Browse Source

delete unused code

shzhulin3 2 years ago

+ 0 - 791

@@ -1,791 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  component.h
- *
- *    Description:  component class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  09/08/2019
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  zhulin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#include "component.h"
-#include "split_manager.h"
-#include "db_manager.h"
-#include "utf8_str.h"
-#include "query/bool_query_parser.h"
-#include "query/geo_distance_parser.h"
-#include "query/range_query_parser.h"
-#include "query/match_query_parser.h"
-#include "query/term_query_parser.h"
-#include "query/geo_shape_parser.h"
-#include <sstream>
-using namespace std;
-	SGlobalConfig &global_cfg = SearchConf::Instance()->GetGlobalConfig();
-	m_default_query = global_cfg.sDefaultQuery;
-	m_jdq_switch = global_cfg.iJdqSwitch;
-	m_page_index = 0;
-	m_page_size = 0;
-	m_return_all = 0;
-	m_cache_switch = 0;
-	m_top_switch = 0;
-	m_snapshot_switch = 0;
-	m_sort_type = SORT_RELEVANCE;
-	m_appid = 10001;
-	m_last_id = "";
-	m_last_score = "";
-	m_search_after = false;
-	distance = 0;
-	m_terminal_tag = 0;
-	m_terminal_tag_valid = false;
-	m_query_type = 0;
-	if(NULL != query_parser){
-		delete query_parser;
-	}
-	if(NULL != query_parser_res){
-		delete query_parser_res;
-	}
-int Component::ParseJson(const char *sz_json, int json_len, Json::Value &recv_packet)
-	Json::Reader r(Json::Features::strictMode());
-	int ret;
-	ret = r.parse(sz_json, sz_json + json_len, recv_packet);
-	if (0 == ret)
-	{
-		log_error("the err json string is : %s", sz_json);
-		log_error("parse json error , errmsg : %s", r.getFormattedErrorMessages().c_str());
-		return -RT_PARSE_JSON_ERR;
-	}
-	if (recv_packet.isMember("appid") && recv_packet["appid"].isUInt())
-	{
-		m_appid = recv_packet["appid"].asUInt();
-	}
-	else {
-		m_appid = 10001;
-	}
-	if(recv_packet.isMember("query")){
-		m_query = recv_packet["query"];	
-	}
-	if (recv_packet.isMember("key") && recv_packet["key"].isString())
-	{
-		m_Data = recv_packet["key"].asString();
-	}
-	else {
-		m_Data = "";
-	}
-	if (recv_packet.isMember("key_and") && recv_packet["key_and"].isString())
-	{
-		m_Data_and = recv_packet["key_and"].asString();
-	}
-	else {
-		m_Data_and = "";
-	}
-	if (recv_packet.isMember("key_invert") && recv_packet["key_invert"].isString())
-	{
-		m_Data_invert = recv_packet["key_invert"].asString();
-	}
-	else {
-		m_Data_invert = "";
-	}
-	if (recv_packet.isMember("key_complete") && recv_packet["key_complete"].isString())
-	{
-		m_Data_complete = recv_packet["key_complete"].asString();
-	}
-	else {
-		m_Data_complete = "";
-	}
-	if (recv_packet.isMember("page_index") && recv_packet["page_index"].isString())
-	{
-		m_page_index = atoi(recv_packet["page_index"].asString().c_str());
-	}
-	else {
-		m_page_index = 1 ;
-	}
-	if (recv_packet.isMember("page_size") && recv_packet["page_size"].isString())
-	{
-		m_page_size = atoi(recv_packet["page_size"].asString().c_str());
-	}
-	else {
-		m_page_size = 10;
-	}
-	if(recv_packet.isMember("sort_type") && recv_packet["sort_type"].isString())
-	{
-		m_sort_type = atoi(recv_packet["sort_type"].asString().c_str());
-	}
-	else {
-		m_sort_type = SORT_RELEVANCE;
-	}
-	if(recv_packet.isMember("sort_field") && recv_packet["sort_field"].isString())
-	{
-		m_sort_field = recv_packet["sort_field"].asString();
-	}
-	else {
-		m_sort_field = "";
-	}
-	if (recv_packet.isMember("return_all") && recv_packet["return_all"].isString())
-	{
-		m_return_all = atoi(recv_packet["return_all"].asString().c_str());
-	}
-	else {
-		m_return_all = 0;
-	}
-	if(recv_packet.isMember("fields") && recv_packet["fields"].isString())
-	{
-		string fields = recv_packet["fields"].asString();
-		m_fields = splitEx(fields, ",");
-	}
-	if (recv_packet.isMember("terminal_tag") && recv_packet["terminal_tag"].isString())
-	{
-		m_terminal_tag = atoi(recv_packet["terminal_tag"].asString().c_str());
-	}
-	else {
-		m_terminal_tag = 0;
-	}
-	if(m_terminal_tag == 1){
-		if(m_Data_and == "" || m_Data != "" || m_Data_invert != ""){
-			log_error("terminal_tag is true, only key_and is available.");
-			return -RT_PARSE_JSON_ERR;
-		}
-	}
-	if(recv_packet.isMember("last_id") && recv_packet["last_id"].isString())
-	{
-		m_last_id = recv_packet["last_id"].asString();
-	}
-	else {
-		m_last_id = "";
-	}
-	bool score_flag = true;
-	if (recv_packet.isMember("last_score") && recv_packet["last_score"].isString())
-	{
-		m_last_score = recv_packet["last_score"].asString();
-	}
-	else {
-		score_flag = false;
-		m_last_score = "0";
-	}
-	if(m_last_id != "" && score_flag == true){
-		m_search_after = true;
-	}
-	if(m_search_after == true && m_sort_type != SORT_FIELD_DESC && m_sort_type != SORT_FIELD_ASC){
-		log_error("in search_after mode, sort_type must be SORT_FIELD_DESC or SORT_FIELD_ASC.");
-		return -RT_PARSE_JSON_ERR;
-	}
-	if ("" == m_Data && "" == m_Data_and && "" == m_Data_complete) {
-		m_Data = m_default_query;
-	}
-	log_debug("parse success, m_Data: %s, m_Data_and: %s, m_Data_invert: %s, m_page_index: %u, m_return_all: %u",
-		m_Data.c_str(), m_Data_and.c_str(), m_Data_invert.c_str(), m_page_index, m_return_all);
-	return 0;
-void Component::InitSwitch()
-	AppInfo app_info;
-	bool res = SearchConf::Instance()->GetAppInfo(m_appid, app_info);
-	if (true == res){
-		m_cache_switch = app_info.cache_switch;
-		m_top_switch = app_info.top_switch;
-		m_snapshot_switch = app_info.snapshot_switch;
-	}
-int Component::GetQueryWord(uint32_t &m_has_gis, string &err_msg){
-	if(m_query.isObject()){
-		if(m_query.isMember("bool")){
-			m_query_type = QUERY_TYPE_BOOL;
-			query_parser = new BoolQueryParser(m_appid, m_query["bool"]);
-		} else if(m_query.isMember("geo_distance")){
-			m_query_type = QUERY_TYPE_GEO_DISTANCE;
-			query_parser = new GeoDistanceParser(m_appid, m_query["geo_distance"]);
-		} else if(m_query.isMember("range")){
-			m_query_type = QUERY_TYPE_RANGE;
-			query_parser = new RangeQueryParser(m_appid, m_query["range"]);
-		} else if(m_query.isMember("match")){
-			m_query_type = QUERY_TYPE_MATCH;
-			query_parser = new MatchQueryParser(m_appid, m_query["match"]);
-		} else if(m_query.isMember("term")){
-			m_query_type = QUERY_TYPE_TERM;
-			query_parser = new TermQueryParser(m_appid, m_query["term"]);
-		} else if(m_query.isMember("geo_shape")){
-			m_query_type = QUERY_TYPE_GEO_SHAPE;
-			query_parser = new GeoShapeParser(m_appid, m_query["geo_shape"]);
-		} else {
-			log_error("query type error!");
-			return -RT_QUERY_TYPE_ERROR;
-		}
-		query_parser_res = new QueryParserRes();
-		int ret = query_parser->ParseContent(query_parser_res);
-		if(ret != 0){
-			err_msg = query_parser_res->ErrMsg();
-			log_error("query_parser ParseContent error, ret: %d", ret);
-			return ret;
-		}
-		map<uint32_t, vector<FieldInfo> >::iterator field_key_map_iter = query_parser_res->FieldKeysMap().begin();
-		for(; field_key_map_iter != query_parser_res->FieldKeysMap().end(); field_key_map_iter++){
-			AddToFieldList(ANDKEY, field_key_map_iter->second);
-		}
-		map<uint32_t, vector<FieldInfo> >::iterator or_key_map_iter = query_parser_res->OrFieldKeysMap().begin();
-		for(; or_key_map_iter != query_parser_res->OrFieldKeysMap().end(); or_key_map_iter++){
-			AddToFieldList(ORKEY, or_key_map_iter->second);
-		}
-		map<uint32_t, vector<FieldInfo> >::iterator invert_key_map_iter = query_parser_res->InvertFieldKeysMap().begin();
-		for(; invert_key_map_iter != query_parser_res->InvertFieldKeysMap().end(); invert_key_map_iter++){
-			AddToFieldList(INVERTKEY, invert_key_map_iter->second);
-		}
-		m_has_gis = query_parser_res->HasGis();
-		if(m_has_gis){
-			latitude = query_parser_res->Latitude();
-			longitude = query_parser_res->Longitude();
-			distance = query_parser_res->Distance();
-			log_debug("lat: %s, lon: %s, distance: %f", latitude.c_str(), longitude.c_str(), distance);
-		}
-		extra_filter_keys.assign(query_parser_res->ExtraFilterKeys().begin(), query_parser_res->ExtraFilterKeys().end());
-		extra_filter_and_keys.assign(query_parser_res->ExtraFilterAndKeys().begin(), query_parser_res->ExtraFilterAndKeys().end());
-		extra_filter_invert_keys.assign(query_parser_res->ExtraFilterInvertKeys().begin(), query_parser_res->ExtraFilterInvertKeys().end());
-	} else {
-		GetFieldWords(ORKEY, m_Data, m_appid, m_has_gis);
-		GetFieldWords(ANDKEY, m_Data_and, m_appid, m_has_gis);
-		GetFieldWords(INVERTKEY, m_Data_invert, m_appid, m_has_gis);
-	}
-	return 0;
-void Component::GetFieldWords(int type, string dataStr, uint32_t appid, uint32_t &m_has_gis){
-	if (dataStr == "")
-		return ;
-	string latitude_tmp = "";
-	string longitude_tmp = "";
-	string gisip_tmp = "";
-	string field_Data = "";
-	string primary_Data = "";
-	vector<FieldInfo> joinFieldInfos;
-	int i = dataStr.find(":");
-	if (i == -1) {
-		primary_Data = dataStr;
-	} else {
-		int j = dataStr.substr(0, i).rfind(" ");
-		if (j == -1) {
-			field_Data = dataStr;
-			primary_Data = "";
-		} else {
-			primary_Data = dataStr.substr(0, j);
-			field_Data = dataStr.substr(j+1);
-		}
-	}
-	if (type == 0) {
-		m_Query_Word = primary_Data;
-	}
-	if (primary_Data.length() > MAX_SEARCH_LEN) { // 超长进行截断
-		primary_Data = primary_Data.substr(0, MAX_SEARCH_LEN);
-	}
-	string probably_key = "";
-	bool is_correct = false;
-	if(primary_Data != "" && primary_Data.length() <= SINGLE_WORD_LEN)   // 判断输入的词语是否正确,如果超过一定长度,则认为是多个词组成
-	{
-		JudgeWord(appid, primary_Data, is_correct, probably_key);
-		m_probably_data = probably_key;
-	}
-	vector<FieldInfo> primaryInfo;
-	FieldInfo pInfo;
-	string split_data;
-	if (is_correct == true) {
-		pInfo.field = INT_MAX;
-		pInfo.word = primary_Data;
-		primaryInfo.push_back(pInfo);
-		DataManager::Instance()->GetSynonymByKey(primary_Data, primaryInfo);
-	}
-	else if (probably_key != "") {
-		pInfo.word = probably_key;
-		primaryInfo.push_back(pInfo);
-		DataManager::Instance()->GetSynonymByKey(probably_key, primaryInfo);
-	}
-	else if (primary_Data != ""){
-		split_data = SplitManager::Instance()->split(primary_Data, appid);
-		log_debug("split_data: %s", split_data.c_str());
-		vector<string> split_datas = splitEx(split_data, "|");
-		for(size_t i = 0; i < split_datas.size(); i++)  //是否有重复的同义词存在?
-		{
-			pInfo.field = INT_MAX;
-			pInfo.word = split_datas[i];
-			primaryInfo.push_back(pInfo);
-			DataManager::Instance()->GetSynonymByKey(split_datas[i], primaryInfo);
-		}
-	}
-	AddToFieldList(type, primaryInfo);
-	vector<string> gisCode;
-	vector<string> vec = splitEx(field_Data, " ");
-	vector<string>::iterator iter;
-	map<uint32_t, vector<FieldInfo> > field_keys_map;
-	uint32_t range_query = 0;
-	vector<string> lng_arr;
-	vector<string> lat_arr;
-	for (iter = vec.begin(); iter < vec.end(); iter++)
-	{
-		vector<FieldInfo> fieldInfos;
-		if ((*iter)[0] == '\0')
-			continue;
-		vector<string> tmp = splitEx(*iter, ":");
-		if (tmp.size() != 2)
-			continue;
-		uint32_t segment_tag = 0;
-		FieldInfo fieldInfo;
-		string fieldname = tmp[0];
-		uint32_t field = DBManager::Instance()->GetWordField(segment_tag, appid, fieldname, fieldInfo);
-		if(field != 0 && fieldInfo.index_tag == 0){
-			ExtraFilterKey extra_filter_key;
-			extra_filter_key.field_name = fieldname;
-			extra_filter_key.field_value = tmp[1];
-			extra_filter_key.field_type = fieldInfo.field_type;
-			if(type == 0){
-				extra_filter_keys.push_back(extra_filter_key);
-			} else if (type == 1) {
-				extra_filter_and_keys.push_back(extra_filter_key);
-			} else if (type == 2) {
