_config.butterfly.yml 29 KB

  1. # Main menu navigation (導航目錄)
  2. # --------------------------------------
  3. # format: name: link || icon
  4. # sub-menu
  5. # name || icon:
  6. # name: link || icon
  7. menu:
  8. 首页: / || fas fa-home
  9. 目录||fa-fw fas fa-compass:
  10. 归档: /archives/ || fas fa-archive
  11. 分类: /categories/ || fas fa-folder-open
  12. 标签: /tags/ || fas fa-tags
  13. 媒体||fas fa-list:
  14. 番剧: /bangumis || fa-fw fab fa-youtube
  15. 仓库: https://gogs.zyjblogs.cn || fa fa-code
  16. # List||fas fa-list:
  17. # Music: /music/ || fas fa-music
  18. # Movie: /movies/ || fas fa-video
  19. 友链: /link/ || fas fa-link
  20. 关于: /about/ || fas fa-heart
  21. # Hide the child menu items in mobile sidebar
  22. hide_sidebar_menu_child: false
  23. # Code Blocks (代碼相關)
  24. # --------------------------------------
  25. highlight_theme: mac light # darker / pale night / light / ocean / mac / mac light / false
  26. highlight_copy: true # copy button
  27. highlight_lang: true # show the code language
  28. highlight_shrink: false # true: shrink the code blocks / false: expand the code blocks | none: expand code blocks and hide the button
  29. highlight_height_limit: false # unit: px
  30. code_word_wrap: false
  31. # copy settings
  32. # copyright: Add the copyright information after copied content (複製的內容後面加上版權信息)
  33. copy:
  34. enable: true
  35. copyright:
  36. enable: false
  37. limit_count: 50
  38. # social settings (社交圖標設置)
  39. # formal:
  40. # icon: link || the description
  41. social:
  42. fab fa-github: https://github.com/zyjnicemoe || Github
  43. fas fa-envelope: mailto:1317453947@qq.com || Email
  44. fas fa-rss: /atom.xml
  45. # search (搜索)
  46. # --------------------------------------
  47. # Algolia search
  48. algolia_search:
  49. enable: false
  50. hits:
  51. per_page: 6
  52. # Local search
  53. local_search:
  54. enable: true
  55. #Preload the search data when the page loads.
  56. preload: false
  57. # Show top n results per article, show all results by setting to -1
  58. top_n_per_article: 1
  59. # Unescape html strings to the readable one.
  60. unescape: false
  61. CDN:
  62. # Math (數學)
  63. # --------------------------------------
  64. # About the per_page
  65. # if you set it to true, it will load mathjax/katex script in each page (true 表示每一頁都加載js)
  66. # if you set it to false, it will load mathjax/katex script according to your setting (add the 'mathjax: true' in page's front-matter)
  67. # (false 需要時加載,須在使用的 Markdown Front-matter 加上 mathjax: true)
  68. # MathJax
  69. mathjax:
  70. enable: false
  71. per_page: false
  72. # KaTeX
  73. katex:
  74. enable: false
  75. per_page: false
  76. hide_scrollbar: true
  77. # Image (圖片設置)
  78. # --------------------------------------
  79. # Favicon(網站圖標)
  80. favicon: /img/favicon.png
  81. # Avatar (頭像)
  82. avatar:
  83. # img: https://i.loli.net/2021/02/24/5O1day2nriDzjSu.png
  84. img: https://zyjblogs.cn/logo.jpg
  85. effect: false
  86. # Disable all banner image
  87. disable_top_img: false
  88. # The banner image of home page
  89. index_img: /img/background.jpg
  90. # If the banner of page not setting, it will show the top_img
  91. default_top_img: /img/background.jpg
  92. # The banner image of archive page
  93. archive_img: /img/background.jpg
  94. # If the banner of tag page not setting, it will show the top_img
  95. # note: tag page, not tags page (子標籤頁面的 top_img)
  96. tag_img: /img/background.jpg
  97. # The banner image of tag page
  98. # format:
  99. # - tag name: xxxxx
  100. tag_per_img:
  101. # If the banner of category page not setting, it will show the top_img
  102. # note: category page, not categories page (子分類頁面的 top_img)
  103. category_img: /img/background.jpg
