doc_id = and_vecs[i].doc_id;
+                stringstream ss;
+                ss << (int)and_vecs[i].score;
+                string ss_key = ss.str();
+                log_debug("last_score: %s, ss_key: %s, score: %lf", query_cond.last_score.c_str(), ss_key.c_str(), and_vecs[i].score);
+                if(component->LastId() != "" && ss_key == query_cond.last_score){ // 翻页时过滤掉已经返回过的文档编号
+                    if(m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_DESC && doc_id >= component->LastId()){
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    if(m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_ASC && doc_id <= component->LastId()){
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+                if(doc_manager->CheckDocByExtraFilterKey(doc_id) == true){
+                    count++;
+                    candidate_doc.push_back(and_vecs[i]);
+                }
+            }
+            limit_start += component->PageSize() * N;
+            N *= 2;
+        }
+        Json::FastWriter writer;
+        Json::Value response;
+        response["code"] = 0;
+        int sequence = -1;
+        int rank = 0;
+        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < candidate_doc.size(); i++) {
+            if(rank >= (int)component->PageSize()){
+                break;
+            }
+            sequence++;
+            rank++;
+            TerminalRes tmp = candidate_doc[i];
+            Json::Value doc_info;
+            doc_info["doc_id"] = Json::Value(tmp.doc_id.c_str());
+            doc_info["score"] = Json::Value(tmp.score);
+            response["result"].append(doc_info);
+        }
+        response["type"] = 0;
+        response["count"] = rank;  // TODO 这里的count并不是实际的总数
+        std::string outputConfig = writer.write(response);
+        request->setResult(outputConfig);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    map<string, double> top_doc_score;
+    if (component->TopSwitch() == 1) {
+        ret = GetTopDocScore(top_doc_score);
+        if (ret != 0) {
+            return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
+        }
+    }
+    ret = GetDocScore(top_doc_score);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
+    }
+    Json::FastWriter writer;
+    Json::Value response;
+    response["code"] = 0;
+    int sequence = -1;
+    int rank = 0;
+    int page_size = component->PageSize();
+    int limit_start = page_size * (component->PageIndex()-1);
+    int limit_end = page_size * (component->PageIndex()-1) + page_size - 1;
+    log_debug("search result begin.");
+    vector<PAIR> top_vec(top_doc_score.begin(), top_doc_score.end());
+    sort(top_vec.begin(), top_vec.end(), CmpByValue());
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < top_vec.size(); i++) {
+        sequence++;
+        rank++;
+        if(component->ReturnAll() == 0){
+            if (sequence < limit_start || sequence > limit_end) {
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
+        pair<string, double> tmp = top_vec[i];
+        Json::Value doc_info;
+        doc_info["doc_id"] = Json::Value(tmp.first.c_str());
+        doc_info["score"] = Json::Value(tmp.second);
+        response["result"].append(doc_info);
+    }
+    if((m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_DESC || m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_ASC) && skipList.GetSize() == 0){
+        OrderOpCond order_op_cond;
+        order_op_cond.last_id = component->LastId();
+        order_op_cond.limit_start = limit_start;
+        order_op_cond.count = page_size;
+        order_op_cond.has_extra_filter = false;
+        if(component->ExtraFilterKeys().size() != 0 || component->ExtraFilterAndKeys().size() != 0 || component->ExtraFilterInvertKeys().size() != 0){
+            order_op_cond.has_extra_filter = true;
+        }
+        if(m_sort_field_type == FIELDTYPE_INT){
+            rank += doc_manager->ScoreIntMap().size();
+            COrderOp<int> orderOp(FIELDTYPE_INT, component->SearchAfter(), m_sort_type);
+            orderOp.Process(doc_manager->ScoreIntMap(), atoi(component->LastScore().c_str()), order_op_cond, response, doc_manager);
+        } else if(m_sort_field_type == FIELDTYPE_DOUBLE) {
+            rank += doc_manager->ScoreDoubleMap().size();
