srpc-logo ### NEW !!! 👉 [SRPC tools : build Workflow and SRPC projects easily.](/tools/README.md) ## Introduction **SRPC is an enterprise-level RPC system used by almost all online services in Sogou. It handles tens of billions of requests every day, covering searches, recommendations, advertising system, and other types of services.** Bases on [Sogou C++ Workflow](https://github.com/sogou/workflow), it is an excellent choice for high-performance, low-latency, lightweight RPC systems. Contains AOP aspect-oriented modules that can report Metrics and Trace to a variety of cloud-native systems, such as OpenTelemetry, etc. Its main features include: * Support multiple RPC protocols: [`SPRC`](/tutorial/tutorial-01-srpc_pb_server.cc), [`bRPC`](/tutorial/tutorial-05-brpc_pb_server.cc), [`Thrift`](/tutorial/tutorial-07-thrift_thrift_server.cc), [`tRPC`](/tutorial/tutorial-11-trpc_pb_server.cc) * Support multiple operating systems: `Linux`, `MacOS`, `Windows` * Support several IDL formats: [`Protobuf`](/tutorial/echo_pb.proto), [`Thrift`](/tutorial/echo_thrift.thrift) * Support several data formats transparently: `Json`, `Protobuf`, `Thrift Binary` * Support several compression formats, the framework automatically decompresses: `gzip`, `zlib`, `snappy`, `lz4` * Support several communication protocols transparently: `tcp`, `http`, `ssl`, `https` * With [HTTP+JSON](/docs/docs-07-srpc-http.md), you can communicate with the client or server in any language * Use it together with [Workflow Series and Parallel](/docs/docs-06-workflow.md) to facilitate the use of calculations and other asynchronous resources * Perfectly compatible with all Workflow functions, such as name service, [upstream](docs/docs-06-workflow.md#3-upstream) and other components * Report [Tracing](/docs/docs-08-tracing.md) to [OpenTelemetry](https://opentelemetry.io) * Report [Metrics](/docs/docs-09-metrics.md) to [OpenTelemetry](https://opentelemetry.io) and [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io) * [More features...](/docs/en/rpc.md) ## Installation srpc has been packaged for Debian and Fedora. Therefore, we can install it from source code or from the package in the system. reference: [Linux, MacOS, Windows Installation and Compilation Guide](docs/en/installation.md) ## Quick Start Let's quickly learn how to use it in a few steps. For more detailed usage, please refer to [Documents](/docs) and [Tutorial](/tutorial). #### 1\. example.proto ~~~proto syntax = "proto3";// You can use either proto2 or proto3. Both are supported by srpc message EchoRequest { string message = 1; string name = 2; }; message EchoResponse { string message = 1; }; service Example { rpc Echo(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse); }; ~~~ #### 2\. generate code ~~~sh protoc example.proto --cpp_out=./ --proto_path=./ srpc_generator protobuf ./example.proto ./ ~~~ #### 3\. server.cc ~~~cpp #include #include #include "example.srpc.h" using namespace srpc; class ExampleServiceImpl : public Example::Service { public: void Echo(EchoRequest *request, EchoResponse *response, RPCContext *ctx) override { response->set_message("Hi, " + request->name()); printf("get_req:\n%s\nset_resp:\n%s\n", request->DebugString().c_str(), response->DebugString().c_str()); } }; void sig_handler(int signo) { } int main() { signal(SIGINT, sig_handler); signal(SIGTERM, sig_handler); SRPCServer server_tcp; SRPCHttpServer server_http; ExampleServiceImpl impl; server_tcp.add_service(&impl); server_http.add_service(&impl); server_tcp.start(1412); server_http.start(8811); getchar(); // press "Enter" to end. server_http.stop(); server_tcp.stop(); return 0; } ~~~ #### 4\. client.cc ~~~cpp #include #include "example.srpc.h" using namespace srpc; int main() { Example::SRPCClient client("", 1412); EchoRequest req; req.set_message("Hello, srpc!"); req.set_name("workflow"); client.Echo(&req, [](EchoResponse *response, RPCContext *ctx) { if (ctx->success()) printf("%s\n", response->DebugString().c_str()); else printf("status[%d] error[%d] errmsg:%s\n", ctx->get_status_code(), ctx->get_error(), ctx->get_errmsg()); }); getchar(); // press "Enter" to end. return 0; } ~~~ #### 5\. make These compile commands are only for Linux system. On other system, complete cmake in [tutorial](/tutorial) is recommanded. ~~~sh g++ -o server server.cc example.pb.cc -std=c++11 -lsrpc g++ -o client client.cc example.pb.cc -std=c++11 -lsrpc ~~~ #### 6\. run Terminal 1: ~~~sh ./server ~~~ Terminal 2: ~~~sh ./client ~~~ We can also use CURL to post Http request: ~~~sh curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{message:"from curl",name:"CURL"}' ~~~ Output of Terminal 1: ~~~sh get_req: message: "Hello, srpc!" name: "workflow" set_resp: message: "Hi, workflow" get_req: message: "from curl" name: "CURL" set_resp: message: "Hi, CURL" ~~~ Output of Terminal 2: ~~~sh message: "Hi, workflow" ~~~ Output of CURL: ~~~sh {"message":"Hi, CURL"} ~~~ ## Benchmark * CPU 2-chip/8-core/32-processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @2.40GHz * Memory all 128G * 10 Gigabit Ethernet * BAIDU brpc-client in pooled (connection pool) mode #### QPS at cross-machine single client→ single server under different concurrency ~~~ Client = 1 ClientThread = 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 RequestSize = 32 Duration = 20s Server = 1 ServerIOThread = 16 ServerHandlerThread = 16 ~~~ ![IMG](/docs/images/benchmark2.png) #### QPS at cross-machine multi-client→ single server under different client processes ~~~ Client = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ClientThread = 32 RequestSize = 32 Duration = 20s Server = 1 ServerIOThread = 16 ServerHandlerThread = 16 ~~~ ![IMG](/docs/images/benchmark4.png) #### QPS at same-machine single client→ single server under different concurrency ~~~ Client = 1 ClientThread = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 RequestSize = 1024 Duration = 20s Server = 1 ServerIOThread = 16 ServerHandlerThread = 16 ~~~ ![IMG](/docs/images/benchmark3.png) #### QPS at same-machine single client→ single server under different request sizes ~~~ Client = 1 ClientThread = 100 RequestSize = 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768 Duration = 20s Server = 1 ServerIOThread = 16 ServerHandlerThread = 16 ~~~ ![IMG](/docs/images/benchmark1.png) #### Latency CDF for fixed QPS at same-machine single client→ single server ~~~ Client = 1 ClientThread = 50 ClientQPS = 10000 RequestSize = 1024 Duration = 20s Server = 1 ServerIOThread = 16 ServerHandlerThread = 16 Outiler = 1% ~~~ ![IMG](/docs/images/benchmark5.png) #### Latency CDF for fixed QPS at cross-machine multi-client→ single server ~~~ Client = 32 ClientThread = 16 ClientQPS = 2500 RequestSize = 512 Duration = 20s Server = 1 ServerIOThread = 16 ServerHandlerThread = 16 Outiler = 1% ~~~ ![IMG](/docs/images/benchmark6.png) ## Contact * **Email** - **[liyingxin@sogou-inc.com](mailto:liyingxin@sogou-inc.com)** - main author * **Issue** - You are very welcome to post questions to [issues](https://github.com/sogou/srpc/issues) list. * **QQ** - Group number: ``618773193``