[中文版](/docs/docs-07-srpc-http.md) ## 07 - Use Http with SRPC, TRPC and Thrift **srpc** supports **HTTP** protocol, which make it convenient to communicate to other language. Just fill the **IDL** content into **HTTP body**, and fill the **IDL** type(**json**/**protobuf**/**thrift**) into **Http header** , we communicate with other frameworks through the **HTTP** protocol. - **SRPCHttpServer**, **TRPCHttpServer** and **ThriftHttpServer** can receive HTTP requests from client implemented by any language. - **SRPCHttpClient**, **TRPCHttpClient** and **ThriftHttpClient** can send HTTP requests to servers implemented by any language. - **HTTP header**: `Content-Type` needs to be set as `application/json` when body is json, or set as `application/x-protobuf` when body is protobuf, or set as `application/x-thrift` when body is thrift; - **HTTP body**: If there is **bytes** type in body, **json** needs to be encoded with **base64**. ### 1. Example To implement **SRPCHttpClient** is so simple that we just need to refer to [tutorial-02-srpc_pb_client.cc](https://github.com/sogou/srpc/blob/master/tutorial/tutorial-02-srpc_pb_client.cc) or [tutorial-09-client_task.cc](https://github.com/sogou/srpc/blob/master/tutorial/tutorial-09-client_task.cc) and change the `SRPCClient` into `SRPCHttpClient`. [README.md](/docs/en/README.md#6-run) demonstrates how to use **curl** to send a request to **SRPCHttpServer**, and below we give an example to demonstrate how to use **python** as a client to send a request to **TRPCHttpServer**. **proto file :** ```proto syntax="proto3"; // proto2 or proto3 are both supported package trpc.test.helloworld; message AddRequest { string message = 1; string name = 2; bytes info = 3; int32 error = 4; }; message AddResponse { string message = 1; }; service Batch { rpc Add(AddRequest) returns (AddResponse); }; ``` **python client :** ```py import json import requests from base64 import b64encode class Base64Encoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, o): if isinstance(o, bytes): return b64encode(o).decode() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} req = { 'message': 'hello', 'name': 'k', 'info': b'i am binary' } print(json.dumps(req, cls=Base64Encoder)) ret = requests.post(url = "http://localhost:8800/trpc.test.helloworld.Batch/Add", headers = headers, data = json.dumps(req, cls=Base64Encoder)) print(ret.json()) ``` ### 2. Splicing the path of HTTP request [README.md](/docs/en/README_cn.md#6-run) shows that the path is concatenated by the service name and the rpc name. Moreover, for the above proto file example with the package name `package trpc.test.helloworld;`, the package name also needs to be spliced into the path. The splicing paths of **SRPCHttp** and **TRPCHttpClient** are different. For **ThriftHttp**, multi service is not supported in SRPC thrift, so no path is required. Let's take **curl** as an example: Request to **SRPCHttpServer**: ```sh curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{...}' ``` Request to **TRPCHttpServer**: ```sh curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{...}' ``` Request to **ThriftHttpServer**: ```sh curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{...}' ``` ### 3. HTTP status code SRPC supports server to set HTTP status code in `process()`, the interface is `set_http_code(int code)` on **RPCContext**. This error code is only valid if the framework can handle the request correctly, otherwise it will be set to the SRPC framework-level error code. **Usage :** ~~~cpp class ExampleServiceImpl : public Example::Service { public: void Echo(EchoRequest *req, EchoResponse *resp, RPCContext *ctx) override { if (req->name() != "workflow") ctx->set_http_code(404); // set HTTP status code as 404 else resp->set_message("Hi back"); } }; ~~~ **CURL command :** ~~~sh curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{message:"from curl",name:"CURL"}' ~~~ **Result :** ~~~sh HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found SRPC-Status: 1 SRPC-Error: 0 Content-Type: application/json Content-Encoding: identity Content-Length: 21 Connection: Keep-Alive ~~~ **Notice :** We can still distinguish this request is correct at framework-level by `SRPC-Status: 1` in the header of the returned result, and `404` is the status code from the server. ### 4. HTTP Header Use the following three interfaces to get or set HTTP header: ~~~cpp bool get_http_header(const std::string& name, std::string& value) const; bool set_http_header(const std::string& name, const std::string& value); bool add_http_header(const std::string& name, const std::string& value); ~~~ For **server**, these interfaces are on `RPCContext`. For **client**, we need to set the **HTTP header on the request** through `RPCClientTask`, and get the **HTTP header on the response** on the `RPCContext` of the callback function. The usage is as follows: ~~~cpp int main() { Example::SRPCHttpClient client("", 80); EchoRequest req; req.set_message("Hello, srpc!"); auto *task = client.create_Echo_task([](EchoResponse *resp, RPCContext *ctx) { if (ctx->success()) { std::string value; ctx->get_http_header("server_key", value); // get the HTTP header on response } }); task->serialize_input(&req); task->set_http_header("client_key", "client_value"); // set the HTTP headers on request task->start(); wait_group.wait(); return 0; } ~~~ ### 5. proto3 transport format problem When IDL is protobuf, by default proto3 primitive fields with default values will be omitted in JSON output because there is no **optional** and **required** distinction. For example, an int32 field set to 0 will be omitted.So proto3 cannot be recognized as being set, and it cannot be emitted when serialized. JsonPrintOptions can use a flag to override the default behavior and print primitive fields regardless of their values. SRPC provides some interfaces on **RPCContext上** to implement this and other flags on [JsonPrintOptions](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/cpp/google.protobuf.util.json_util#JsonPrintOptions). The specific interface and usage description can be refered in:[rpc_context.h](/src/rpc_context.h) **Exmaple :** ```cpp class ExampleServiceImpl : public Example::Service { public: void Echo(EchoRequest *req, EchoResponse *resp, RPCContext *ctx) override { resp->set_message("Hi back"); resp->set_error(0); // the type of error is int32 and 0 is the default value of int32 ctx->set_json_always_print_primitive_fields(true); // with all primitive fields ctx->set_json_add_whitespace(true); // add spaces, line breaks and indentation } }; ``` **Origin output :** ```sh {"message":"Hi back"} ``` **After set json options on RPCContext:** ```sh { "message": "Hi back", "error": 0 } ```