+            COrderOp<double> orderOp(FIELDTYPE_DOUBLE, component->SearchAfter(), m_sort_type);
+            orderOp.Process(doc_manager->ScoreDoubleMap(), atof(component->LastScore().c_str()), order_op_cond, response, doc_manager);
+        } else {
+            rank += doc_manager->ScoreStrMap().size();
+            COrderOp<string> orderOp(FIELDTYPE_STRING, component->SearchAfter(), m_sort_type);
+            orderOp.Process(doc_manager->ScoreStrMap(), component->LastScore(), order_op_cond, response, doc_manager);
+        }
+    } else if (m_has_gis || m_sort_type == SORT_FIELD_ASC) {
+        log_debug("m_has_gis, size:%d ", skipList.GetSize());
+        SkipListNode *tmp = skipList.GetHeader()->level[0].forward;
+        while (tmp->level[0].forward != NULL) {
+            // 通过extra_filter_keys进行额外过滤(针对区分度不高的字段)
+            if(doc_manager->CheckDocByExtraFilterKey(tmp->value) == false){
+                log_debug("CheckDocByExtraFilterKey failed, %s", tmp->value);
+                tmp = tmp->level[0].forward;
+                continue;
+            }
+            sequence++;
+            rank++;
+            if(component->ReturnAll() == 0){
+                if (sequence < limit_start || sequence > limit_end) {
+                    tmp = tmp->level[0].forward;
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+            Json::Value doc_info;
+            doc_info["doc_id"] = Json::Value(tmp->value);
+            doc_info["score"] = Json::Value(tmp->key);
+            response["result"].append(doc_info);
+            tmp = tmp->level[0].forward;
+        }
+    } else {
+        SkipListNode *tmp = skipList.GetFooter()->backward;
+        while(tmp->backward != NULL) {
+            if(doc_manager->CheckDocByExtraFilterKey(tmp->value) == false){
+                tmp = tmp->backward;
+                continue;
+            }
+            sequence++;
+            rank++;
+            if (component->ReturnAll() == 0){
+                if (sequence < limit_start || sequence > limit_end) {
+                    tmp = tmp->backward;
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+            Json::Value doc_info;
+            doc_info["doc_id"] = Json::Value(tmp->value);
+            doc_info["score"] = Json::Value(tmp->key);
+            response["result"].append(doc_info);
+            tmp = tmp->backward;
+        }
+    }
+    if(m_fields.size() > 0){
+        doc_manager->AppendFieldsToRes(response, m_fields);
+    }
+    if (rank > 0)
+        AppendHighLightWord(response);
+    if (m_has_gis) {
+        response["type"] = 1;
+    }
+    else {
+        response["type"] = 0;
+    }
+    response["count"] = rank;
+    if(m_index_set_cnt != 0){
+        response["count"] = m_index_set_cnt;
+    }
+    log_debug("search result end: %lld.", (long long int)GetSysTimeMicros());
+    std::string outputConfig = writer.write(response);
+    request->setResult(outputConfig);
+    if (component->ReturnAll() == 0 && component->CacheSwitch() == 1 && component->PageIndex() == 1 && m_has_gis == 0 
+        && rank > 0 && outputConfig.size() < MAX_VALUE_LEN && m_Primary_Data != "") {
+        string m_Data_Cache = m_Primary_Data + "|" + component->DataAnd() + "|" + component->DataInvert() + "|" + component->DataComplete() + "|" +
+                                ToString(m_sort_type) + "|" + ToString(m_appid);
+        unsigned data_size = m_Data_Cache.size();
+        int ret = cachelist->add_list(m_Data_Cache.c_str(), outputConfig.c_str(), data_size, outputConfig.size());
+        if (ret != 0) {
+            log_error("add to cache_list error, ret: %d.", ret);
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug("add to cache_list: %s.", m_Data_Cache.c_str());
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
 int SearchTask::Process(CTaskRequest *request)
-	log_debug("SearchTask::Process begin: %lld.", (long long int)GetSysTimeMicros());
-	common::CallerInfo caller_info = common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().RegisterInfo(std::string("searchEngine.searchService.searchTask"));
-	Json::Value recv_packet;
-	string request_string = request->buildRequsetString();
-	if (component->ParseJson(request_string.c_str(), request_string.length(), recv_packet) != 0) {
-		string str = GenReplyStr(PARAMETER_ERR);