-				extra_filter_invert_keys.push_back(extra_filter_key);
-			}
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (field != 0 && segment_tag == 1) 
-		{
-			string split_data = SplitManager::Instance()->split(tmp[1], appid);
-			log_debug("split_data: %s", split_data.c_str());
-			vector<string> split_datas = splitEx(split_data, "|");
-			for(size_t index = 0; index < split_datas.size(); index++)
-			{
-				FieldInfo info;
-				info.field = fieldInfo.field;
-				info.field_type = fieldInfo.field_type;
-				info.word = split_datas[index];
-				info.segment_tag = fieldInfo.segment_tag;
-				fieldInfos.push_back(info);
-			}
-		}
-		else if (field != 0 && segment_tag == 5) {
-			range_query++;
-			string str = tmp[1];
-			str.erase(0, str.find_first_not_of(" "));
-			str.erase(str.find_last_not_of(" ") + 1);
-			if (str.size() == 0) {
-				log_error("field[%s] content is null", fieldname.c_str());
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (str[0] == '[') { // 范围查询
-				int l = str.find(",");
-				if (l == -1 || (str[str.size() - 1] != ']' && str[str.size() - 1] != ')')) {
-					log_error("field[%s] content[%s] invalid", fieldname.c_str(), str.c_str());
-					continue;
-				}
-				istringstream iss(str.substr(1, l).c_str());
-				iss >> fieldInfo.start;
-				string end_str = str.substr(l + 1, str.size() - l - 2);
-				end_str.erase(0, end_str.find_first_not_of(" "));
-				istringstream end_iss(end_str);
-				end_iss >> fieldInfo.end;
-				if (str[str.size() - 1] == ']') {
-					fieldInfo.range_type = RANGE_GELE;
-				}
-				else {
-					if (end_str.size() == 0) {
-						fieldInfo.range_type = RANGE_GE;
-					}
-					else {
-						fieldInfo.range_type = RANGE_GELT;
-					}
-				}
-				fieldInfos.push_back(fieldInfo);
-			}
-			else if (str[0] == '(') {
-				int l = str.find(",");
-                if (l == -1 || (str[str.size() - 1] != ']' && str[str.size() - 1] != ')')) {
-					log_error("field[%s] content[%s] invalid", fieldname.c_str(), str.c_str());
-					continue;
-				}
-				string start_str = str.substr(1, l).c_str();
-				string end_str = str.substr(l + 1, str.size() - l - 2);
-				start_str.erase(0, start_str.find_first_not_of(" "));
-				end_str.erase(0, end_str.find_first_not_of(" "));
-				istringstream start_iss(start_str);
-				start_iss >> fieldInfo.start;
-				istringstream end_iss(end_str);
-				end_iss >> fieldInfo.end;
-				if (str[str.size() - 1] == ']') {
-					if (start_str.size() == 0) {
-						fieldInfo.range_type = RANGE_LE;
-					}
-					else {
-						fieldInfo.range_type = RANGE_GTLE;
-					}
-				}
-				else {
-					if (start_str.size() != 0 && end_str.size() != 0) {
-						fieldInfo.range_type = RANGE_GTLT;
-					}
-					else if (start_str.size() == 0 && end_str.size() != 0) {
-						fieldInfo.range_type = RANGE_LT;
-					}
-					else if (start_str.size() != 0 && end_str.size() == 0) {
-						fieldInfo.range_type = RANGE_GT;
-					}
-					else {
-						log_error("field[%s] content[%s] invalid", fieldname.c_str(), str.c_str());
-						continue;
-					}
-				}
-                fieldInfos.push_back(fieldInfo);
-			}
-			else {
-				fieldInfo.word = tmp[1];
-				fieldInfos.push_back(fieldInfo);
-			}
-            log_debug("range_type: %d, start: %u, end: %u, segment_tag: %d, word: %s", fieldInfo.range_type, fieldInfo.start, fieldInfo.end, fieldInfo.segment_tag, fieldInfo.word.c_str());
-		}
-		else if (field != 0) 
-		{
-			fieldInfo.word = tmp[1];
-			fieldInfos.push_back(fieldInfo);
-		} 
-		else if (field == 0) 
-		{
-			if (fieldInfo.field_type == 5) {
-				longitude_tmp = tmp[1];
-				longitude = longitude_tmp;
-			} else if (fieldInfo.field_type == 6) {
-				latitude_tmp = tmp[1];
-				latitude = latitude_tmp;
-			} else if (fieldInfo.field_type == 8) {
-				distance = strToDouble(tmp[1]);
-			} else if (fieldInfo.field_type == 7) {
-				gisip_tmp = tmp[1];
-				gisip = gisip_tmp;
-			} else if (fieldInfo.field_type == FIELD_WKT) {
-				string str = tmp[1];
-				str = delPrefix(str);
-				vector<string> str_vec = splitEx(str, ",");
-				for(uint32_t str_vec_idx = 0; str_vec_idx < str_vec.size(); str_vec_idx++){
-					string wkt_str = trim(str_vec[str_vec_idx]);
-					vector<string> wkt_vec = splitEx(wkt_str, "-");
-					if(wkt_vec.size() == 2){
-						lng_arr.push_back(wkt_vec[0]);
-						lat_arr.push_back(wkt_vec[1]);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (fieldInfos.size() != 0) {
-			field_keys_map.insert(make_pair(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfos));
-		}
-	}
-	double distance_tmp = 2; // 不指定distance时最多返回2km内的数据
-	if(distance > 1e-6 && distance_tmp > distance + 1e-6){ // distance大于0小于2时取distance的值
-		distance_tmp = distance;
-	}
-	GetGisCode(longitude_tmp, latitude_tmp, gisip_tmp, distance_tmp, gisCode);
-	log_debug("lng_arr size: %d, lat_arr size: %d", (int)lng_arr.size(), (int)lat_arr.size());
-	if (gisCode.size() == 0 && lng_arr.size() > 0){
-		GetGisCode(lng_arr, lat_arr, gisCode);
-	}
-	if(gisCode.size() > 0){
-		vector<FieldInfo> fieldInfos;
-		uint32_t segment_tag = 0;
-		FieldInfo fieldInfo;
-		uint32_t field = DBManager::Instance()->GetWordField(segment_tag, appid, "gis", fieldInfo);
-		if (field != 0 && segment_tag == 0) {
-			m_has_gis = 1; 
-			for (size_t index = 0; index < gisCode.size(); index++) {
-				FieldInfo info;
-				info.field = fieldInfo.field;
-				info.field_type = fieldInfo.field_type;
-				info.segment_tag = fieldInfo.segment_tag;
-				info.word = gisCode[index];
-				fieldInfos.push_back(info);
-			}
-		}
-		if (fieldInfos.size() != 0) {
-			field_keys_map.insert(make_pair(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfos));
-		}
-	}
-	//如果key_and查询的field匹配到联合索引,则将查询词拼接起来作为新的查询词
-	if(type == 1){
-		vector<string> union_key_vec;
-		DBManager::Instance()->GetUnionKeyField(appid, union_key_vec);
-		vector<string>::iterator union_key_iter = union_key_vec.begin();
-		for(; union_key_iter != union_key_vec.end(); union_key_iter++){
-			string union_key = *union_key_iter;
-			vector<int> union_field_vec = splitInt(union_key, ",");
-			vector<int>::iterator union_field_iter = union_field_vec.begin();
-			bool hit_union_key = true;
-			for(; union_field_iter != union_field_vec.end(); union_field_iter++){
-				if(field_keys_map.find(*union_field_iter) == field_keys_map.end()){
-					hit_union_key = false;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if(hit_union_key == true){
-				vector<vector<string> > keys_vvec;
-				vector<FieldInfo> unionFieldInfos;
-				for(union_field_iter = union_field_vec.begin(); union_field_iter != union_field_vec.end(); union_field_iter++){
-					vector<FieldInfo> field_info_vec =*union_field_iter);
-					vector<string> key_vec;
-					GetKeyFromFieldInfo(field_info_vec, key_vec);
-					keys_vvec.push_back(key_vec);
-					field_keys_map.erase(*union_field_iter);  // 命中union_key的需要从field_keys_map中删除
-				}
-				vector<string> union_keys = Combination(keys_vvec);
-				for(int m = 0 ; m < (int)union_keys.size(); m++){
-					FieldInfo info;
-					info.field = 0;
-					info.field_type = FIELD_STRING;
-					info.segment_tag = 1;
-					info.word = union_keys[m];
-					unionFieldInfos.push_back(info);
-				}
-				AddToFieldList(type, unionFieldInfos);
-				log_debug("hit union key index.");
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		map<uint32_t, vector<FieldInfo> >::iterator field_key_map_iter = field_keys_map.begin();
-		for(; field_key_map_iter != field_keys_map.end(); field_key_map_iter++){
-			AddToFieldList(type, field_key_map_iter->second);
-		}
-	} else {
-		map<uint32_t, vector<FieldInfo> >::iterator field_key_map_iter = field_keys_map.begin();
-		for(; field_key_map_iter != field_keys_map.end(); field_key_map_iter++){
-			AddToFieldList(type, field_key_map_iter->second);
-		}
-	}
-	if(type == 1){ // terminal_tag为1时,key_and中必须只带有一个范围查询
-		if(m_terminal_tag == 1 && range_query == 1 && and_keys.size() == 1){
-			m_terminal_tag_valid = true;
-		}
-	}
-	return ;
-void Component::AddToFieldList(int type, vector<FieldInfo>& fields)
-	if (fields.size() == 0)
-		return ;
-	if (type == 0) {
-		keys.push_back(fields);
-	} else if (type == 1) {
-		and_keys.push_back(fields);
-	} else if (type == 2) {
-		invert_keys.push_back(fields);
-	}
-	return ;
-const vector<vector<FieldInfo> >& Component::Keys(){
-	return keys;
-const vector<vector<FieldInfo> >& Component::AndKeys(){
-	return and_keys;
-const vector<vector<FieldInfo> >& Component::InvertKeys(){
-	return invert_keys;
-const vector<ExtraFilterKey>& Component::ExtraFilterKeys(){
-	return extra_filter_keys;
-const vector<ExtraFilterKey>& Component::ExtraFilterAndKeys(){
-	return extra_filter_and_keys;
-const vector<ExtraFilterKey>& Component::ExtraFilterInvertKeys(){
-	return extra_filter_invert_keys;
-string Component::QueryWord(){
-	return m_Query_Word;
-void Component::SetQueryWord(string query_word){
-	m_Query_Word = query_word;
-string Component::ProbablyData(){
-	return m_probably_data;
-void Component::SetProbablyData(string probably_data){
-	m_probably_data = probably_data;
-string Component::Latitude(){
-	return latitude;
-string Component::Longitude(){
-	return longitude;
-double Component::Distance(){
-	return distance;
-string Component::Data(){
-	return m_Data;
-uint32_t Component::JdqSwitch(){
-	return m_jdq_switch;
-uint32_t Component::Appid(){
-	return m_appid;
-string Component::DataAnd(){
-	return m_Data_and;
-string Component::DataInvert(){
-	return m_Data_invert;
-string Component::DataComplete(){
-	return m_Data_complete;
-uint32_t Component::SortType(){
-	return m_sort_type;
-uint32_t Component::PageIndex(){
-	return m_page_index;
-uint32_t Component::PageSize(){
-	return m_page_size;
-uint32_t Component::ReturnAll(){
-	return m_return_all;
-uint32_t Component::CacheSwitch(){
-	return m_cache_switch;
-uint32_t Component::TopSwitch(){
-	return m_top_switch;
-uint32_t Component::SnapshotSwitch(){
-	return m_snapshot_switch;
-string Component::SortField(){
-	return m_sort_field;
-string Component::LastId(){
-	return m_last_id;
-string Component::LastScore(){
-	return m_last_score;
-bool Component::SearchAfter(){
-	return m_search_after;
-vector<string>& Component::Fields(){
-	return m_fields;
-uint32_t Component::TerminalTag(){
-	return m_terminal_tag;
-bool Component::TerminalTagValid(){
-	return m_terminal_tag_valid;
-Json::Value& Component::GetQuery(){
-	return m_query;
-void Component::GetKeyFromFieldInfo(const vector<FieldInfo>& field_info_vec, vector<string>& key_vec){
-	vector<FieldInfo>::const_iterator iter = field_info_vec.begin();
-	for(; iter != field_info_vec.end(); iter++){
-		key_vec.push_back((*iter).word);
-	}
-** 通过递归求出二维vector每一维vector中取一个数的各种组合
-** 输入:[[a],[b1,b2],[c1,c2,c3]]
-** 输出:[a_b1_c1,a_b1_c2,a_b1_c3,a_b2_c1,a_b2_c2,a_b2_c3]
-vector<string> Component::Combination(vector<vector<string> > &dimensionalArr){
-	int FLength = dimensionalArr.size();
-	if(FLength >= 2){
-		int SLength1 = dimensionalArr[0].size();
-		int SLength2 = dimensionalArr[1].size();
-		int DLength = SLength1 * SLength2;
-		vector<string> temporary(DLength);
-		int index = 0;
-		for(int i = 0; i < SLength1; i++){
-			for (int j = 0; j < SLength2; j++) {
-				temporary[index] = dimensionalArr[0][i] +"_"+ dimensionalArr[1][j];
-				index++;
-			}
-		}
-		vector<vector<string> > new_arr;
-		new_arr.push_back(temporary);
-		for(int i = 2; i < (int)dimensionalArr.size(); i++){
-			new_arr.push_back(dimensionalArr[i]);
-		}
-		return Combination(new_arr);
-	} else {
-		return dimensionalArr[0];
-	}