  104. # The banner image of category page
  105. # format:
  106. # - category name: xxxxx
  107. category_per_img:
  108. cover:
  109. # display the cover or not (是否顯示文章封面)
  110. index_enable: true
  111. aside_enable: true
  112. archives_enable: true
  113. # the position of cover in home page (封面顯示的位置)
  114. # left/right/both
  115. position: both
  116. # When cover is not set, the default cover is displayed (當沒有設置cover時,默認的封面顯示)
  117. default_cover:
  118. - /img/background.jpg
  119. # Replace Broken Images (替換無法顯示的圖片)
  120. error_img:
  121. flink: /img/friend_404.gif
  122. post_page: /img/404.jpg
  123. # A simple 404 page
  124. error_404:
  125. enable: true
  126. subtitle: '頁面沒有找到'
  127. background: https://i.loli.net/2020/05/19/aKOcLiyPl2JQdFD.png
  128. post_meta:
  129. page: # Home Page
  130. date_type: created # created or updated or both 主頁文章日期是創建日或者更新日或都顯示
  131. date_format: date # date/relative 顯示日期還是相對日期
  132. categories: true # true or false 主頁是否顯示分類
  133. tags: false # true or false 主頁是否顯示標籤
  134. label: true # true or false 顯示描述性文字
  135. post:
  136. date_type: both # created or updated or both 文章頁日期是創建日或者更新日或都顯示
  137. date_format: date # date/relative 顯示日期還是相對日期
  138. categories: true # true or false 文章頁是否顯示分類
  139. tags: true # true or false 文章頁是否顯示標籤
  140. label: true # true or false 顯示描述性文字
  141. # wordcount (字數統計) npm install hexo-wordcount --save
  142. wordcount:
  143. enable: true
  144. post_wordcount: true
  145. min2read: true
  146. total_wordcount: true
  147. # Display the article introduction on homepage
  148. # 1: description
  149. # 2: both (if the description exists, it will show description, or show the auto_excerpt)
  150. # 3: auto_excerpt (default)
  151. # false: do not show the article introduction
  152. index_post_content:
  153. method: 3
  154. length: 500 # 节选文章的前500个字
  155. # Post
  156. # --------------------------------------
  157. # toc (目錄)
  158. toc:
  159. enable: true
  160. number: true
  161. style_simple: false
  162. post_copyright:
  163. enable: true
  164. decode: false
  165. license: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  166. license_url: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
  167. # Sponsor/reward
  168. reward:
  169. enable: false
  170. text:
  171. QR_code:
  172. # - img: /img/wechat.jpg
  173. # link:
  174. # text: wechat
  175. # - img: /img/alipay.jpg
  176. # link:
  177. # text: alipay
  178. # Post edit
  179. # Easily browse and edit blog source code online.
  180. post_edit:
  181. enable: false
  182. # url: https://github.com/user-name/repo-name/edit/branch-name/subdirectory-name/
  183. # For example: https://github.com/jerryc127/butterfly.js.org/edit/main/source/
  184. url:
  185. # Related Articles
  186. related_post:
  187. enable: true
  188. limit: 6 # Number of posts displayed
  189. date_type: created # or created or updated 文章日期顯示創建日或者更新日
  190. # figcaption (圖片描述文字)
  191. photofigcaption: false
  192. # post_pagination (分頁)
  193. # value: 1 || 2 || false
  194. # 1: The 'next post' will link to old post
  195. # 2: The 'next post' will link to new post
  196. # false: disable pagination
  197. post_pagination: 1
  198. # anchor
  199. anchor:
  200. # when you scroll, the URL will update according to header id.
  201. auto_update: false
  202. # Click the headline to scroll and update the anchor
  203. click_to_scroll: false
  204. # Displays outdated notice for a post (文章過期提醒)
  205. noticeOutdate:
  206. enable: false
  207. style: flat # style: simple/flat
  208. limit_day: 500 # When will it be shown
  209. position: top # position: top/bottom
  210. message_prev: It has been
  211. message_next: days since the last update, the content of the article may be outdated.