-		request->setResult(str);
-		common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().FunctionError(caller_info);
-		common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().RegisterInfoEnd(caller_info);
-		return -RT_PARSE_JSON_ERR;
-	}
-	m_Primary_Data = component->Data();
-	m_appid = component->Appid();
-	m_sort_type = component->SortType();
-	m_sort_field = component->SortField();
-	if(component->Fields().size() > 0){
-		m_fields.assign(component->Fields().begin(), component->Fields().end());
-	}
-	skipList.InitList();
-	component->InitSwitch();
-	log_debug("m_Data: %s", m_Primary_Data.c_str());
-	string err_msg = "";
-	int ret = component->GetQueryWord(m_has_gis, err_msg);
-	if (ret != 0) {
-		string str = GenReplyStr(PARAMETER_ERR, err_msg);
-		request->setResult(str);
-		common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().FunctionError(caller_info);
-		return ret;
-	}
-	if(component->TerminalTag() == 1 && component->TerminalTagValid() == false){
-		log_error("TerminalTag is 1 and TerminalTagValid is false.");
-		common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().FunctionError(caller_info);
-		return -RT_PARSE_JSON_ERR;
-	}
-	doc_manager = new DocManager(component);
-	log_debug("cache_switch: %u", component->CacheSwitch());
-	if (component->ReturnAll() == 0 && component->CacheSwitch() == 1 && component->PageIndex() == 1 && m_Primary_Data != "" && m_has_gis == 0) {
-		string m_Data_Cache = m_Primary_Data + "|" + component->DataAnd() + "|" + component->DataInvert() + "|" + component->DataComplete() + "|" +
-								ToString(m_sort_type) + "|" + ToString(m_appid);
-		uint8_t value[MAX_VALUE_LEN] = { 0 };
-		unsigned vsize = 0;
-		if (cachelist->in_list(m_Data_Cache.c_str(), m_Data_Cache.size(), value, vsize))
-		{
-			statmgr.GetItemU32(INDEX_SEARCH_HIT_CACHE)++;
-			log_debug("hit cache.");
-			value[vsize] = '\0';
-			std::string outputConfig = (char *)value;
-			request->setResult(outputConfig);
-			common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().RegisterInfoEnd(caller_info);
-			return 0;
+    log_debug("SearchTask::Process begin: %lld.", (long long int)GetSysTimeMicros());
+    common::CallerInfo caller_info = common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().RegisterInfo(std::string("searchEngine.searchService.searchTask"));
+    Json::Value recv_packet;
+    string request_string = request->buildRequsetString();
+    if (component->ParseJson(request_string.c_str(), request_string.length(), recv_packet) != 0) {
+        string str = GenReplyStr(PARAMETER_ERR);
+        request->setResult(str);
+        common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().FunctionError(caller_info);
+        common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().RegisterInfoEnd(caller_info);
+        return -RT_PARSE_JSON_ERR;
+    }
+    m_Primary_Data = component->Data();
+    m_appid = component->Appid();
+    m_sort_type = component->SortType();
+    m_sort_field = component->SortField();
+    if(component->Fields().size() > 0){
+        m_fields.assign(component->Fields().begin(), component->Fields().end());
+    }
+    skipList.InitList();
+    component->InitSwitch();
+    log_debug("m_Data: %s", m_Primary_Data.c_str());
+    m_query_ = component->GetQuery();
+    if(m_query_.isObject()){
+        if(m_query_.isMember("match")){
+            query_process_ = new MatchQueryProcess(m_appid, m_query_["match"], component);
+        } else {
+			log_error("query type error.");
+			return -RT_PARSE_JSON_ERR;
-	}
-	if (component->DataComplete() != "") {
-		FieldInfo fieldInfo;
-		string split_data = SplitManager::Instance()->split(component->DataComplete(), m_appid);
-		log_debug("complete split_data: %s", split_data.c_str());
-		vector<string> split_datas = splitEx(split_data, "|");
-		for(size_t i = 0; i < split_datas.size(); i++) {
-			fieldInfo.word = split_datas[i];
-			complete_keys.push_back(fieldInfo);
+        query_process_->SetSkipList(skipList);
+        query_process_->SetRequest(request);
+        int ret = query_process_->DoJob();
+		if(ret != 0){
+			log_error("query_process_ DoJob error, ret: %d", ret);
+			return ret;
-	}
-	logical_operate = new LogicalOperate(m_appid, m_sort_type, m_has_gis, component->CacheSwitch());
-	ret = DoJob(request);