+ 0 - 118

@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  component.h
- *
- *    Description:  component class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  09/08/2019
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  zhulin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#ifndef __COMPONENT_H__
-#define __COMPONENT_H__
-#include "comm.h"
-#include "json/json.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "query/query_parser.h"
-using namespace std;
-class Component
-	Component();
-	~Component();
-	int GetQueryWord(uint32_t &m_has_gis, string &err_msg);
-	const vector<vector<FieldInfo> >& Keys();
-	const vector<vector<FieldInfo> >& AndKeys();
-	const vector<vector<FieldInfo> >& InvertKeys();
-	const vector<ExtraFilterKey>& ExtraFilterKeys();
-	const vector<ExtraFilterKey>& ExtraFilterAndKeys();
-	const vector<ExtraFilterKey>& ExtraFilterInvertKeys();
-	int ParseJson(const char *sz_json, int json_len, Json::Value &recv_packet);
-	void InitSwitch();
-	string QueryWord();
-	void SetQueryWord(string query_word);
-	string ProbablyData();
-	void SetProbablyData(string probably_data);
-	string Latitude();
-	string Longitude();
-	double Distance();
-	string Data();
-	string DataAnd();
-	string DataInvert();
-	string DataComplete();
-	uint32_t JdqSwitch();
-	uint32_t Appid();
-	uint32_t SortType();
-	uint32_t PageIndex();
-	uint32_t PageSize();
-	uint32_t ReturnAll();
-	uint32_t CacheSwitch();
-	uint32_t TopSwitch();
-	uint32_t SnapshotSwitch();
-	string SortField();
-	string LastId();
-	string LastScore();
-	bool SearchAfter();
-	vector<string>& Fields();
-	uint32_t TerminalTag();
-	bool TerminalTagValid();
-	Json::Value& GetQuery();
-	void GetFieldWords(int type, string dataStr, uint32_t appid, uint32_t &m_has_gis);
-	void AddToFieldList(int type, vector<FieldInfo>& fields);
-	void GetKeyFromFieldInfo(const vector<FieldInfo>& field_info_vec, vector<string>& key_vec);
-	vector<string> Combination(vector<vector<string> > &dimensionalArr);
-	vector<vector<FieldInfo> > keys;
-	vector<vector<FieldInfo> > and_keys;
-	vector<vector<FieldInfo> > invert_keys;
-	vector<ExtraFilterKey> extra_filter_keys;
-	vector<ExtraFilterKey> extra_filter_and_keys;
-	vector<ExtraFilterKey> extra_filter_invert_keys;
-	string m_Query_Word;
-	string m_probably_data;
-	string latitude;
-	string longitude;
-	string gisip;
-	double distance;
-	string m_Data; 	//查询词
-	string m_Data_and; 		// 包含该查询词
-	string m_Data_invert;   // 不包含该查询词
-	string m_Data_complete; // 完整关键词
-	uint32_t m_page_index;
-	uint32_t m_page_size;
-	uint32_t m_return_all;
-	uint32_t m_cache_switch;
-	uint32_t m_top_switch;
-	uint32_t m_snapshot_switch;
-	uint32_t m_sort_type;
-	uint32_t m_appid;
-	uint32_t m_query_type;
-	string m_sort_field;
-	string m_last_id;
-	string m_last_score;
-	bool m_search_after;
-	vector<string> m_fields;
-	string m_default_query;
-	uint32_t m_jdq_switch;
-	uint32_t m_terminal_tag;
-	bool m_terminal_tag_valid;
-	Json::Value m_query;
-	QueryParser* query_parser;
-	QueryParserRes* query_parser_res;

+ 0 - 254

@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  rocksdb_direct_context.h
- *
- *    Description:  rocksdb direct context class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  09/08/2020
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  zhulin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#if 1
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <deque>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h>
-static const uint16_t sgMagicNum = 12345; // global magic number
-// operator must be matched with DTC with the same order
-enum CondOpr
-  eEQ, // ==
-  eNE, // !=
-  eLT, // <
-  eLE, // <=
-  eGT, // >
-  eGE // >=
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct QueryCond
-  uint8_t sFieldIndex;
-  uint8_t sCondOpr; // CondOpr
-  std::string sCondValue;
-  int binarySize()
-  {
-    static int fixHeaderLen = sizeof(sFieldIndex) + sizeof(sCondOpr) + sizeof(int)/* value len */;
-    return fixHeaderLen + sCondValue.length();
-  }
-  void serializeTo(char* &data)
-  {
-    *(uint8_t*)data = sFieldIndex;
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    *(uint8_t*)data = sCondOpr;
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    *(int*)data = sCondValue.length();
-    data += sizeof(int);
-    memmove((void*)data, (void*)sCondValue.c_str(), sCondValue.length());
-    data += sCondValue.length();
-  }
-  void serializeFrom(const char* data, int& condLen)
-  {
-    const char *begPos = data;
-    sFieldIndex = *(uint8_t*)data;
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    sCondOpr = *(uint8_t*)data;
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    int len = *(int*)data;
-    data += sizeof(int);
-    sCondValue.assign(data, len);
-    condLen = data - begPos + len;
-  }
-  friend class DirectRequestContext;
-struct LimitCond
-  int sLimitStart;
-  int sLimitStep;
-  LimitCond(){
-    sLimitStart = 0;
-    sLimitStep = 10;
-  }
-  void reset() { sLimitStart = -1, sLimitStep = -1; }
-struct DirectRequestContext
-  uint16_t sMagicNum;
-  uint64_t sSequenceId;
-  std::vector<QueryCond> sFieldConds;
-  std::vector<std::pair<int, bool/* asc or not*/> > sOrderbyFields;
-  LimitCond sLimitCond;
-  void reset()
-  {
-    sMagicNum = 0;
-    sSequenceId = 0;
-    sFieldConds.clear();
-    sLimitCond.reset();
-  }
-  // binary format size for transporting in
-  int binarySize()
-  {
-    static int fixHeaderLen = sizeof(sMagicNum) + sizeof(sSequenceId) + sizeof(uint8_t) * 2;
-    int len = fixHeaderLen;
-    for ( size_t idx = 0; idx < sFieldConds.size(); idx++ )
-    {
-      len += sFieldConds[idx].binarySize();
-    }
-    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < sOrderbyFields.size(); idx++)
-    {
-      len += (sizeof(int) + sizeof(bool));      
-    }  
-    len += sizeof(LimitCond);
-    return len;
-  }
-  // before call this function, should call 'binarySize' to evaluate the size of the struct
-  void serializeTo(char *data, int len)
-  {
-    *(uint16_t*)data = sMagicNum;
-    data += sizeof(uint16_t);
-    *(uint64_t*)data = sSequenceId;
-    data += sizeof(uint64_t);
-    *(uint8_t*)data = sFieldConds.size();
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    for ( size_t idx = 0; idx < sFieldConds.size(); idx++ )
-    {
-      sFieldConds[idx].serializeTo(data);
-    }
-    *(uint8_t*)data = sOrderbyFields.size();
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    for ( size_t idx = 0; idx < sOrderbyFields.size(); idx++ )
-    {
-      *(int*)data = sOrderbyFields[idx].first;
-      data += sizeof(int);
-      *(bool*)data = sOrderbyFields[idx].second;
-      data += sizeof(bool);
-    }
-    memmove((void*)data, (void*)&sLimitCond, sizeof(LimitCond));
-    data += sizeof(LimitCond);
-    log_debug("serializeTo, sLimitStart: %d, sLimitStep: %d", sLimitCond.sLimitStart, sLimitCond.sLimitStep);
-  }
-  void serializeFrom(const char *data, int dataLen)
-  {
-    sMagicNum = *(uint16_t*)data;
-    data += sizeof(uint16_t);
-    dataLen -= sizeof(uint16_t);
-    sSequenceId = *(uint64_t*)data;
-    data += sizeof(uint64_t);
-    dataLen -= sizeof(uint64_t);
-    uint8_t condNum = *(uint8_t*)data;
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    dataLen -= sizeof(uint8_t);
-    QueryCond cond;
-    int condLen = 0;
-    for ( uint8_t idx = 0; idx < condNum; idx++ )
-    {
-      cond.serializeFrom(data, condLen);
-      data += condLen;
-      dataLen -= condLen;
-      sFieldConds.push_back(cond);
-    }
-    std::pair<int, bool> orPair;
-    uint8_t orderNum = *(uint8_t*)data;
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    dataLen -= sizeof(uint8_t);
-    for ( uint8_t idx = 0; idx < orderNum; idx++ )
-    {
-      orPair.first = *(int*)data;
-      data += sizeof(int);
-      dataLen -= sizeof(int);
-      orPair.second = *(bool*)data;
-      data += sizeof(bool);
-      dataLen -= sizeof(bool);
-      sOrderbyFields.push_back(orPair);
-    }
-    memmove((void*)&sLimitCond, (void*)data, sizeof(LimitCond));
-    dataLen -= sizeof(LimitCond);
-    log_debug("serializeFrom, sLimitStart: %d, sLimitStep: %d", sLimitCond.sLimitStart, sLimitCond.sLimitStep);
-    assert( dataLen == 0 );
-  }
-struct DirectResponseContext
-  uint16_t sMagicNum;
-  uint64_t sSequenceId;
-  int16_t sRowNums; // number of matched rows or errno
-  std::deque<std::string> sRowValues;
-  void serializeTo(std::string& data)
-  {
-    static int headerLen = sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(uint64_t) + sizeof(int16_t);
-    data.clear();
-    data = (std::string((char*)this, headerLen));
-    for ( int16_t idx = 0; idx < sRowNums; idx++ )
-    {
-      data.append(sRowValues.front());
-      sRowValues.pop_front();
-    }
-  }
-  void free()
-  {
-    sMagicNum = 0;
-    sSequenceId = 0;
-    sRowNums = -1;
-    sRowValues.clear();
-  }
-#pragma pack(pop)

