# Contributing to Oat++ Thank you for your interest in the project, and for taking time to contribute. ## How to contribute All kind of contributions are very welcome. ### Join the community - Join discussion on **Gitter**. [oat++ framework/Lobby](https://gitter.im/oatpp-framework/Lobby) - Follow us on **Twitter** for latest news. [@oatpp_io](https://twitter.com/oatpp_io) - Join community on **Reddit**. [r/oatpp](https://www.reddit.com/r/oatpp/) ### Try to use Oat++ - Grab example project from the [list of examples](https://github.com/oatpp/oatpp-examples) - Take starter project and try to build something on top of it - [Starter project with Simple API](https://github.com/oatpp/oatpp-starter) - [Starter project with Async API](https://github.com/oatpp/oatpp-starter-async) - Try to reproduce benchmark results [2M WebSockets](https://github.com/oatpp/benchmark-websocket) ### Open an issue Ask question or report a bug [here](https://github.com/oatpp/oatpp/issues) ### Create a pull request All kind of [pull requests](https://github.com/oatpp/oatpp/pulls) are very welcome. Even if it's just fixing typos, or adding documentation. *Please make sure your pull requests confirming to overall project code-style.* *Please make sure to notify the community if you are working on an issue so we don't duplicate work!* ### Create Oat++ extension module Use [oatpp-starter-module](https://github.com/oatpp/oatpp-starter-module) to create oatpp extensions. ## Code of Conduct Please follow [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) at all times. Please report unacceptable behavior to oatpp.io@gmail.com.