-	if (ret != 0) {
-		string str = GenReplyStr(PARAMETER_ERR);
-		request->setResult(str);
-		common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().FunctionError(caller_info);
-		common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().RegisterInfoEnd(caller_info);
-		return ret;
-	}
-	common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().RegisterInfoEnd(caller_info);
-	return 0;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    string err_msg = "";
+    int ret = component->GetQueryWord(m_has_gis, err_msg);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        string str = GenReplyStr(PARAMETER_ERR, err_msg);
+        request->setResult(str);
+        common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().FunctionError(caller_info);
+        return ret;
+    }
+    if(component->TerminalTag() == 1 && component->TerminalTagValid() == false){
+        log_error("TerminalTag is 1 and TerminalTagValid is false.");
+        common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().FunctionError(caller_info);
+        return -RT_PARSE_JSON_ERR;
+    }
+    doc_manager = new DocManager(component);
+    log_debug("cache_switch: %u", component->CacheSwitch());
+    if (component->ReturnAll() == 0 && component->CacheSwitch() == 1 && component->PageIndex() == 1 && m_Primary_Data != "" && m_has_gis == 0) {
+        string m_Data_Cache = m_Primary_Data + "|" + component->DataAnd() + "|" + component->DataInvert() + "|" + component->DataComplete() + "|" +
+                                ToString(m_sort_type) + "|" + ToString(m_appid);
+        uint8_t value[MAX_VALUE_LEN] = { 0 };
+        unsigned vsize = 0;
+        if (cachelist->in_list(m_Data_Cache.c_str(), m_Data_Cache.size(), value, vsize))
+        {
+            statmgr.GetItemU32(INDEX_SEARCH_HIT_CACHE)++;
+            log_debug("hit cache.");
+            value[vsize] = '\0';
+            std::string outputConfig = (char *)value;
+            request->setResult(outputConfig);
+            common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().RegisterInfoEnd(caller_info);
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    if (component->DataComplete() != "") {
+        FieldInfo fieldInfo;
+        string split_data = SplitManager::Instance()->split(component->DataComplete(), m_appid);
+        log_debug("complete split_data: %s", split_data.c_str());
+        vector<string> split_datas = splitEx(split_data, "|");
+        for(size_t i = 0; i < split_datas.size(); i++) {
+            fieldInfo.word = split_datas[i];
+            complete_keys.push_back(fieldInfo);
+        }
+    }
+    logical_operate = new LogicalOperate(m_appid, m_sort_type, m_has_gis, component->CacheSwitch());
+    ret = DoJob(request);
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        string str = GenReplyStr(PARAMETER_ERR);
+        request->setResult(str);
+        common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().FunctionError(caller_info);
+        common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().RegisterInfoEnd(caller_info);
+        return ret;
+    }
+    common::ProfilerMonitor::GetInstance().RegisterInfoEnd(caller_info);
+    return 0;
 SearchTask::~SearchTask() {
-	if(component != NULL){
-		delete component;
-	}
-	if(logical_operate != NULL){
-		delete logical_operate;
-	}
-	if(doc_manager != NULL){
-		delete doc_manager;
-	}
+    if(component != NULL){
+        delete component;
+    }
+    if(logical_operate != NULL){
+        delete logical_operate;
+    }
+    if(doc_manager != NULL){
+        delete doc_manager;
+    }

+ 5 - 0

@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <map>
 #include <vector>
+#include "process/query_process.h"
 using  namespace std;
 typedef vector<KeyInfo> vec;
@@ -68,6 +71,8 @@ private:
 	uint32_t m_has_gis; //该appid是否包含有地理位置gis信息的查询
 	set<string> highlightWord;
 	SkipList skipList;
+	QueryProcess* query_process_;
+	Json::Value m_query_;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ static int accept_connection(int fd)
 		if (newfd < 0 && errno == EINVAL)
 			if (getppid() == (pid_t)1)
-			{ // 父进程已经退出
+			{ // 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟窖撅拷锟剿筹拷
 				log_error("dtc father process not exist. helper[%d] exit now.", getpid());