azure-pipelines.yml 2.1 KB

  1. # Starter pipeline
  2. # Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code.
  3. # Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more:
  4. #
  5. jobs:
  6. - job: ubuntu_16_04_mem_pool_on
  7. displayName: 'Build - Ubuntu 16.04 - With Memory Pool'
  8. continueOnError: false
  9. pool:
  10. vmImage: 'Ubuntu 16.04'
  11. workspace:
  12. clean: all
  13. steps:
  14. - script: |
  15. mkdir build
  16. - task: CMake@1
  17. - script: |
  18. cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
  19. make
  20. displayName: 'CMake'
  21. workingDirectory: build
  22. - script: |
  23. make test ARGS="-V"
  24. displayName: 'Test'
  25. workingDirectory: build
  26. - job: ubuntu_16_04_mem_pool_off
  27. displayName: 'Build - Ubuntu 16.04 - No Memory Pool'
  28. continueOnError: false
  29. pool:
  30. vmImage: 'Ubuntu 16.04'
  31. workspace:
  32. clean: all
  33. steps:
  34. - script: |
  35. mkdir build
  36. - task: CMake@1
  37. - script: |
  39. make
  40. displayName: 'CMake'
  41. workingDirectory: build
  42. - script: |
  43. make test ARGS="-V"
  44. displayName: 'Test'
  45. workingDirectory: build
  46. - job: macOS_mem_pool_on
  47. displayName: 'Build - macOS - With Memory Pool'
  48. continueOnError: false
  49. pool:
  50. vmImage: 'macOS-10.14'
  51. workspace:
  52. clean: all
  53. steps:
  54. - script: |
  55. mkdir build
  56. - task: CMake@1
  57. - script: |
  58. cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
  59. make
  60. displayName: 'CMake'
  61. workingDirectory: build
  62. - script: |
  63. make test ARGS="-V"
  64. displayName: 'Test'
  65. workingDirectory: build
  66. - job: macOS_mem_pool_off
  67. displayName: 'Build - macOS - No Memory Pool'
  68. continueOnError: false
  69. pool:
  70. vmImage: 'macOS-10.14'
  71. workspace:
  72. clean: all
  73. steps:
  74. - script: |
  75. mkdir build
  76. - task: CMake@1
  77. - script: |
  79. make
  80. displayName: 'CMake'
  81. workingDirectory: build
  82. - script: |
  83. make test ARGS="-V"
  84. displayName: 'Test'
  85. workingDirectory: build