+ 0 - 341

@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  logical_operate.h
- *
- *    Description:  logical operate class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  09/08/2018
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  zhulin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#include "logical_operate.h"
-#include "search_util.h"
-#include "cachelist_unit.h"
-#include "data_manager.h"
-#include "json/reader.h"
-#include "json/writer.h"
-#include "index_tbl_op.h"
-#include "index_sync/sync_index_timer.h"
-#include "index_sync/sequence_search_index.h"
-#include "stem.h"
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-using namespace std;
-extern SyncIndexTimer *globalSyncIndexTimer;
-extern CCacheListUnit *indexcachelist;
-LogicalOperate::LogicalOperate(uint32_t a, uint32_t s, uint32_t h, uint32_t c):m_appid(a), m_sort_type(s), m_has_gis(h), m_cache_switch(c)
-void LogicalOperate::SetFunc(logical_func func){
-	m_func = func;
-int LogicalOperate::Process(const vector<vector<FieldInfo> >& keys, vector<IndexInfo>& vecs, set<string>& highlightWord, map<string, vec> &ves, map<string, uint32_t> &key_in_doc){
-	for (size_t index = 0; index < keys.size(); index++)
-	{
-		vector<IndexInfo> doc_id_vec;
-		vector<FieldInfo> fieldInfos = keys[index];
-		vector<FieldInfo>::iterator it;
-		for (it = fieldInfos.begin(); it != fieldInfos.end(); it++) {
-			vector<IndexInfo> doc_info;
-			if ((*it).segment_tag == 3) {
-				int ret = GetDocByShiftWord(*it, doc_info, m_appid, highlightWord);
-				if (ret != 0) {
-					doc_id_vec.clear();
-					return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
-				}
-				sort(doc_info.begin(), doc_info.end());
-				for (size_t doc_info_idx = 0; doc_info_idx < doc_info.size(); doc_info_idx++){
-					KeyInfo info;
-					info.word_freq = 1;
-					info.field = (*it).field;
-					info.word = (*it).word;
-					ves[doc_info[doc_info_idx].doc_id].push_back(info);
-				}
-			} else if ((*it).segment_tag == 4) {
-				int ret = GetDocByShiftEnWord(*it, doc_info, m_appid, highlightWord);
-				if (ret != 0) {
-					doc_id_vec.clear();
-					return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
-				}
-				sort(doc_info.begin(), doc_info.end());
-				for (size_t doc_info_idx = 0; doc_info_idx < doc_info.size(); doc_info_idx++){
-					KeyInfo info;
-					info.word_freq = 1;
-					info.field = (*it).field;
-					info.word = (*it).word;
-					ves[doc_info[doc_info_idx].doc_id].push_back(info);
-				}
-			} else if ((*it).segment_tag == 5 && (*it).word == "") { // 范围查询
-				stringstream ss;
-				ss << m_appid;
-				InvertIndexEntry startEntry(ss.str(), (*it).field, (double)(*it).start);
-				InvertIndexEntry endEntry(ss.str(), (*it).field, (double)(*it).end);
-				std::vector<InvertIndexEntry> resultEntry;
-				globalSyncIndexTimer->GetSearchIndex()->GetRangeIndex((*it).range_type, startEntry, endEntry, resultEntry);
-				std::vector<InvertIndexEntry>::iterator iter = resultEntry.begin();
-				for (; iter != resultEntry.end(); iter ++) {
-					IndexInfo info;
-					info.doc_id = (*iter)._InvertIndexDocId;
-					info.doc_version = (*iter)._InvertIndexDocVersion;
-					doc_info.push_back(info);
-				}
-				log_debug("appid: %s, field: %d, count: %d", startEntry._InvertIndexAppid.c_str(), (*it).field, (int)resultEntry.size());
-			} else {
-				int ret = GetDocIdSetByWord(*it, doc_info);
-				if (ret != 0){
-					return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
-				}
-				if (doc_info.size() == 0)
-					continue;
-				if (!m_has_gis || !isAllNumber((*it).word))
-					highlightWord.insert((*it).word);
-				if(!m_has_gis && (m_sort_type == SORT_RELEVANCE || m_sort_type == SORT_TIMESTAMP)){
-					CalculateByWord(*it, doc_info, ves, key_in_doc);
-				}
-			} 
-			doc_id_vec = vec_union(doc_id_vec, doc_info);
-		}
-		if(index == 0){ // 第一个直接赋值给vecs,后续的依次与前面的进行逻辑运算
-			vecs.assign(doc_id_vec.begin(), doc_id_vec.end());
-		} else {
-			vecs = m_func(vecs, doc_id_vec);
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-int LogicalOperate::ProcessTerminal(const vector<vector<FieldInfo> >& and_keys, const TerminalQryCond& query_cond, vector<TerminalRes>& vecs){
-	if(and_keys.size() != 1){
-		return 0;
-	}
-	vector<FieldInfo> field_vec = and_keys[0];
-	if(field_vec.size() != 1){
-		return 0;
-	}
-	FieldInfo field_info = field_vec[0];
-	if(field_info.segment_tag != SEGMENT_RANGE){
-		return 0;
-	}
-	stringstream ss;
-	ss << m_appid;
-	InvertIndexEntry beginEntry(ss.str(), field_info.field, (double)field_info.start);
-	InvertIndexEntry endEntry(ss.str(), field_info.field, (double)field_info.end);
-	std::vector<InvertIndexEntry> resultEntry;
-	globalSyncIndexTimer->GetSearchIndex()->GetRangeIndexInTerminal(field_info.range_type, beginEntry, endEntry, query_cond, resultEntry);
-	std::vector<InvertIndexEntry>::iterator iter = resultEntry.begin();
-	for (; iter != resultEntry.end(); iter ++) {
-		TerminalRes info;
-		info.doc_id = (*iter)._InvertIndexDocId;
-		info.score = (*iter)._InvertIndexKey;
-		vecs.push_back(info);
-	}
-	return 0;
-int LogicalOperate::ProcessComplete(const vector<FieldInfo>& complete_keys, vector<IndexInfo>& complete_vecs, vector<string>& word_vec, map<string, vec> &ves, map<string, uint32_t> &key_in_doc){
-	vector<FieldInfo>::const_iterator iter;
-	for (iter = complete_keys.begin(); iter != complete_keys.end(); iter++) {
-		vector<IndexInfo> doc_info;
-		int ret = GetDocIdSetByWord(*iter, doc_info);
-		if (ret != 0) {
-			return -RT_GET_DOC_ERR;
-		}
-		word_vec.push_back((*iter).word);
-		if(m_sort_type == SORT_RELEVANCE || m_sort_type == SORT_TIMESTAMP){
-			CalculateByWord(*iter, doc_info, ves, key_in_doc);
-		}
-		if(iter == complete_keys.begin()){
-			complete_vecs.assign(doc_info.begin(), doc_info.end());
-		} else {
-			complete_vecs = vec_intersection(complete_vecs, doc_info);
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-void LogicalOperate::CalculateByWord(FieldInfo fieldInfo, const vector<IndexInfo> &doc_info, map<string, vec> &ves, map<string, uint32_t> &key_in_doc) {
-	string doc_id;
-	uint32_t word_freq = 0;
-	uint32_t field = 0;
-	uint32_t created_time;
-	string pos_str = "";
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < doc_info.size(); i++) {
-		doc_id = doc_info[i].doc_id;
-		word_freq = doc_info[i].word_freq;
-		field = doc_info[i].field;
-		created_time = doc_info[i].created_time;
-		pos_str = doc_info[i].pos;
-		vector<int> pos_vec;
-		if (pos_str != "" && pos_str.size() > 2) {
-			pos_str = pos_str.substr(1, pos_str.size() - 2);
-			pos_vec = splitInt(pos_str, ",");
-		}
-		KeyInfo info;
-		info.word_freq = word_freq;
-		info.field = field;
-		info.word = fieldInfo.word;
-		info.created_time = created_time;
-		info.pos_vec = pos_vec;
-		ves[doc_id].push_back(info);
-	}
-	key_in_doc[fieldInfo.word] = doc_info.size();
-bool LogicalOperate::GetDocIndexCache(string word, uint32_t field, vector<IndexInfo> &doc_info) {
-	log_debug("get doc index start");
-	bool res = false;
-	uint8_t value[MAX_VALUE_LEN] = { 0 };
-	unsigned vsize = 0;
-	string output = "";
-	string indexCache = word + "|" + ToString(field);
-	if (m_cache_switch == 1 && indexcachelist->in_list(indexCache.c_str(), indexCache.size(), value, vsize))
-	{
-		log_debug("hit index cache.");
-		value[vsize] = '\0';
-		output = (char *)value;
-		res = true;
-	}
-	if (res) {
-		Json::Value packet;
-		Json::Reader r(Json::Features::strictMode());
-		int ret;
-		ret = r.parse(output.c_str(), output.c_str() + output.size(), packet);
-		if (0 == ret)
-		{
-			log_error("the err json string is : %s, errmsg : %s", output.c_str(), r.getFormattedErrorMessages().c_str());
-			res = false;
-			return res;
-		}
-		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < packet.size(); ++i) {
-			IndexInfo info;
-			Json::Value& index_cache = packet[i];
-			if (index_cache.isMember("appid")   && index_cache["appid"].isUInt()   && 
-				index_cache.isMember("id")      && index_cache["id"].isString()    &&
-				index_cache.isMember("version") && index_cache["version"].isUInt() && 
-				index_cache.isMember("field")   && index_cache["field"].isUInt()   && 
-				index_cache.isMember("freq")    && index_cache["freq"].isUInt()    && 
-				index_cache.isMember("time")    && index_cache["time"].isUInt()    && 
-				index_cache.isMember("pos")     && index_cache["pos"].isString())
-			{
-				info.appid = index_cache["appid"].asUInt();
-				info.doc_id = index_cache["id"].asString();
-				info.doc_version = index_cache["version"].asUInt();
-				info.field = index_cache["field"].asUInt();
-				info.word_freq = index_cache["freq"].asUInt();
-				info.created_time = index_cache["time"].asUInt();
-				info.pos = index_cache["pos"].asString();
-				doc_info.push_back(info);
-			}
-			else {
-				log_error("parse index_cache error, no appid");
-				doc_info.clear();
-				res = false;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return res;
-void LogicalOperate::SetDocIndexCache(const vector<IndexInfo> &doc_info, string& indexJsonStr) {
-	Json::Value indexJson;
-	Json::FastWriter writer;
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < doc_info.size(); i++) {
-		Json::Value json_tmp;
-		json_tmp["appid"] = doc_info[i].appid;
-		json_tmp["id"] = doc_info[i].doc_id;
-		json_tmp["version"] = doc_info[i].doc_version;
-		json_tmp["field"] = doc_info[i].field;
-		json_tmp["freq"] = doc_info[i].word_freq;
-		json_tmp["time"] = doc_info[i].created_time;
-		json_tmp["pos"] = doc_info[i].pos;
-		indexJson.append(json_tmp);
-	}
-	indexJsonStr = writer.write(indexJson);
-int LogicalOperate::GetDocIdSetByWord(FieldInfo fieldInfo, vector<IndexInfo> &doc_info) {
-	bool bRet = false;
-	if (DataManager::Instance()->IsSensitiveWord(fieldInfo.word)) {
-		log_debug("%s is a sensitive word.", fieldInfo.word.c_str());
-		return 0;
-	}
-	stringstream ss_key;
-	ss_key << m_appid;
-	ss_key << "#00#";
-	if(fieldInfo.segment_tag == 5){
-		stringstream ss;
-		ss << setw(20) << setfill('0') << fieldInfo.word;
-		ss_key << ss.str();
-	}
-	else if (fieldInfo.field_type == FIELD_INT || fieldInfo.field_type == FIELD_DOUBLE || fieldInfo.field_type == FIELD_LONG) {
-		ss_key << fieldInfo.word;
-	}
-	else if (fieldInfo.field_type == FIELD_IP) {
-		uint32_t word_id = GetIpNum(fieldInfo.word);
-		if (word_id == 0)
-			return 0;
-		ss_key << word_id;
-	}
-	else if (fieldInfo.word.find("_") != string::npos) { // 联合索引
-		ss_key << fieldInfo.word;
-	}
-	else {
-		string word_new = stem(fieldInfo.word);
-		ss_key << word_new;
-	}
-	log_debug("appid [%u], key[%s]", m_appid, ss_key.str().c_str());
-	if (m_has_gis && GetDocIndexCache(ss_key.str(), fieldInfo.field, doc_info)) {
-		return 0;
-	}
-	bRet = g_IndexInstance.GetDocInfo(m_appid, ss_key.str(), fieldInfo.field, doc_info);
-	if (false == bRet) {
-		log_error("GetDocInfo error.");
-		return -RT_DTC_ERR;
-	}
-	if (m_cache_switch == 1 && m_has_gis == 1 && doc_info.size() > 0 && doc_info.size() <= 1000) {
-		string index_str;
-		SetDocIndexCache(doc_info, index_str);
-		if (index_str != "" && index_str.size() < MAX_VALUE_LEN) {
-			string indexCache = ss_key.str() + "|" + ToString(fieldInfo.field);
-			unsigned data_size = indexCache.size();
-			int ret = indexcachelist->add_list(indexCache.c_str(), index_str.c_str(), data_size, index_str.size());
-			if (ret != 0) {
-				log_error("add to index_cache_list error, ret: %d.", ret);
-			}
-			else {
-				log_debug("add to index_cache_list: %s.", indexCache.c_str());
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;

+ 0 - 54

@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  logical_operate.h
- *
- *    Description:  logical operate class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  09/08/2018
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  zhulin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#ifndef LOGICAL_OP_H
-#define LOGICAL_OP_H
-#include "component.h"
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-using namespace std;
-typedef vector<KeyInfo> vec;
-typedef vector<IndexInfo> (*logical_func)(vector<IndexInfo> &a, vector<IndexInfo> &b);
-class LogicalOperate
-	LogicalOperate(uint32_t appid, uint32_t sort_type, uint32_t has_gis, uint32_t cache_switch);
-	~LogicalOperate();
-	int Process(const vector<vector<FieldInfo> >& keys, vector<IndexInfo>& vecs, set<string>& highlightWord, map<string, vec> &ves, map<string, uint32_t> &key_in_doc);
-	int ProcessComplete(const vector<FieldInfo>& complete_keys, vector<IndexInfo>& complete_vecs, vector<string>& word_vec, map<string, vec> &ves, map<string, uint32_t> &key_in_doc);
-	void SetFunc(logical_func func);
-	int ProcessTerminal(const vector<vector<FieldInfo> >& and_keys, const TerminalQryCond& query_cond, vector<TerminalRes>& vecs);
-	void CalculateByWord(FieldInfo fieldInfo, const vector<IndexInfo> &doc_info, map<string, vec> &ves, map<string, uint32_t> &key_in_doc);
-	void SetDocIndexCache(const vector<IndexInfo> &doc_info, string& indexJsonStr);
-	bool GetDocIndexCache(string word, uint32_t field, vector<IndexInfo> &doc_info);
-	int GetDocIdSetByWord(FieldInfo fieldInfo, vector<IndexInfo> &doc_info);
-	uint32_t m_appid;
-	uint32_t m_sort_type;
-	uint32_t m_has_gis;
-	uint32_t m_cache_switch;
-	logical_func m_func;

+ 0 - 121

@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-#include "bool_query_parser.h"
-#include "../db_manager.h"
-#include "../split_manager.h"
-#include "range_query_parser.h"
-#include "term_query_parser.h"
-#include "match_query_parser.h"
-#include "geo_distance_parser.h"
-const char* const NAME ="bool";
-const char* const MUST ="must";
-const char* const SHOULD ="should";
-const char* const MUST_NOT ="must_not";
-const char* const TERM ="term";
-const char* const MATCH ="match";
-const char* const RANGE ="range";
-const char* const GEODISTANCE ="geo_distance";
-BoolQueryParser::BoolQueryParser(uint32_t a, Json::Value& v)
-    if(NULL != range_query_parser){
-        delete range_query_parser;
-    }
-    if(NULL != term_query_parser){
-        delete term_query_parser;
-    }
-    if(NULL != match_query_parser){
-        delete match_query_parser;
-    }
-    if(NULL != geo_query_parser){
-        delete geo_query_parser;
-    }
-int BoolQueryParser::DoJobByType(Json::Value& value, uint32_t type, QueryParserRes* query_parser_res){
-    if(value.isMember(TERM)){
-        term_query_parser = new TermQueryParser(appid, value[TERM]);
-        return term_query_parser->ParseContent(query_parser_res, type);
-    } else if(value.isMember(MATCH)){
-        match_query_parser = new MatchQueryParser(appid, value[MATCH]);
-        return match_query_parser->ParseContent(query_parser_res, type);
-    } else if(value.isMember(RANGE)){
-        range_query_parser = new RangeQueryParser(appid, value[RANGE]);
-        return range_query_parser->ParseContent(query_parser_res, type);
-    } else if(value.isMember(GEODISTANCE)){
-        geo_query_parser = new GeoDistanceParser(appid, value[GEODISTANCE]);
-        return geo_query_parser->ParseContent(query_parser_res);
-    } else {
-        string err_msg = "BoolQueryParser only support term/match/range/geo_distance!";
-        log_error(err_msg.c_str());
-        query_parser_res->ErrMsg() = err_msg;
-        return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-    }
-    return 0;
-int BoolQueryParser::ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res){
-    int ret = 0;
-    if(value.isMember(MUST)){
-        int type = ANDKEY;
-        Json::Value must = value[MUST];
-        if(must.isArray()){
-            for(int i = 0; i < (int)must.size(); i++){
-                ret = DoJobByType(must[i], type, query_parser_res);
-                if(ret != 0){
-                    log_error("DoJobByType error!");
-                    return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-                }
-            }
-        } else if (must.isObject()){
-            ret = DoJobByType(must, type, query_parser_res);
-            if(ret != 0){
-                log_error("DoJobByType error!");
-                return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (value.isMember(SHOULD)){
-        int type = ORKEY;
-        Json::Value should = value[SHOULD];
-        if(should.isArray()){
-            for(int i = 0; i < (int)should.size(); i++){
-                ret = DoJobByType(should[i], type, query_parser_res);
-                if(ret != 0){
-                    log_error("DoJobByType error!");
-                    return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-                }
-            }
-        } else if (should.isObject()){
-            ret = DoJobByType(should, type, query_parser_res);
-            if(ret != 0){
-                log_error("DoJobByType error!");
-                return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (value.isMember(MUST_NOT)){
-        int type = INVERTKEY;
-        Json::Value must_not = value[MUST_NOT];
-        if(must_not.isArray()){
-            for(int i = 0; i < (int)must_not.size(); i++){
-                ret = DoJobByType(must_not[i], type, query_parser_res);
-                if(ret != 0){
-                    log_error("DoJobByType error!");
-                    return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-                }
-            }
-        } else if (must_not.isObject()) {
-            ret = DoJobByType(must_not, type, query_parser_res);
-            if(ret != 0){
-                log_error("DoJobByType error!");
-                return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;

+ 0 - 48

@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  bool_query_parser.h
- *
- *    Description:  bool_query_parser class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  05/03/2021
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  zhulin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#ifndef __BOOL_QUERY_PARSER_H__
-#define __BOOL_QUERY_PARSER_H__
-#include "query_parser.h"
-#include "json/json.h"
-class RangeQueryParser;
-class TermQueryParser;
-class MatchQueryParser;
-class GeoDistanceParser;
-class BoolQueryParser : public QueryParser
-    BoolQueryParser(uint32_t a, Json::Value& v);
-    ~BoolQueryParser();
-    int ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res);
-    int DoJobByType(Json::Value& value, uint32_t type, QueryParserRes* query_parser_res);
-    uint32_t appid;
-    Json::Value value;
-    RangeQueryParser* range_query_parser;
-    TermQueryParser* term_query_parser;
-    MatchQueryParser* match_query_parser;
-    GeoDistanceParser* geo_query_parser;

