[中文版](/docs/docs-06-workflow.md) ## 06 - Integrating with the asynchronous Workflow framework ### 1. Server You can follow the detailed example below: - Echo RPC sends an HTTP request to the upstream modules when it receives the request. - After the request to the upstream modules is completed, the server populates the body of HTTP response into the message of the response and send a reply to the client. - We don't want to block/occupy the handler thread, so the request to the upstream must be asynchronous. - First, we can use `WFTaskFactory::create_http_task()` of the factory of Workflow to create an asynchronous http_task. - Then, we use `ctx->get_series()` of the RPCContext to get the SeriesWork of the current ServerTask. - Finally, we use the `push_back()` interface of the SeriesWork to append the http\_task to the SeriesWork. ~~~cpp class ExampleServiceImpl : public Example::Service { public: void Echo(EchoRequest *request, EchoResponse *response, RPCContext *ctx) override { auto *http_task = WFTaskFactory::create_http_task("https://www.sogou.com", 0, 0, [request, response](WFHttpTask *task) { if (task->get_state() == WFT_STATE_SUCCESS) { const void *data; size_t len; task->get_resp()->get_parsed_body(&data, &len); response->mutable_message()->assign((const char *)data, len); } else response->set_message("Error: " + std::to_string(task->get_error())); printf("Server Echo()\nget_req:\n%s\nset_resp:\n%s\n", request->DebugString().c_str(), response->DebugString().c_str()); }); ctx->get_series()->push_back(http_task); } }; ~~~ ### 2. Client You can follow the detailed example below: - We send two requests in parallel. One is an RPC request and the other is an HTTP request. - After both requests are finished, we initiate a calculation task again to calculate the sum of the squares of the two numbers. - First, use `create_Echo_task()` of the RPC Client to create an rpc\_task, which is an asynchronous RPC network request. - Then, use `WFTaskFactory::create_http_task` and `WFTaskFactory::create_go_task` in the the factory of Workflow to create an asynchronous network task http\_task and an asynchronous computing task calc\_task respectively. - Finally, use the serial-parallel graph to organize three asynchronous tasks, in which the multiplication sign indicates parallel tasks and the greater than sign indicates serial tasks and then execute ``start()``. ~~~cpp void calc(int x, int y) { int z = x * x + y * y; printf("calc result: %d\n", z); } int main() { Example::SRPCClient client("", 1412); auto *rpc_task = client.create_Echo_task([](EchoResponse *response, RPCContext *ctx) { if (ctx->success()) printf("%s\n", response->DebugString().c_str()); else printf("status[%d] error[%d] errmsg:%s\n", ctx->get_status_code(), ctx->get_error(), ctx->get_errmsg()); }); auto *http_task = WFTaskFactory::create_http_task("https://www.sogou.com", 0, 0, [](WFHttpTask *task) { if (task->get_state() == WFT_STATE_SUCCESS) { std::string body; const void *data; size_t len; task->get_resp()->get_parsed_body(&data, &len); body.assign((const char *)data, len); printf("%s\n\n", body.c_str()); } else printf("Http request fail\n\n"); }); auto *calc_task = WFTaskFactory::create_go_task(calc, 3, 4); EchoRequest req; req.set_message("Hello!"); req.set_name("1412"); rpc_task->serialize_input(&req); WFFacilities::WaitGroup wait_group(1); SeriesWork *series = Workflow::create_series_work(http_task, [&wait_group](const SeriesWork *) { wait_group.done(); }); series->push_back(rpc_task); series->push_back(calc_task); series->start(); wait_group.wait(); return 0; } ~~~ ### 3. Upstream SRPC can directly use any component of Workflow, the most commonly used is [Upstream](https://github.com/sogou/workflow/blob/master/docs/en/about-upstream.md), any kind of client of SRPC can use Upstream. You may use the example below to construct a client that can use Upstream through parameters: ```cpp #include "workflow/UpstreamManager.h" int main() { // 1. create upstream and add server instances UpstreamManager::upstream_create_weighted_random("echo_server", true); UpstreamManager::upstream_add_server("echo_server", ""); UpstreamManager::upstream_add_server("echo_server", ""); UpstreamManager::upstream_add_server("echo_server", "internal.host.com"); // 2. create params and fill upstream name RPCClientParams client_params = RPC_CLIENT_PARAMS_DEFAULT; client_params.host = "echo_server"; client_params.port = 1412; // this port only used when upstream URI parsing and will not affect the select of instances // 3. construct client by params, the rest of usage is similar as other tutorials Example::SRPCClient client(&client_params); ... ``` If we use the **ConsistentHash** or **Manual** upstream, we often need to distinguish different tasks for the selection algorithm. At this time, we may use the `int set_uri_fragment(const std::string& fragment);` interface on the client task to set request-level related information. This field is the fragment in the URI. For the semantics, please refer to [RFC3689 3.5-Fragment](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-3.5), any infomation that needs to use the fragment (such as other information included in some other selection policy), you may use this field as well.