[中文版](/docs/docs-04-client.md) ## 04 - RPC Client - Each Client corresponds to one specific target/one specific cluster - Each Client corresponds to one specific network communication protocol - Each Client corresponds to one specific IDL ### Sample You can follow the detailed example below: - Following the above example, the client is relatively simple and you can call the method directly. - Use `Example::XXXClient` to create a client instance of some RPC. The IP+port or URL of the target is required. - With the client instance, directly call the rpc function `Echo`. This is an asynchronous request, and the callback function will be invoked after the request is completed. - For the usage of the RPC Context, please check [RPC Context](/docs/en/rpc.md#rpc-context). ~~~cpp #include #include "example.srpc.h" #include "workflow/WFFacilities.h" using namespace srpc; int main() { Example::SRPCClient client("", 1412); EchoRequest req; req.set_message("Hello!"); req.set_name("SRPCClient"); WFFacilities::WaitGroup wait_group(1); client.Echo(&req, [&wait_group](EchoResponse *response, RPCContext *ctx) { if (ctx->success()) printf("%s\n", response->DebugString().c_str()); else printf("status[%d] error[%d] errmsg:%s\n", ctx->get_status_code(), ctx->get_error(), ctx->get_errmsg()); wait_group.done(); }); wait_group.wait(); return 0; } ~~~ ### Client startup parameters Client can be started directly by passing in ip, port, or through client startup parameters. The above example: ~~~cpp Example::SRPCClient client("", 1412); ~~~ is equivalent to: ~~~cpp struct RPCClientParams param = RPC_CLIENT_PARAMS_DEFAULT; param.host = ""; param.port = 1412; Example::SRPCClient client(¶m); ~~~ also equivalent to: ~~~cpp struct RPCClientParams param = RPC_CLIENT_PARAMS_DEFAULT; param.url = "srpc://"; Example::SRPCClient client(¶m); ~~~ Note that `RPC_CLIENT_PARAMS_DEFAULT` must be used to initialize the client's parameters, which contains a `RPCTaskParams`, including the default data_type, compress_type, retry_max and various timeouts. The specific struct can refer to [rpc_options.h](/src/rpc_options.h).