+ 0 - 140

@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-#include "geo_distance_parser.h"
-#include "../db_manager.h"
-#include <sstream>
-const char* const DISTANCE ="distance";
-const int GEO_PRECISION = 6;
-const int DEFAULT_DISTANCE = 2;
-GeoDistanceParser::GeoDistanceParser(uint32_t a, Json::Value& v)
-vector<double> splitDouble(const string& src, string separate_character)
-    vector<double> strs;
-    //分割字符串的长度,这样就可以支持如“,,”多字符串的分隔符
-    int separate_characterLen = separate_character.size();
-    int lastPosition = 0, index = -1;
-    string str;
-    double pos = 0;
-    while (-1 != (index = src.find(separate_character, lastPosition)))
-    {
-        if (src.substr(lastPosition, index - lastPosition) != " ") {
-            str = src.substr(lastPosition, index - lastPosition);
-            pos = atof(str.c_str());
-            strs.push_back(pos);
-        }
-        lastPosition = index + separate_characterLen;
-    }
-    string lastString = src.substr(lastPosition);//截取最后一个分隔符后的内容
-    if (!lastString.empty() && lastString != " "){
-        pos = atof(lastString.c_str());
-        strs.push_back(pos);//如果最后一个分隔符后还有内容就入队
-    }
-    return strs;
-void SetErrMsg(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res, string err_msg){
-    log_error(err_msg.c_str());
-    query_parser_res->ErrMsg() = err_msg;
-int GeoDistanceParser::ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res){
-    vector<FieldInfo> fieldInfos;
-    double distance = 0;
-    string fieldname;
-    Json::Value::Members member = value.getMemberNames();
-    Json::Value::Members::iterator iter = member.begin();
-    for(; iter != member.end(); iter++){
-        Json::Value geo_value = value[*iter];
-        if(DISTANCE == *iter){
-            if(geo_value.isString()){
-                distance = atof(geo_value.asString().c_str());
-            } else {
-                SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoDistanceParser distance should be string, the unit is km.");
-                return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-            }
-        } else {
-            fieldname = *iter;
-            if(geo_value.isString()){
-                string geo_str = geo_value.asString();
-                vector<double> res = splitDouble(geo_str, ",");
-                if(res.size() >= 2){
-           = res[0];
-                    geo.lon = res[1];
-                } else {
-                    SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoDistanceParser format error.");
-                    return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-                }
-            } else if (geo_value.isArray()){
-                if(geo_value.size() >= 2){
-                    if(geo_value[0].isDouble()){
-                        geo.lon = geo_value[0].asDouble();
-                    }
-                    if(geo_value[1].isDouble()){
-               = geo_value[1].asDouble();
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoDistanceParser format error.");
-                    return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-                }
-            } else if (geo_value.isObject()){
-                if(geo_value.isMember("lat") && geo_value["lat"].isDouble()){
-           = geo_value["lat"].asDouble();
-                } else {
-                    SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoDistanceParser lat format error.");
-                    return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-                }
-                if(geo_value.isMember("lon") && geo_value["lon"].isDouble()){
-                    geo.lon = geo_value["lon"].asDouble();
-                } else {
-                    SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoDistanceParser lon format error.");
-                    return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-                }
-            } else {
-                SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoDistanceParser error, value is not string/array/object.");
-                return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if(distance == 0){
-        distance = DEFAULT_DISTANCE;
-    }
-    vector<string> gisCode = GetArroundGeoHash(geo, distance, GEO_PRECISION);
-    if(gisCode.size() > 0){
-        vector<FieldInfo> fieldInfos;
-        uint32_t segment_tag = 0;
-        FieldInfo fieldInfo;
-        uint32_t field = DBManager::Instance()->GetWordField(segment_tag, appid, fieldname, fieldInfo);
-        if (field != 0 && segment_tag == 0) {
-            query_parser_res->HasGis() = 1; 
-            for (size_t index = 0; index < gisCode.size(); index++) {
-                FieldInfo info;
-                info.field = fieldInfo.field;
-                info.field_type = fieldInfo.field_type;
-                info.segment_tag = fieldInfo.segment_tag;
-                info.word = gisCode[index];
-                fieldInfos.push_back(info);
-            }
-        }
-        if (fieldInfos.size() != 0) {
-            query_parser_res->FieldKeysMap().insert(make_pair(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfos));
-        }
-        stringstream sslat;
-        stringstream sslon;
-        sslat <<;
-        query_parser_res->Latitude() = sslat.str();
-        sslon << geo.lon;
-        query_parser_res->Longitude() = sslon.str();
-        query_parser_res->Distance() = distance;
-    }
-    return 0;

+ 0 - 39

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  geo_distance_parser.h
- *
- *    Description:  geo_distance_parser class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  20/04/2021
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  zhulin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#include "query_parser.h"
-#include "json/json.h"
-#include "geohash.h"
-class GeoDistanceParser : public QueryParser
-    GeoDistanceParser(uint32_t a, Json::Value& v);
-    ~GeoDistanceParser();
-    int ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res);
-    uint32_t appid;
-    Json::Value value;
-    GeoPoint geo;
-    double distance;

+ 0 - 141

@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-#include "geo_shape_parser.h"
-#include "../db_manager.h"
-#include <sstream>
-const char* const POINTS ="points";
-const int GEO_PRECISION = 6;
-GeoShapeParser::GeoShapeParser(uint32_t a, Json::Value& v)
-vector<double> GeoShapeParser::splitDouble(const string& src, string separate_character)
-    vector<double> strs;
-    //分割字符串的长度,这样就可以支持如“,,”多字符串的分隔符
-    int separate_characterLen = separate_character.size();
-    int lastPosition = 0, index = -1;
-    string str;
-    double pos = 0;
-    while (-1 != (index = src.find(separate_character, lastPosition)))
-    {
-        if (src.substr(lastPosition, index - lastPosition) != " ") {
-            str = src.substr(lastPosition, index - lastPosition);
-            pos = atof(str.c_str());
-            strs.push_back(pos);
-        }
-        lastPosition = index + separate_characterLen;
-    }
-    string lastString = src.substr(lastPosition);//截取最后一个分隔符后的内容
-    if (!lastString.empty() && lastString != " "){
-        pos = atof(lastString.c_str());
-        strs.push_back(pos);//如果最后一个分隔符后还有内容就入队
-    }
-    return strs;
-void GeoShapeParser::SetErrMsg(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res, string err_msg){
-    log_error(err_msg.c_str());
-    query_parser_res->ErrMsg() = err_msg;
-int GeoShapeParser::ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res){
-	Json::Value::Members member = value.getMemberNames();
-    Json::Value::Members::iterator iter = member.begin();
-	if(iter == member.end()){ // 一个geo_shape下只对应一个字段
-		SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoShapeParser format error, content is null.");
-	}
-	set<double> lat_arr;
-	set<double> lon_arr;
-	string fieldname = *iter;
-	Json::Value field_value = value[fieldname];
-	if(field_value.isMember(POINTS)){
-		Json::Value points = field_value[POINTS];
-		if(points.isArray()){
-			for(int i = 0; i < (int)points.size(); i++){
-				double lat;
-				double lon;
-				Json::Value geo_value = points[i];
-				if(geo_value.isString()){
-					string geo_str = geo_value.asString();
-					vector<double> res = splitDouble(geo_str, ",");
-					if(res.size() >= 2){
-						lat = res[0];
-						lon = res[1];
-					} else {
-						SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoShapeParser format error.");
-						return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-					}
-				} else if (geo_value.isArray()){
-					if(geo_value.size() >= 2){
-						if(geo_value[0].isDouble()){
-							lon = geo_value[0].asDouble();
-						}
-						if(geo_value[1].isDouble()){
-							lat = geo_value[1].asDouble();
-						}
-					} else {
-						SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoShapeParser format error.");
-						return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-					}
-				} else if (geo_value.isObject()){
-					if(geo_value.isMember("lat") && geo_value["lat"].isDouble()){
-						lat = geo_value["lat"].asDouble();
-					} else {
-						SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoShapeParser lat format error.");
-						return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-					}
-					if(geo_value.isMember("lon") && geo_value["lon"].isDouble()){
-						lon = geo_value["lon"].asDouble();
-					} else {
-						SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoShapeParser lon format error.");
-						return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-					}
-				} else {
-					SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoShapeParser error, value is not string/array/object.");
-				}
-				lat_arr.insert(lat);
-				lon_arr.insert(lon);
-			}
-		} else {
-			SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoShapeParser error, points is not a array.");
-		}
-	} else {
-		SetErrMsg(query_parser_res, "GeoShapeParser error, no points content provide.");
-	}
-	if(lon_arr.size() > 0 && lat_arr.size() > 0){
-		vector<string> gisCode = GetArroundGeoHash(*lon_arr.rbegin(), *lon_arr.begin(), *lat_arr.rbegin(), *lat_arr.begin(), GEO_PRECISION);
-		if(gisCode.size() > 0){
-			vector<FieldInfo> fieldInfos;
-			uint32_t segment_tag = 0;
-			FieldInfo fieldInfo;
-			uint32_t field = DBManager::Instance()->GetWordField(segment_tag, appid, fieldname, fieldInfo);
-			if (field != 0 && segment_tag == 0) {
-				query_parser_res->HasGis() = 1; 
-				for (size_t index = 0; index < gisCode.size(); index++) {
-					FieldInfo info;
-					info.field = fieldInfo.field;
-					info.field_type = fieldInfo.field_type;
-					info.segment_tag = fieldInfo.segment_tag;
-					info.word = gisCode[index];
-					fieldInfos.push_back(info);
-				}
-			}
-			if (fieldInfos.size() != 0) {
-				query_parser_res->FieldKeysMap().insert(make_pair(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfos));
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;

+ 0 - 43

@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  geo_shape_parser.h
- *
- *    Description:  geo_shape_parser class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  08/05/2021
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  zhulin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#ifndef __GEO_SHAPE_PARSER_H__
-#define __GEO_SHAPE_PARSER_H__
-#include "query_parser.h"
-#include "json/json.h"
-#include "geohash.h"
-class GeoShapeParser : public QueryParser
-    GeoShapeParser(uint32_t a, Json::Value& v);
-    ~GeoShapeParser();
-    int ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res);
-	void SetErrMsg(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res, string err_msg);
-	vector<double> splitDouble(const string& src, string separate_character);
-    uint32_t appid;
-    Json::Value value;
-    GeoPoint geo;
-    double distance;

+ 0 - 66

@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#include "match_query_parser.h"
-#include "../db_manager.h"
-#include "../split_manager.h"
-MatchQueryParser::MatchQueryParser(uint32_t a, Json::Value& v)
-int MatchQueryParser::ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res){
-    return ParseContent(query_parser_res, ORKEY);
-int MatchQueryParser::ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res, uint32_t type){
-    vector<FieldInfo> fieldInfos;
-    Json::Value::Members member = value.getMemberNames();
-    Json::Value::Members::iterator iter = member.begin();
-    string fieldname;
-    Json::Value field_value;
-    if(iter != member.end()){ // 一个match下只对应一个字段
-        fieldname = *iter;
-        field_value = value[fieldname];
-    } else {
-        log_error("TermQueryParser error, value is null");
-        return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-    }
-    uint32_t segment_tag = 0;
-    FieldInfo fieldInfo;
-    uint32_t field = DBManager::Instance()->GetWordField(segment_tag, appid, fieldname, fieldInfo);
-    if (field != 0 && segment_tag == 1)
-    {
-        string split_data = SplitManager::Instance()->split(field_value.asString(), appid);
-        log_debug("split_data: %s", split_data.c_str());
-        vector<string> split_datas = splitEx(split_data, "|");
-        for(size_t index = 0; index < split_datas.size(); index++)
-        {
-            FieldInfo info;
-            info.field = fieldInfo.field;
-            info.field_type = fieldInfo.field_type;
-            info.word = split_datas[index];
-            info.segment_tag = fieldInfo.segment_tag;
-            fieldInfos.push_back(info);
-        }
-    }
-    else if (field != 0)
-    {
-        fieldInfo.word = field_value.asString();
-        fieldInfos.push_back(fieldInfo);
-    }
-    if(fieldInfos.size() != 0){
-        if(type == ORKEY){
-            query_parser_res->OrFieldKeysMap().insert(make_pair(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfos));
-        } else if(type == ANDKEY){
-            query_parser_res->FieldKeysMap().insert(make_pair(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfos));
-            } else if(type == INVERTKEY){
-            query_parser_res->InvertFieldKeysMap().insert(make_pair(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfos));
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  match_query_parser.h
- *
- *    Description:  match_query_parser class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  20/04/2021
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  zhulin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#include "query_parser.h"
-#include "json/json.h"
-class MatchQueryParser : public QueryParser
-    MatchQueryParser(uint32_t a, Json::Value& v);
-    ~MatchQueryParser();
-    int ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res);
-    int ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res, uint32_t type);
-    uint32_t appid;
-    Json::Value value;

+ 0 - 82

@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  query_parser.h
- *
- *    Description:  query_parser class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  19/04/2021
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  zhulin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#ifndef __QUERY_PARSER_H__
-#define __QUERY_PARSER_H__
-#include "../comm.h"
-#include <map>
-class QueryParserRes{
-    QueryParserRes(){
-        m_has_gis = 0;
-    }
-    map<uint32_t, vector<FieldInfo> >& FieldKeysMap(){
-        return field_keys_map;
-    }
-    map<uint32_t, vector<FieldInfo> >& OrFieldKeysMap(){
-        return or_field_keys_map;
-    }
-    map<uint32_t, vector<FieldInfo> >& InvertFieldKeysMap(){
-        return invert_field_keys_map;
-    }
-    vector<ExtraFilterKey>& ExtraFilterKeys(){
-        return extra_filter_keys;
-    }
-    vector<ExtraFilterKey>& ExtraFilterAndKeys(){
-        return extra_filter_and_keys;
-    }
-    vector<ExtraFilterKey>& ExtraFilterInvertKeys(){
-        return extra_filter_invert_keys;
-    }
-    uint32_t& HasGis(){
-        return m_has_gis;
-    }
-    string& Latitude(){
-        return latitude;
-    }
-    string& Longitude(){
-        return longitude;
-    }
-    double& Distance(){
-        return distance;
-    }
-    string& ErrMsg(){
-        return err_msg;
-    }
-    uint32_t m_has_gis;
-    string latitude;
-    string longitude;
-    double distance;
-    string err_msg;
-    map<uint32_t, vector<FieldInfo> > field_keys_map;
-    map<uint32_t, vector<FieldInfo> > or_field_keys_map;
-    map<uint32_t, vector<FieldInfo> > invert_field_keys_map;
-    vector<ExtraFilterKey> extra_filter_keys;
-    vector<ExtraFilterKey> extra_filter_and_keys;
-    vector<ExtraFilterKey> extra_filter_invert_keys;
-class QueryParser{
-    virtual int ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res) = 0;
-    virtual  ~QueryParser() {};

