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# Oat++ **News** - Hey, the new oatpp version `1.3.0` is now in the master branch :tada: and soon will receive its release tag. Follow [changelog](https://github.com/oatpp/oatpp/blob/master/changelog/1.3.0.md) for details, and prepare for migration. See [project build status](https://oatpp.io/status/build/) for update progress. --- Oat++ is a modern Web Framework for C++. It's fully loaded and contains all necessary components for effective production level development. It's also light and has a small memory footprint. **Start** - [Get Started](https://oatpp.io/docs/start/) - [Build For Unix/Linux](https://oatpp.io/docs/installation/unix-linux/) - [Build For Windows](https://oatpp.io/docs/installation/windows/) - [Examples](#examples) **About** - [Website](https://oatpp.io/) - [Supported Platforms](https://oatpp.io/supported-platforms/) - Latest Benchmarks: [5 Million WebSockets](https://oatpp.io/benchmark/websocket/5-million/) - [Contributing to Oat++](CONTRIBUTING.md) **Join Our Community** - [Gitter](https://gitter.im/oatpp-framework/Lobby) - Talk to Oat++ developers and to other Oat++ users. - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/oatpp_io) - Follow Oat++ on Twitter. - [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/oatpp/) - Follow Oat++ subreddit. - [StackOverflow (new)](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/oat%2b%2b) - Post a Question. ## Quick Overview **Shortcuts:** - [Oat++ High Level Overview](https://oatpp.io/docs/start/high-level-overview/) - Get a quick overview of Oat++ features. - [Example Project](https://github.com/oatpp/example-crud) - A complete example of a "CRUD" service (UserService) built with Oat++. REST + Swagger-UI + SQLite. ### Build Powerful API And Document It With Swagger-UI See [ApiController](https://oatpp.io/docs/components/api-controller/) for more details. ```cpp ENDPOINT_INFO(getUserById) { info->summary = "Get one User by userId"; info->addResponse>(Status::CODE_200, "application/json"); info->addResponse>(Status::CODE_404, "application/json"); info->addResponse>(Status::CODE_500, "application/json"); info->pathParams["userId"].description = "User Identifier"; } ENDPOINT("GET", "users/{userId}", getUserById, PATH(Int32, userId)) { return createDtoResponse(Status::CODE_200, m_userService.getUserById(userId)); } ``` ### Access Databases And Keep Your Data Consistent See [Oat++ ORM](https://oatpp.io/docs/components/orm/) for more details. ```cpp QUERY(createUser, "INSERT INTO users (username, email, role) VALUES (:username, :email, :role);", PARAM(oatpp::String, username), PARAM(oatpp::String, email), PARAM(oatpp::Enum::AsString, role)) ``` ## Frequently Asked Questions ### Q: "Oat++" name? - "Oat" is something light, organic, and green. It can be easily cooked and consumed with no effort. - "++" gives a hint that it is "something" for C++. ### Q: What is the main area of Oat++ application? Oat++ is used for many different purposes, from building REST APIs that run on embedded devices to building microservices and highly-loaded cloud applications. But the majority of use cases appears to be in **IoT** and **Robotics**. ### Q: How portable is Oat++? Theoretically, Oat++ can be **easily** ported everywhere where you have **threads** and **network stack**. With an additional comparably small effort, it can be ported almost everywhere depending on how much you strip it and what would be the final binary size. See [supported platforms](https://oatpp.io/supported-platforms/) for additional info. ### Q: What is the size of a minimal Oat++ application? About **1Mb**, depending on C/C++ std-lib and oatpp version. ### Q: Which Oat++ API to choose, Simple or Async? Always choose **Simple API** wherever possible. Simple API is more developed and makes the code cleaner. Async API is designed for small, specific tasks that run at high concurrency levels ex.: - Serving file downloads to a large number of concurrent users (1K users and more). - Streaming to a large number of clients (1K or more). - Websocket Chat servers. For all other purposes use simple API. ## Examples ### REST-API - [REST Service](https://github.com/oatpp/example-crud) - A complete example of a "CRUD" service (UserService) built with Oat++. REST + Swagger-UI + SQLite. - [REST Client](https://github.com/oatpp/example-api-client) - Example project of how-to use Retrofit-like client wrapper (ApiClient) and how it works. ### WebSocket - [Can Chat](https://github.com/lganzzzo/canchat) - Feature-complete rooms-based chat for tens of thousands users. Client plus Server. - [WebSocket](https://github.com/oatpp/example-websocket) - Collection of oatpp WebSocket examples. - [YUV Websocket Stream](https://github.com/oatpp/example-yuv-websocket-stream) - Example project how-to create a YUV image stream from a V4L device (i.E. Webcam) using websockets. ### Databases - [SQLite](https://github.com/oatpp/example-crud) - A complete example of a "CRUD" service. REST + Swagger-UI + SQLite. - [PostgreSQL](https://github.com/oatpp/example-postgresql) - Example of a production-grade entity service storing information in PostgreSQL. With Swagger-UI and configuration profiles. - [MongoDB](https://github.com/oatpp/example-mongodb) - Example project how to work with MongoDB using **oatpp-mongo** mondule. Project is a web-service with basic CRUD and Swagger-UI. ### IoT - [Example-IoT-Hue](https://github.com/oatpp/example-iot-hue-ssdp) - Example project how-to create an Philips Hue compatible REST-API that is discovered and controllable by Hue compatible Smart-Home devices like Amazon Alexa or Google Echo. ### Streaming - [HTTP Live Streaming Server](https://github.com/oatpp/example-hls-media-stream) - Example project on how to build an HLS-streaming server using Oat++ asynchronous API. - [YUV Websocket Stream](https://github.com/oatpp/example-yuv-websocket-stream) - Example project how-to create a YUV image stream from a V4L device (i.E. Webcam) using websockets. ### TLS - [TLS With Libressl](https://github.com/oatpp/example-libressl) - Example project how-to setup secure connection and serve via HTTPS. ### Microservices - [Consul Integration](https://github.com/oatpp/example-consul) - Example project on how to use [oatpp::consul::Client](https://oatpp.io/api/latest/oatpp-consul/rest/Client/). Consul integration. - [Microservices](https://github.com/oatpp/example-microservices) - Example project on how to build microservices with Oat++, and example on how to consolidate those microservices using [monolithization](https://oatpp.io/docs/monolithization/) technique. ### Asynchronous API - [Async Service](https://github.com/oatpp/example-async-api) - Example project on how to use asynchronous API to handle a large number of simultaneous connections.