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string name = 2; }; message EchoResponse { string message = 1; }; service Example { rpc Echo(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse); }; ~~~ #### 2. generate code ~~~sh protoc example.proto --cpp_out=./ --proto_path=./ srpc_generator protobuf ./example.proto ./ ~~~ #### 3. server.cc ~~~cpp #include #include #include "example.srpc.h" using namespace srpc; class ExampleServiceImpl : public Example::Service { public: void Echo(EchoRequest *request, EchoResponse *response, RPCContext *ctx) override { response->set_message("Hi, " + request->name()); printf("get_req:\n%s\nset_resp:\n%s\n", request->DebugString().c_str(), response->DebugString().c_str()); } }; void sig_handler(int signo) { } int main() { signal(SIGINT, sig_handler); signal(SIGTERM, sig_handler); SRPCServer server_tcp; SRPCHttpServer server_http; ExampleServiceImpl impl; server_tcp.add_service(&impl); server_http.add_service(&impl); server_tcp.start(1412); server_http.start(8811); getchar(); // press "Enter" to end. server_http.stop(); server_tcp.stop(); return 0; } ~~~ #### 4. client.cc ~~~cpp #include #include "example.srpc.h" using namespace srpc; int main() { Example::SRPCClient client("", 1412); EchoRequest req; req.set_message("Hello, srpc!"); req.set_name("workflow"); client.Echo(&req, [](EchoResponse *response, RPCContext *ctx) { if (ctx->success()) printf("%s\n", response->DebugString().c_str()); else printf("status[%d] error[%d] errmsg:%s\n", ctx->get_status_code(), ctx->get_error(), ctx->get_errmsg()); }); getchar(); // press "Enter" to end. return 0; } ~~~ #### 5. make 在Linux系统下的编译示例如下,其他平台建议到[tutorial](/tutorial)目录下使用完整的cmake文件协助解决编译依赖问题。 ~~~sh g++ -o server server.cc example.pb.cc -std=c++11 -lsrpc g++ -o client client.cc example.pb.cc -std=c++11 -lsrpc ~~~ #### 6. run 终端1: ~~~sh ./server ~~~ 终端2: ~~~sh ./client ~~~ 也可以用CURL发送http请求: ~~~sh curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{message:"from curl",name:"CURL"}' ~~~ 终端1输出: ~~~sh get_req: message: "Hello, srpc!" name: "workflow" set_resp: message: "Hi, workflow" get_req: message: "from curl" name: "CURL" set_resp: message: "Hi, CURL" ~~~ 终端2输出: ~~~sh message: "Hi, workflow" ~~~ CURL收到的回复: ~~~sh {"message":"Hi, CURL"} ~~~ ## Benchmark * CPU 2-chip/8-core/32-processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @2.40GHz * Memory all 128G * 10 Gigabit Ethernet * BAIDU brpc-client使用连接池pooled模式 #### 跨机单client→单server在不同并发的QPS ~~~ Client = 1 ClientThread = 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 RequestSize = 32 Duration = 20s Server = 1 ServerIOThread = 16 ServerHandlerThread = 16 ~~~ ![IMG](/docs/images/benchmark2.png) #### 跨机多client→单server在不同client进程数的QPS ~~~ Client = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ClientThread = 32 RequestSize = 32 Duration = 20s Server = 1 ServerIOThread = 16 ServerHandlerThread = 16 ~~~ ![IMG](/docs/images/benchmark4.png) #### 同机单client→单server在不同并发下的QPS ~~~ Client = 1 ClientThread = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 RequestSize = 1024 Duration = 20s Server = 1 ServerIOThread = 16 ServerHandlerThread = 16 ~~~ ![IMG](/docs/images/benchmark3.png) #### 同机单client→单server在不同请求大小下的QPS ~~~ Client = 1 ClientThread = 100 RequestSize = 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768 Duration = 20s Server = 1 ServerIOThread = 16 ServerHandlerThread = 16 ~~~ ![IMG](/docs/images/benchmark1.png) #### 同机单client→单server在固定QPS下的延时CDF ~~~ Client = 1 ClientThread = 50 ClientQPS = 10000 RequestSize = 1024 Duration = 20s Server = 1 ServerIOThread = 16 ServerHandlerThread = 16 Outiler = 1% ~~~ ![IMG](/docs/images/benchmark5.png) #### 跨机多client→单server在固定QPS下的延时CDF ~~~ Client = 32 ClientThread = 16 ClientQPS = 2500 RequestSize = 512 Duration = 20s Server = 1 ServerIOThread = 16 ServerHandlerThread = 16 Outiler = 1% ~~~ ![IMG](/docs/images/benchmark6.png) ## 与我们联系 * **Email** - **[liyingxin@sogou-inc.com](mailto:liyingxin@sogou-inc.com)** - 主要作者 * **Issue** - 使用中的任何问题都欢迎到[issues](https://github.com/sogou/srpc/issues)进行交流。 * **QQ** - 群号: ``618773193``