+ 0 - 95

@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#include "range_query_parser.h"
-#include "../db_manager.h"
-const char* const GTE ="gte";
-const char* const GT ="gt";
-const char* const LTE ="lte";
-const char* const LT ="lt";
-RangeQueryParser::RangeQueryParser(uint32_t a, Json::Value& v)
-int RangeQueryParser::ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res){
-    return ParseContent(query_parser_res, ORKEY);
-int RangeQueryParser::ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res, uint32_t type){
-    vector<FieldInfo> fieldInfos;
-    Json::Value::Members member = value.getMemberNames();
-    Json::Value::Members::iterator iter = member.begin();
-    if(iter != member.end()){ // 一个range下只对应一个字段
-        string fieldname = *iter;
-        uint32_t segment_tag = 0;
-        FieldInfo fieldInfo;
-        DBManager::Instance()->GetWordField(segment_tag, appid, fieldname, fieldInfo);
-        Json::Value field_value = value[fieldname];
-        if(field_value.isObject()){
-            FieldInfo info;
-            Json::Value start;
-            Json::Value end;
-            if(field_value.isMember(GTE)){
-                start = field_value[GTE];
-                if(field_value.isMember(LTE)){
-                    end = field_value[LTE];
-                    info.range_type = RANGE_GELE;
-                } else if(field_value.isMember(LT)){
-                    end = field_value[LT];
-                    info.range_type = RANGE_GELT;
-                } else {
-                    info.range_type = RANGE_GE;
-                }
-            } else if(field_value.isMember(GT)){
-                start = field_value[GT];
-                if(field_value.isMember(LTE)){
-                    end = field_value[LTE];
-                    info.range_type = RANGE_GTLE;
-                } else if(field_value.isMember(LT)){
-                    end = field_value[LT];
-                    info.range_type = RANGE_GTLT;
-                } else {
-                    info.range_type = RANGE_GT;
-                }
-            } else if(field_value.isMember(LTE)){
-                end = field_value[LTE];
-                info.range_type = RANGE_LE;
-            } else if(field_value.isMember(LT)){
-                end = field_value[LT];
-                info.range_type = RANGE_LT;
-            }
-            if(!start.isInt() && !start.isNull()){
-                log_error("range query only support integer");
-                return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-            }
-            if(!end.isInt() && !end.isNull()){
-                log_error("range query only support integer");
-                return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-            }
-            if(start.isInt() || end.isInt()){
-                fieldInfo.start = start.isInt() ? start.asInt() : 0;
-                fieldInfo.end = end.isInt() ? end.asInt() : 0;
-                fieldInfo.range_type = info.range_type;
-                fieldInfos.push_back(fieldInfo);
-            }
-        }
-        if(fieldInfos.size() != 0){
-            if(type == ORKEY){
-                query_parser_res->OrFieldKeysMap().insert(make_pair(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfos));
-            } else if(type == ANDKEY){
-                query_parser_res->FieldKeysMap().insert(make_pair(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfos));
-            } else if(type == INVERTKEY){
-                query_parser_res->InvertFieldKeysMap().insert(make_pair(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfos));
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        log_error("RangeQueryParser error, value is null");
-        return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-    }
-    return 0;

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  range_query_parser.h
- *
- *    Description:  range_query_parser class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  19/04/2021
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  zhulin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#include "query_parser.h"
-#include "json/json.h"
-class RangeQueryParser : public QueryParser
-    RangeQueryParser(uint32_t a, Json::Value& v);
-    ~RangeQueryParser();
-    int ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res);
-    int ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res, uint32_t type);
-    uint32_t appid;
-    Json::Value value;

+ 0 - 64

@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#include "term_query_parser.h"
-#include "../db_manager.h"
-TermQueryParser::TermQueryParser(uint32_t a, Json::Value& v)
-int TermQueryParser::ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res){
-    return ParseContent(query_parser_res, ORKEY);
-int TermQueryParser::ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res, uint32_t type){
-    vector<FieldInfo> fieldInfos;
-    Json::Value::Members member = value.getMemberNames();
-    Json::Value::Members::iterator iter = member.begin();
-    string fieldname;
-    string field_value;
-    Json::Value json_value;
-    if(iter != member.end()){ // 一个term下只对应一个字段
-        fieldname = *iter;
-        json_value = value[fieldname];
-        field_value = json_value.asString();
-    } else {
-        log_error("TermQueryParser error, value is null");
-        return -RT_PARSE_CONTENT_ERROR;
-    }
-    uint32_t segment_tag = 0;
-    FieldInfo fieldInfo;
-    uint32_t field = DBManager::Instance()->GetWordField(segment_tag, appid, fieldname, fieldInfo);
-    if(field != 0 && fieldInfo.index_tag == 0){
-        ExtraFilterKey extra_filter_key;
-        extra_filter_key.field_name = fieldname;
-        extra_filter_key.field_value = field_value;
-        extra_filter_key.field_type = fieldInfo.field_type;
-        if(type == ORKEY){
-            query_parser_res->ExtraFilterKeys().push_back(extra_filter_key);
-        } else if (type == ANDKEY) {
-            query_parser_res->ExtraFilterAndKeys().push_back(extra_filter_key);
-        } else if (type == INVERTKEY) {
-            query_parser_res->ExtraFilterInvertKeys().push_back(extra_filter_key);
-        }
-    } else if (field != 0)
-    {
-        fieldInfo.word = field_value;
-        fieldInfos.push_back(fieldInfo);
-    }
-    if(fieldInfos.size() != 0){
-        if(type == ORKEY){
-            query_parser_res->OrFieldKeysMap().insert(make_pair(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfos));
-        } else if(type == ANDKEY) {
-            query_parser_res->FieldKeysMap().insert(make_pair(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfos));
-        } else if(type == INVERTKEY){
-            query_parser_res->InvertFieldKeysMap().insert(make_pair(fieldInfo.field, fieldInfos));
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  term_query_parser.h
- *
- *    Description:  term_query_parser class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  20/04/2021
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  zhulin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#ifndef __TERM_QUERY_PARSER_H__
-#define __TERM_QUERY_PARSER_H__
-#include "query_parser.h"
-#include "json/json.h"
-class TermQueryParser : public QueryParser
-    TermQueryParser(uint32_t a, Json::Value& v);
-    ~TermQueryParser();
-    int ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res);
-    int ParseContent(QueryParserRes* query_parser_res, uint32_t type);
-    uint32_t appid;
-    Json::Value value;

+ 0 - 392

@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:
- *
- *    Description:  
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  09/08/2020 10:02:05 PM
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  Norton,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-#include <dtc_global.h>
-#include <version.h>
-#include <proc_title.h>
-#include <log.h>
-#include <config.h>
-#include <dbconfig.h>
-#include "comm_process.h"
-#include <daemon.h>
-#include <net_addr.h>
-#include <listener.h>
-#include <unix_socket.h>
-#include <watchdog_listener.h>
-#include <task_base.h>
-const char service_file[] = "./";
-const char create_handle_name[] = "create_process";
-const char progname[] = "custom-helper";
-const char usage_argv[] = "machId addr [port]";
-char cacheFile[256] = CACHE_CONF_NAME;
-char tableFile[256] = TABLE_CONF_NAME;
-static CreateHandle CreateHelper = NULL;
-static CommHelper *helperProc;
-static unsigned int procTimeout;
-class HelperMain
-	HelperMain(CommHelper *helper) : h(helper){};
-	void attach(DTCTask *task) { h->attach((void *)task); }
-	void init_title(int group, int role) { h->init_title(group, role); }
-	void set_title(const char *status) { h->SetTitle(status); }
-	const char *Name() { return h->Name(); }
-	int pre_init(int gid, int r)
-	{
-		if (dbConfig->machineCnt <= gid)
-		{
-			log_error("parse config error, machineCnt[%d] <= GroupID[%d]", dbConfig->machineCnt, gid);
-			return (-1);
-		}
-		h->GroupID = gid;
-		h->Role = r;
-		h->_dbconfig = dbConfig;
-		h->_tdef = gTableDef[0];
-		h->_config = gConfig;
-		h->_server_string = dbConfig->mach[gid].role[r].addr;
-		h->logapi.init_target(h->_server_string);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	CommHelper *h;
-static int load_service(const char *dll_file)
-	void *dll;
-	dll = dlopen(dll_file, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
-	if (dll == (void *)NULL)
-	{
-		log_crit("dlopen(%s) error: %s", dll_file, dlerror());
-		return -1;
-	}
-	CreateHelper = (CreateHandle)dlsym(dll, create_handle_name);
-	if (CreateHelper == NULL)
-	{
-		log_crit("function[%s] not found", create_handle_name);
-		return -2;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int sync_decode(DTCTask *task, int netfd, CommHelper *helperProc)
-	SimpleReceiver receiver(netfd);
-	int code;
-	do
-	{
-		code = task->Decode(receiver);
-		if (code == DecodeFatalError)
-		{
-			if (errno != 0)
-				log_notice("decode fatal error, fd=%d, %m", netfd);
-			return -1;
-		}
-		if (code == DecodeDataError)
-		{
-			if (task->result_code() == 0 || task->result_code() == -EC_EXTRA_SECTION_DATA) // -EC_EXTRA_SECTION_DATA   verify package
-				return 0;
-			log_notice("decode error, fd=%d, %d", netfd, task->result_code());
-			return -1;
-		}
-		HelperMain(helperProc).set_title("Receiving...");
-	} while (!stop && code != DecodeDone);
-	if (task->result_code() < 0)
-	{
-		log_notice("register result, fd=%d, %d", netfd, task->result_code());
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int sync_send(Packet *reply, int netfd)
-	int code;
-	do
-	{
-		code = reply->Send(netfd);
-		if (code == SendResultError)
-		{
-			log_notice("send error, fd=%d, %m", netfd);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	} while (!stop && code != SendResultDone);
-	return 0;
-static void alarm_handler(int signo)
-	if (background == 0 && getppid() == 1)
-		exit(0);
-	alarm(10);
-static int accept_connection(int fd)
-	HelperMain(helperProc).set_title("listener");
-	signal(SIGALRM, alarm_handler);
-	while (!stop)
-	{
-		alarm(10);
-		int newfd;
-		if ((newfd = accept(fd, NULL, 0)) >= 0)
-		{
-			alarm(0);
-			return newfd;
-		}
-		if (newfd < 0 && errno == EINVAL)
-		{
-			if (getppid() == (pid_t)1)
-			{ // ¸¸½ø³ÌÒѾ­Í˳ö
-				log_error("dtc father process not exist. helper[%d] exit now.", getpid());
-				exit(0);
-			}
-			usleep(10000);
-		}
-	}
-	exit(0);
-static void proc_timeout_handler(int signo)
-	log_error("comm-helper process timeout(more than %u seconds), helper[pid: %d] exit now.", procTimeout, getpid());
-	exit(-1);
-struct THelperProcParameter
-	int netfd;
-	int gid;
-	int role;
-static int helper_proc_run(struct THelperProcParameter *args)
-	// close listen fd
-	close(0);
-	open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);
-	HelperMain(helperProc).set_title("Initializing...");
-	if (procTimeout > 0)
-		signal(SIGALRM, proc_timeout_handler);
-	alarm(procTimeout);
-	if (helperProc->Init() != 0)
-	{
-		log_error("%s", "helper process init failed");
-		exit(-1);
-	}
-	alarm(0);
-	unsigned int timeout;
-	while (!stop)
-	{
-		HelperMain(helperProc).set_title("Waiting...");
-		DTCTask *task = new DTCTask(gTableDef[0]);
-		if (sync_decode(task, args->netfd, helperProc) < 0)
-		{
-			delete task;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (task->result_code() == 0)
-		{
-			switch (task->request_code())
-			{
-			case DRequest::Insert:
-			case DRequest::Update:
-			case DRequest::Delete:
-			case DRequest::Replace:
-				timeout = 2 * procTimeout;
-			default:
-				timeout = procTimeout;
-			}
-			HelperMain(helperProc).attach(task);
-			alarm(timeout);
-			helperProc->Execute();
-			alarm(0);
-		}
-		HelperMain(helperProc).set_title("Sending...");
-		Packet *reply = new Packet;
-		reply->encode_result(task);
-		delete task;
-		if (sync_send(reply, args->netfd) < 0)
-		{
-			delete reply;
-			break;
-		}
-		delete reply;
-	}
-	close(args->netfd);
-	HelperMain(helperProc).set_title("Exiting...");
-	delete helperProc;
-	daemon_cleanup();
-	log_info("%s v%s: stopped", progname, version);
-	dump_non_delete();
-	log_debug("memory allocated %lu virtual %lu", count_alloc_size(), count_virtual_size());
-	exit(0);
-	return 0;
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	init_proc_title(argc, argv);
-	if (dtc_daemon_init(argc, argv) < 0)
-		return -1;
-	argc -= optind;
-	argv += optind;
-	struct THelperProcParameter helperArgs = {0, 0, 0};
-	char *addr = NULL;
-	if (argc > 0)
-	{
-		char *p;
-		helperArgs.gid = strtol(argv[0], &p, 0);
-		if (*p == '\0' || *p == MACHINEROLESTRING[0])
-			helperArgs.role = 0;
-		else if (*p == MACHINEROLESTRING[1])
-			helperArgs.role = 1;
-		else
-		{
-			log_error("Bad machine id: %s", argv[0]);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
-	if (argc != 2 && argc != 3)
-	{
-		show_usage();
-		return -1;
-	}
-	int backlog = gConfig->get_int_val("cache", "MaxListenCount", 256);
-	int helperTimeout = gConfig->get_int_val("cache", "HelperTimeout", 30);
-	if (helperTimeout > 1)
-		procTimeout = helperTimeout - 1;
-	else
-		procTimeout = 0;
-	addr = argv[1];
-	// load dll file
-	const char *file = getenv("HELPER_SERVICE_FILE");
-	if (file == NULL || file[0] == 0)
-		file = service_file;
-	if (load_service(file) != 0)
-		return -1;
-	helperProc = CreateHelper();
-	if (helperProc == NULL)
-	{
-		log_crit("create helper error");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (HelperMain(helperProc).pre_init(helperArgs.gid, helperArgs.role) < 0)
-	{
-		log_error("%s", "helper prepare init failed");
-		exit(-1);
-	}
-	if (helperProc->global_init() != 0)
-	{
-		log_crit("helper gobal-init error");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	int fd = -1;
-	if (!strcmp(addr, "-"))
-		fd = 0;
-	else
-	{
-		if (strcasecmp(gConfig->get_str_val("cache", "CacheShmKey") ?: "", "none") != 0)
-		{
-			log_warning("standalone %s need CacheShmKey set to NONE", progname);
-			return -1;
-		}
-		SocketAddress sockaddr;
-		const char *err = sockaddr.set_address(addr, argc == 2 ? NULL : argv[2]);
-		if (err)
-		{
-			log_warning("host %s port %s: %s", addr, argc == 2 ? "NULL" : argv[2], err);
-			return -1;
-		}
-		if (sockaddr.socket_type() != SOCK_STREAM)
-		{
-			log_warning("standalone %s don't support UDP protocol", progname);
-			return -1;
-		}
-		fd = sock_bind(&sockaddr, backlog);
-		if (fd < 0)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	daemon_start();
-	helperProc->logapi.Init(
-		gConfig->get_int_val("LogApi", "MessageId", 0),
-		gConfig->get_int_val("LogApi", "CallerId", 0),
-		gConfig->get_int_val("LogApi", "TargetId", 0),
-		gConfig->get_int_val("LogApi", "InterfaceId", 0));
-	HelperMain(helperProc).init_title(helperArgs.gid, helperArgs.role);
-	if (procTimeout > 1)
-		helperProc->set_proc_timeout(procTimeout - 1);
-	while (!stop)
-	{
-		helperArgs.netfd = accept_connection(fd);
-		watch_dog_fork(HelperMain(helperProc).Name(), (int (*)(void *))helper_proc_run, (void *)&helperArgs);
-		close(helperArgs.netfd);
-	}
-	if (fd > 0 && addr && addr[0] == '/')
-		unlink(addr);
-	return 0;

+ 0 - 260

@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  rocksdb_direct_context.h 
- *
- *    Description:  
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  09/08/2020 10:02:05 PM
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  zhuyao,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#if 1
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <deque>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h>
-static const uint16_t sgMagicNum = 12345; // global magic number
-// operator must be matched with DTC with the same order
-enum class CondOpr : uint8_t
-  eEQ, // ==   0
-  eNE, // !=   1
-  eLT, // <    2
-  eLE, // <=   3
-  eGT, // >    4
-  eGE  // >=    5
-bool operator==(const CondOpr lc, const CondOpr rc)
-  return (int)lc == (int)rc;
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct QueryCond
-  uint8_t sFieldIndex;
-  uint8_t sCondOpr; // CondOpr
-  // uint8_t sCondValueLen;
-  // char sCondValue[];
-  std::string sCondValue;
-  int binary_size()
-  {
-    static int fixHeaderLen = sizeof(sFieldIndex) + sizeof(sCondOpr) + sizeof(int) /* value len */;
-    return fixHeaderLen + sCondValue.length();
-  }
-  void serialize_to(char *&data)
-  {
-    *(uint8_t *)data = sFieldIndex;
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    *(uint8_t *)data = sCondOpr;
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    *(int *)data = sCondValue.length();
-    data += sizeof(int);
-    memmove((void *)data, (void *)sCondValue.c_str(), sCondValue.length());
-    data += sCondValue.length();
-  }
-  void serialize_from(const char *data, int &condLen)
-  {
-    const char *begPos = data;
-    sFieldIndex = *(uint8_t *)data;
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    sCondOpr = *(uint8_t *)data;
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    int len = *(int *)data;
-    data += sizeof(int);
-    sCondValue.assign(data, len);
-    condLen = data - begPos + len;
-  }
-  friend class DirectRequestContext;
-struct LimitCond
-  int sLimitStart = -1;
-  int sLimitStep = -1;
-  void reset() { sLimitStart = -1, sLimitStep = -1; }
-struct DirectRequestContext
-  uint16_t sMagicNum;
-  uint64_t sSequenceId;
-  // uint8_t sCondValueNum;
-  // char sContextValue[];
-  std::vector<QueryCond> sFieldConds;
-  std::vector<std::pair<int, bool /* asc or not*/>> sOrderbyFields;
-  LimitCond sLimitCond;
-  void reset()
-  {
-    sMagicNum = 0;
-    sSequenceId = 0;
-    sFieldConds.clear();
-    sLimitCond.reset();
-  }
-  // binary format size for transporting in
-  int binary_size()
-  {
-    static int fixHeaderLen = sizeof(sMagicNum) + sizeof(sSequenceId) + sizeof(uint8_t) * 2;
-    int len = fixHeaderLen;
-    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < sFieldConds.size(); idx++)
-    {
-      len += sFieldConds[idx].binary_size();
-    }
-    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < sOrderbyFields.size(); idx++)
-    {
-      len += (sizeof(int) + sizeof(bool));
-    }
-    len += sizeof(LimitCond);
-    return len;
-  }
-  // before call this function, should call 'binary_size' to evaluate the size of the struct
-  void serialize_to(char *data, int len)
-  {
-    *(uint16_t *)data = sMagicNum;
-    data += sizeof(uint16_t);
-    *(uint64_t *)data = sSequenceId;
-    data += sizeof(uint64_t);
-    *(uint8_t *)data = sFieldConds.size();
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < sFieldConds.size(); idx++)
-    {
-      sFieldConds[idx].serialize_to(data);
-    }
-    *(uint8_t *)data = sOrderbyFields.size();
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < sOrderbyFields.size(); idx++)
-    {
-      *(int *)data = sOrderbyFields[idx].first;
-      data += sizeof(int);
-      *(bool *)data = sOrderbyFields[idx].second;
-      data += sizeof(bool);
-    }
-    memmove((void *)data, (void *)&sLimitCond, sizeof(LimitCond));
-    data += sizeof(LimitCond);
-  }
-  void serialize_from(const char *data, int dataLen)
-  {
-    sMagicNum = *(uint16_t *)data;
-    data += sizeof(uint16_t);
-    dataLen -= sizeof(uint16_t);
-    sSequenceId = *(uint64_t *)data;
-    data += sizeof(uint64_t);
-    dataLen -= sizeof(uint64_t);
-    uint8_t condNum = *(uint8_t *)data;
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    dataLen -= sizeof(uint8_t);
-    QueryCond cond;
-    int condLen = 0;
-    for (uint8_t idx = 0; idx < condNum; idx++)
-    {
-      cond.serialize_from(data, condLen);
-      data += condLen;
-      dataLen -= condLen;
-      sFieldConds.push_back(cond);
-    }
-    std::pair<int, bool> orPair;
-    uint8_t orderNum = *(uint8_t *)data;
-    data += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    dataLen -= sizeof(uint8_t);
-    for (uint8_t idx = 0; idx < orderNum; idx++)
-    {
-      orPair.first = *(int *)data;
-      data += sizeof(int);
-      dataLen -= sizeof(int);
-      orPair.second = *(bool *)data;
-      data += sizeof(bool);
-      dataLen -= sizeof(bool);
-      sOrderbyFields.push_back(orPair);
-    }
-    memmove((void *)&sLimitCond, (void *)data, sizeof(LimitCond));
-    dataLen -= sizeof(LimitCond);
-    assert(dataLen == 0);
-  }
-struct DirectResponseContext
-  uint16_t sMagicNum;
-  uint64_t sSequenceId;
-  int16_t sRowNums; // number of matched rows or errno
-  std::deque<std::string> sRowValues;
-  // char* sRowValues;
-  void serialize_to(std::string &data)
-  {
-    static int headerLen = sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(uint64_t) + sizeof(int16_t);
-    data.clear();
-    data = std::move(std::string((char *)this, headerLen));
-    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < sRowNums; idx++)
-    {
-      data.append(sRowValues.front());
-      sRowValues.pop_front();
-    }
-  }
-  void free()
-  {
-    sMagicNum = 0;
-    sSequenceId = 0;
-    sRowNums = -1;
-    sRowValues.clear();
-  }
-#pragma pack(pop)

+ 0 - 529

@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:
- *
- *    Description:  AddReqProc class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  09/08/2020 10:02:05 PM
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  shrewdlin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#include "add_request_proc.h"
-#include "index_tbl_op.h"
-#include "geohash.h"
-#include "split_manager.h"
-#include <sstream>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <iomanip>
-AddReqProc::AddReqProc(const Json::Value& jf, InsertParam& insert_param){
-	doc_version = insert_param.doc_version;
-	trans_version = insert_param.trans_version;
-	app_id = insert_param.appid;
-	doc_id = insert_param.doc_id;
-	json_field = jf;
-void AddReqProc::do_stat_word_freq(vector<vector<string> > &strss, map<string, item> &word_map, string extend) {
-	string word;
-	uint32_t id = 0;
-	ostringstream oss;
-	vector<vector<string> >::iterator iters = strss.begin();
-	uint32_t index = 0;
-	for(;iters != strss.end(); iters++){
-		index++;
-		vector<string>::iterator iter = iters->begin();
-		log_debug("start do_stat_word_freq, appid = %u\n",app_id);
-		for (; iter != iters->end(); iter++) {
-			word = *iter;
-			if (!SplitManager::Instance()->wordValid(word, app_id, id)){
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (word_map.find(word) == word_map.end()) {
-				item it;
-				it.doc_id = doc_id;
-				it.freq = 1;
-				it.extend = extend;
-				it.indexs.push_back(index);
-				word_map.insert(make_pair(word, it));
-			}
-			else {
-				word_map[word].freq++;
-				word_map[word].indexs.push_back(index);
-			}
-			oss << (*iter) << "|";
-		}
-	}
-	log_debug("split: %s",oss.str().c_str());
-void AddReqProc::do_stat_word_freq(vector<string> &strss, map<string, item> &word_map) {
-	string word;
-	vector<string>::iterator iters = strss.begin();
-	uint32_t index = 0;
-	for (; iters != strss.end(); iters++) {
-		index++;
-		word = *iters;
-		if (word_map.find(word) == word_map.end()) {
-			item it;
-			it.doc_id = doc_id;
-			it.freq = 1;
-			it.indexs.push_back(index);
-			word_map.insert(make_pair(word, it));
-		}
-		else {
-			word_map[word].freq++;
-			word_map[word].indexs.push_back(index);
-		}
-	}
-int AddReqProc::deal_index_tag(struct table_info *tbinfo, string field_name){
-	int ret =0;
-	map<string, item> word_map;
-	vector<vector<string> > split_content;
-	switch(tbinfo->field_type){
-		case FIELD_TEXT:
-			if(json_field[field_name].isString()){
-				if (tbinfo->segment_tag == SEGMENT_NGRAM) { // NGram split mode
-					vector<string> ngram_content = SplitManager::Instance()->split(json_field[field_name].asString());
-					do_stat_word_freq(ngram_content, word_map);
-				}
-				else if (tbinfo->segment_tag == SEGMENT_CHINESE || tbinfo->segment_tag == SEGMENT_ENGLISH) { // use intelligent_info
-					string str = json_field[field_name].asString();
-					// segment_tag为3对应的字段内容必须为全中文,为4对应的的字段不能包含中文
-					if (tbinfo->segment_tag == SEGMENT_CHINESE && allChinese(str) == false) {
-						log_error("segment_tag is 3, the content[%s] must be Chinese.", str.c_str());
-						return RT_ERROR_FIELD_FORMAT;
-					}
-					if (tbinfo->segment_tag == SEGMENT_ENGLISH && noChinese(str) == false) {
-						log_error("segment_tag is 4, the content[%s] can not contain Chinese.", str.c_str());
-						return RT_ERROR_FIELD_FORMAT;
-					}
-					item it;
-					it.doc_id = doc_id;
-					it.freq = 1;
-					if(tbinfo->segment_feature == SEGMENT_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT){
-						Json::FastWriter ex_writer;
-						it.extend = ex_writer.write(snapshot_content);
-					}
-					word_map.insert(make_pair(str, it));
-					vector<IntelligentInfo> info;
-					bool flag = false;
-					get_intelligent(str, info, flag);
-					if (flag) {
-						stringstream ss;
-						ss << app_id << "#" << tbinfo->field_value;
-						ret = g_hanpinIndexInstance.do_insert_intelligent(ss.str(), doc_id, str, info, doc_version);
-						if(0 != ret){
-						 	roll_back();
-						 	return ret;
-						}
-						intelligent_keys.push_back(ss.str());
-					}
-				}
-				else {
-					split_content = SplitManager::Instance()->split(json_field[field_name].asString(), app_id);
-					string extend = "";
-					if(tbinfo->segment_feature == SEGMENT_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT){
-						Json::FastWriter ex_writer;
-						extend = ex_writer.write(snapshot_content);
-					}
-					do_stat_word_freq(split_content, word_map, extend);
-					split_content.clear();
-				}
-				ret = g_IndexInstance.do_insert_index(word_map, app_id, doc_version, tbinfo->field_value, docid_index_map);
-				if (0 != ret) {
-				 	roll_back();
-					return ret;
-				}
-				word_map.clear();
-			}else{
-			 	log_error("field type error, not FIELD_STRING.");
-			}
-			break;
-		case FIELD_INT:
-			if(json_field[field_name].isInt()){
-				int ret;
-				struct item it;
-				it.doc_id = doc_id;
-				it.freq = 0;
-				string key = "";
-				if(tbinfo->segment_tag == SEGMENT_RANGE){  // 范围查的字段将key补全到20位
-					stringstream ss;
-					ss << setw(20) << setfill('0') << json_field[field_name].asInt();
-					key = gen_dtc_key_string(app_id, "00", ss.str());
-				} else {
-				 	key = gen_dtc_key_string(app_id, "00", (uint32_t)json_field[field_name].asInt());
-				}
-				ret = g_IndexInstance.insert_index_dtc(key, it, tbinfo->field_value, doc_version, docid_index_map);
-				if(ret != 0){
-				 	roll_back();
-				}
-			}else{
-				log_error("field type error, not FIELD_INT.");
-			}
-			break;
-		case FIELD_LONG:
-			if(json_field[field_name].isInt64()){
-				struct item it;
-				it.doc_id = doc_id;
-				it.freq = 0;
-				string key = gen_dtc_key_string(app_id, "00", (int64_t)json_field[field_name].asInt64());
-				int ret = g_IndexInstance.insert_index_dtc(key, it, tbinfo->field_value, doc_version, docid_index_map);
-				if(0 != ret){
-					roll_back();
-					log_error("insert_index_dtc error, appid[%d], key[%s]", app_id, key.c_str());
-				}
-			} else {
-				log_error("field type error, not FIELD_LONG.");
-			}
-			break;
-			if(json_field[field_name].isDouble()){
-				struct item it;
-				it.doc_id = doc_id;
-				it.freq = 0;
-				string key = gen_dtc_key_string(app_id, "00", (double)json_field[field_name].asDouble());
-				int ret = g_IndexInstance.insert_index_dtc(key, it, tbinfo->field_value, doc_version, docid_index_map);
-				if(0 != ret){
-					roll_back();
-					log_error("insert_index_dtc error, appid[%d], key[%s]", app_id, key.c_str());
-				}
-			} else {
-				log_error("field type error, not FIELD_DOUBLE.");
-			}
-			break;
-		case FIELD_IP:
-			uint32_t s;
-			int ret;
-			if(json_field[field_name].isString()){
-				ret = inet_pton(AF_INET, json_field[field_name].asString().c_str(), (void *)&s);
-				if(ret == 0){
-					log_error("ip format is error\n");
-				}
-				struct item it;
-				it.doc_id = doc_id;
-				it.freq = 0;
-				string key = gen_dtc_key_string(app_id, "00", ntohl(s));
-				ret = g_IndexInstance.insert_index_dtc(key, it, tbinfo->field_value, doc_version, docid_index_map);
-				if(ret != 0){
-					roll_back();
-				}
-			}else{
-			}
-			break;
-		case FIELD_LNG:
-			if(json_field[field_name].isString()){
-				lng = json_field[field_name].asString();
-			}else{
-			}
-			break;
-		case FIELD_LAT:
-			if(json_field[field_name].isString()){
-				lat = json_field[field_name].asString();
-			}else{
-			}
-			break;
-			if(json_field[field_name].isArray()){
-				Json::Value lngs = json_field[field_name];
-				for (uint32_t lng_idx = 0; lng_idx < lngs.size(); ++lng_idx) {
-					if (lngs[lng_idx].isString()){
-						lng_arr.push_back(lngs[lng_idx].asString());
-					} else {
-						log_error("longitude must be string");
-						return RT_ERROR_FIELD_FORMAT;
-					}
-				}
-			}else{
-				log_error("FIELD_LNG_ARRAY must be array");
-			}
-			break;
-			if(json_field[field_name].isArray()){
-				Json::Value lats = json_field[field_name];
-				for (uint32_t lat_idx = 0; lat_idx < lats.size(); ++lat_idx) {
-					if (lats[lat_idx].isString()){
-						lat_arr.push_back(lats[lat_idx].asString());
-					} else {
-						log_error("latitude must be string");
-						return RT_ERROR_FIELD_FORMAT;
-					}
-				}
-			}else{
-				log_error("FIELD_LAT_ARRAY must be array");
-			}
-			break;
-		case FIELD_WKT:
-			if(json_field[field_name].isString()){
-				string str = json_field[field_name].asString();
-				str = delPrefix(str);
-				vector<string> str_vec = splitEx(str, ",");
-				for(uint32_t str_vec_idx = 0; str_vec_idx < str_vec.size(); str_vec_idx++){
-					string wkt_str = trim(str_vec[str_vec_idx]);
-					vector<string> wkt_vec = splitEx(wkt_str, " ");
-					if(wkt_vec.size() == 2){
-						lng_arr.push_back(wkt_vec[0]);
-						lat_arr.push_back(wkt_vec[1]);
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				log_error("FIELD_WKT must be string");
-			}
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-int AddReqProc::do_insert_index(UserTableContent& content_fields){
-	int ret = 0;
-	Json::Value::Members member = json_field.getMemberNames();
-	Json::Value::Members::iterator iter = member.begin();
-	for(; iter != member.end(); ++iter)
-	{
-		string field_name = *iter;
-		struct table_info *tbinfo = NULL;
-		tbinfo = SplitManager::Instance()->get_table_info(app_id, field_name);
-		if(tbinfo == NULL){
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(tbinfo->snapshot_tag == 1){ //snapshot
-			if(tbinfo->field_type == 1 && json_field[field_name].isInt()){
-				snapshot_content[field_name] = json_field[field_name].asInt();
-			}else if(tbinfo->field_type > 1 && json_field[field_name].isString()){
-				snapshot_content[field_name] = json_field[field_name].asString();
-			}else if(tbinfo->field_type > 1 && json_field[field_name].isDouble()){
-				snapshot_content[field_name] = json_field[field_name].asDouble();
-			}else if(tbinfo->field_type > 1 && json_field[field_name].isInt64()){
-				snapshot_content[field_name] = json_field[field_name].asInt64();
-			}else if(tbinfo->field_type > 1 && json_field[field_name].isArray()){
-				snapshot_content[field_name] = json_field[field_name];
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	for(iter = member.begin(); iter != member.end(); ++iter)
-	{
-		string field_name = *iter;
-		struct table_info *tbinfo = NULL;
-		tbinfo = SplitManager::Instance()->get_table_info(app_id, field_name);
-		if(tbinfo == NULL){
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(tbinfo->index_tag == 1){
-			ret = deal_index_tag(tbinfo, field_name);
-			if(0 != ret){
-				log_error("deal index tag process error, ret: %d", ret);
-				roll_back();
-				return ret;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if(lng.length() != 0 && lat.length() != 0){
-		struct table_info *tbinfo = NULL;
-		tbinfo = SplitManager::Instance()->get_table_info(app_id, "gis");
-		if(tbinfo == NULL){
-			roll_back();
-			return RT_NO_GIS_DEFINE;
-		}
-		string gisid = encode(atof(lat.c_str()), atof(lng.c_str()), 6);
-		log_debug("gis code = %s",gisid.c_str());
-		int ret;
-		uint64_t id = 0;
-		struct item it;
-		it.doc_id = doc_id;
-		it.freq = 0;
-		Json::FastWriter gis_writer;
-		it.extend = gis_writer.write(snapshot_content);
-		string key = gen_dtc_key_string(app_id, "00", gisid);
-		ret = g_IndexInstance.insert_index_dtc(key, it, tbinfo->field_value, doc_version, docid_index_map);
-		if(ret != 0){
-		 	roll_back();
-		}
-		log_debug("id = %llu,doc_vesion = %d,docid = %s\n",(long long unsigned int)id,doc_version,it.doc_id.c_str());
-	}
-	log_debug("lng_arr size: %d, lat_arr size: %d", (int)lng_arr.size(), (int)lat_arr.size());
-	if(lng_arr.size() > 0 && lat_arr.size() > 0){
-		if(lng_arr.size() != lat_arr.size()){
-			log_error("lng_arr size not equal with lat_arr size");
-		}
-		set<string> gis_set;
-		for(uint32_t arr_idx = 0; arr_idx < lng_arr.size(); arr_idx++){
-			string tmp_lng = lng_arr[arr_idx];
-			string tmp_lat = lat_arr[arr_idx];
-			struct table_info *tbinfo = NULL;
-			tbinfo = SplitManager::Instance()->get_table_info(app_id, "gis");
-			if(tbinfo == NULL){
-				roll_back();
-				log_error("gis field not defined");
-				return RT_NO_GIS_DEFINE;
-			}
-			string gisid = encode(atof(tmp_lat.c_str()), atof(tmp_lng.c_str()), 6);
-			if(gis_set.find(gisid) != gis_set.end()){
-				continue;
-			}
-			gis_set.insert(gisid);
-			struct item it;
-			it.doc_id = doc_id;
-			it.freq = 0;
-			Json::FastWriter gis_writer;
-			it.extend = gis_writer.write(snapshot_content);
-			string key = gen_dtc_key_string(app_id, "00", gisid);
-			int ret = g_IndexInstance.insert_index_dtc(key, it, tbinfo->field_value, doc_version, docid_index_map);
-			if(ret != 0){
-				roll_back();
-			}
-			log_debug("gis code = %s,doc_vesion = %d,docid = %s\n",gisid.c_str(),doc_version,it.doc_id.c_str());
-		}
-	}
-	vector<string> union_key_vec;
-	SplitManager::Instance()->getUnionKeyField(app_id, union_key_vec);
-	vector<string>::iterator union_key_iter = union_key_vec.begin();
-	for(; union_key_iter != union_key_vec.end(); union_key_iter++){
-		string union_key = *union_key_iter;
-		vector<int> union_field_vec = splitInt(union_key, ",");
-		vector<int>::iterator union_field_iter = union_field_vec.begin();
-		vector<vector<string> > keys_vvec;
-		for(; union_field_iter != union_field_vec.end(); union_field_iter++){
-			int union_field_value = *union_field_iter;
-			if(union_field_value >= (int)docid_index_map.size()){
-				log_error("appid[%d] field[%d] is invalid", app_id, *union_field_iter);
-				break;
-			}
-			vector<string> key_vec;
-			if(!docid_index_map[union_field_value].isArray()){
-				log_debug("doc_id[%s] union_field_value[%d] has no keys", doc_id.c_str(), union_field_value);
-				break;
-			}
-			for (int key_index = 0; key_index < (int)docid_index_map[union_field_value].size(); key_index++){
-				if(docid_index_map[union_field_value][key_index].isString()){
-					string union_index_key = docid_index_map[union_field_value][key_index].asString();
-					if(union_index_key.size() > 9){  // 倒排key的格式为:10061#00#折扣,这里只取第二个#后面的内容
-						key_vec.push_back(union_index_key.substr(9));
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			keys_vvec.push_back(key_vec);
-		}
-		if(keys_vvec.size() != union_field_vec.size()){
-			log_debug("keys_vvec.size not equal union_field_vec.size");
-			break;
-		}
-		vector<string> union_keys = combination(keys_vvec);
-		for(int m = 0 ; m < (int)union_keys.size(); m++){
-			ret = g_IndexInstance.insert_union_index_dtc(union_keys[m], doc_id, app_id, doc_version);
-			if(ret != 0){
-				log_error("insert union key[%s] error", union_keys[m].c_str());
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Json::FastWriter writer;
-	content_fields.content = writer.write(snapshot_content);
-	Json::FastWriter doc_index_writer;
-	string doc_index_map_string = doc_index_writer.write(docid_index_map);
-	if(doc_version != 1){//need update
-		map<uint32_t, vector<string> > index_res;
-		g_IndexInstance.GetIndexData(gen_dtc_key_string(content_fields.appid, "20", doc_id), doc_version - 1, index_res);
-		map<uint32_t, vector<string> >::iterator map_iter = index_res.begin();
-		for(; map_iter != index_res.end(); map_iter++){
-			uint32_t field = map_iter->first;
-			vector<string> words = map_iter->second;
-			for(int i = 0; i < (int)words.size(); i++){
-				DeleteTask::GetInstance().RegisterInfo(words[i], doc_id, doc_version - 1, field);
-			}
-		}
-		int affected_rows = 0;
-		ret = g_IndexInstance.update_sanpshot_dtc(content_fields, doc_version, trans_version, affected_rows);
-		if(ret != 0 || affected_rows == 0){
-			log_error("update_sanpshot_dtc error, roll back, ret: %d, affected_rows: %d.", ret, affected_rows);
-			roll_back();
-		}
-		g_IndexInstance.update_docid_index_dtc(doc_index_map_string, doc_id, app_id, doc_version);
-	}else{
-		int affected_rows = 0;
-		ret = g_IndexInstance.update_sanpshot_dtc(content_fields, doc_version, trans_version, affected_rows);
-		if(ret != 0 || affected_rows == 0){
-			log_error("update_sanpshot_dtc error, roll back, ret: %d, affected_rows: %d.", ret, affected_rows);
-			roll_back();
-		}
-		g_IndexInstance.insert_docid_index_dtc(doc_index_map_string, doc_id, app_id, doc_version);
-	}
-	return 0;
-int AddReqProc::roll_back(){
-	// 删除hanpin_index
-	for(int i = 0; i < (int)intelligent_keys.size(); i++){
-		g_hanpinIndexInstance.delete_intelligent(intelligent_keys[i], doc_id, trans_version);
-	}
-	// 删除keyword_index
-	if(docid_index_map.isArray()){
-		for(int i = 0;i < (int)docid_index_map.size();i++){
-			Json::Value info = docid_index_map[i];
-			if(info.isArray()){
-				for(int j = 0;j < (int)info.size();j++){
-					if(info[j].isString()){
-						string key = info[j].asString();
-						g_IndexInstance.delete_index(key, doc_id, trans_version, i);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// 如果trans_version=1,删除快照,否则更新快照的trans_version=trans_version-1
-	Json::Value res;
-	if(trans_version == 1){
-		g_IndexInstance.delete_snapshot_dtc(doc_id, app_id, res);
-	} else {
-		g_IndexInstance.update_sanpshot_dtc(app_id, doc_id, trans_version);
-	}
-	return 0;

+ 0 - 58

@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *       Filename:  add_request_proc.h
- *
- *    Description:  AddReqProc class definition.
- *
- *        Version:  1.0
- *        Created:  09/08/2020 10:02:05 PM
- *       Revision:  none
- *       Compiler:  gcc
- *
- *         Author:  shrewdlin,
- *        Company:, Inc.
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#include "log.h"
-#include "json/json.h"
-#include "comm.h"
-class UserTableContent;
-class SplitManager;
-class AddReqProc
-	AddReqProc();
-	AddReqProc(const Json::Value& jf, InsertParam& insert_param);
-	~AddReqProc();
-	int do_insert_index(UserTableContent& content_fields);
-	void do_stat_word_freq(vector<vector<string> > &strss, map<string, item> &word_map, string extend);
-	void do_stat_word_freq(vector<string> &strss, map<string, item> &word_map);
-	int deal_index_tag(struct table_info *tbinfo, string field_name);
-	int roll_back();
-	Json::Value json_field;
-	uint32_t app_id;
-	uint32_t doc_version;
-	uint32_t trans_version;
-	string doc_id;
-	string lng;
-	string lat;
-	vector<string> lng_arr;
-	vector<string> lat_arr;
-	vector<string> intelligent_keys;
-	Json::Value snapshot_content;
-	Json::Value docid_index_map;