  212. # Share System (分享功能)
  213. # --------------------------------------
  214. # Share.js
  215. # https://github.com/overtrue/share.js
  216. sharejs:
  217. enable: true
  218. sites: wechat,weibo,qq
  219. # AddToAny
  220. # https://www.addtoany.com/
  221. addtoany:
  222. enable: false
  223. item: wechat,sina_weibo,email,copy_link
  224. # Comments System
  225. # --------------------------------------
  227. # Up to two comments system, the first will be shown as default
  228. # Choose: Disqus/Disqusjs/Livere/Gitalk/Valine/Waline/Utterances/Facebook Comments/Twikoo
  229. use: gitalk,Livere
  230. # - Valine
  231. # - Disqus
  232. text: true # Display the comment name next to the button
  233. # lazyload: The comment system will be load when comment element enters the browser's viewport.
  234. # If you set it to true, the comment count will be invalid
  235. lazyload: true
  236. count: true # Display comment count in post's top_img
  237. card_post_count: false # Display comment count in Home Page
  238. # disqus
  239. # https://disqus.com/
  240. disqus:
  241. shortname:
  242. apikey: # For newest comments widget
  243. # Alternative Disqus - Render comments with Disqus API
  244. # DisqusJS 評論系統,可以實現在網路審查地區載入 Disqus 評論列表,兼容原版
  245. # https://github.com/SukkaW/DisqusJS
  246. disqusjs:
  247. shortname:
  248. siteName:
  249. apikey:
  250. api:
  251. nocomment: # display when a blog post or an article has no comment attached
  252. admin:
  253. adminLabel:
  254. # livere (來必力)
  255. # https://www.livere.com/
  256. livere:
  257. uid: MTAyMC81OTA5MS8zNTU1Mw==
  258. # gitalk
  259. # https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk
  260. gitalk:
  261. client_id: 1a0096e15a280c158e14
  262. client_secret: e46170a701da1f83f2a9fcbf7ec23475a511834a
  263. repo: hexo.zyjblogs.cn_comments
  264. owner: zyjnicemoe
  265. admin: ['zyjnicemoe']
  266. option:
  267. proxy: 'https://proxy.cors.sh/https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token'
  268. # valine
  269. # https://valine.js.org
  270. valine:
  271. appId: # leancloud application app id
  272. appKey: # leancloud application app key
  273. pageSize: 10 # comment list page size
  274. avatar: monsterid # gravatar style https://valine.js.org/#/avatar
  275. lang: zh-CN # i18n: zh-CN/zh-TW/en/ja
  276. placeholder: 记得留下你的昵称和邮箱....可以快速收到回复哦 # valine comment input placeholder (like: Please leave your footprints)
  277. guest_info: nick,mail,link # valine comment header info (nick/mail/link)
  278. recordIP: false # Record reviewer IP
  279. serverURLs: # This configuration is suitable for domestic custom domain name users, overseas version will be automatically detected (no need to manually fill in)
  280. bg: # valine background
  281. emojiCDN: # emoji CDN
  282. enableQQ: false # enable the Nickname box to automatically get QQ Nickname and QQ Avatar
  283. requiredFields: nick,mail # required fields (nick/mail)
  284. visitor: false
  285. option:
  286. # waline - A simple comment system with backend support fork from Valine
  287. # https://waline.js.org/
  288. waline:
  289. serverURL: # Waline server address url
  290. bg: # waline background
  291. pageview: false
  292. option:
  293. # utterances
  294. # https://utteranc.es/
  295. utterances:
  296. repo:
  297. # Issue Mapping: pathname/url/title/og:title
  298. issue_term: pathname
  299. # Theme: github-light/github-dark/github-dark-orange/icy-dark/dark-blue/photon-dark
  300. light_theme: github-light
  301. dark_theme: photon-dark
  302. # Facebook Comments Plugin
  303. # https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments/
  304. facebook_comments:
  305. app_id:
  306. user_id: # optional
  307. pageSize: 10 # The number of comments to show
  308. order_by: social # social/time/reverse_time
  309. lang: zh-CN # Language en_US/zh_CN/zh_TW and so on
  310. # Twikoo
  311. # https://github.com/imaegoo/twikoo
  312. twikoo:
  313. envId:
  314. region:
  315. visitor: false
  316. option:
  317. # Chat Services
  318. # --------------------------------------
  319. # Chat Button [recommend]
  320. # It will create a button in the bottom right corner of website, and hide the origin button
  321. chat_btn: false
  322. # The origin chat button is displayed when scrolling up, and the button is hidden when scrolling down
  323. chat_hide_show: false
  324. # chatra
  325. # https://chatra.io/
  326. chatra:
  327. enable: false
  328. id:
  329. # tidio
  330. # https://www.tidio.com/
  331. tidio:
  332. enable: false
  333. public_key:
  334. # daovoice
  335. # http://daovoice.io/
  336. daovoice:
  337. enable: false
  338. app_id:
  339. # gitter
  340. # https://gitter.im/
  341. gitter:
  342. enable: false
  343. room:
  344. # crisp
  345. # https://crisp.chat/en/
  346. crisp:
  347. enable: false
  348. website_id:
  349. # Footer Settings
  350. # --------------------------------------
  351. footer:
  352. owner:
  353. enable: true
  354. since: 2019
  355. custom_text: <div><img style="padding-top:2px" src="https://sp-ao.shortpixel.ai/client/q_glossy,ret_img/https://zyjblogs.cn/img/icp.png"><a class="banquan" style="color:#000" href="http://www.beian.gov.cn/portal/registerSystemInfo?recordcode=鄂ICP备19023232号" target="_blank" data-pjax-state="">鄂ICP备19023232号</a></div>
  356. copyright: true # Copyright of theme and framework
  357. # Analysis
  358. # --------------------------------------
  359. # Baidu Analytics
  360. # https://tongji.baidu.com/web/welcome/login
  361. baidu_analytics: 6edd69cc926242ec43e7194677fb8040
  362. # Google Analytics
  363. # https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/
  364. google_analytics:
  365. # Tencent Analytics ID
  366. # https://mta.qq.com
  367. tencent_analytics:
  368. # CNZZ Analytics
  369. # https://www.umeng.com/
  370. cnzz_analytics:
  371. # Cloudflare Analytics
  372. # https://www.cloudflare.com/zh-tw/web-analytics/
  373. cloudflare_analytics:
  374. # Microsoft Clarity
  375. # https://clarity.microsoft.com/
  376. microsoft_clarity:
  377. # Advertisement
  378. # --------------------------------------
  379. # Google Adsense (谷歌廣告)
  380. google_adsense:
  381. enable: false
  382. auto_ads: true
  383. js: https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js
  384. client:
  385. enable_page_level_ads: true
  386. # Insert ads manually (手動插入廣告)
  387. # ad:
  388. # index:
  389. # aside:
  390. # post:
  391. # Verification (站長驗證)
  392. # --------------------------------------
  393. site_verification:
  394. # - name: google-site-verification
  395. # content: xxxxxx
  396. # - name: baidu-site-verification
  397. # content: xxxxxxx
  398. # Beautify/Effect (美化/效果)
  399. # --------------------------------------
  400. # Theme color for customize
  401. # Notice: color value must in double quotes like "#000" or may cause error!
  402. # theme_color:
  403. # enable: true
  404. # main: "#49B1F5"
  405. # paginator: "#00c4b6"
  406. # button_hover: "#FF7242"
  407. # text_selection: "#00c4b6"
  408. # link_color: "#99a9bf"
  409. # meta_color: "#858585"
  410. # hr_color: "#A4D8FA"
  411. # code_foreground: "#F47466"
  412. # code_background: "rgba(27, 31, 35, .05)"
  413. # toc_color: "#00c4b6"
  414. # blockquote_padding_color: "#49b1f5"
  415. # blockquote_background_color: "#49b1f5"
  416. # theme_color:
  417. # enable: true
  418. # main: "#49B1F5"
  419. # paginator: "#00c4b6"
  420. # button_hover: "#FF7242"
  421. # text_selection: "#00c4b6"
  422. # link_color: "#99a9bf"
  423. # meta_color: "#858585"
  424. # hr_color: "#A4D8FA"
  425. # code_foreground: "#F47466"
  426. # code_background: "rgba(27, 31, 35, .05)"
  427. # toc_color: "#00c4b6"
  428. # blockquote_padding_color: "#49b1f5"
  429. # blockquote_background_color: "#49b1f5"
  430. # The top_img settings of home page
  431. # default: top img - full screen, site info - middle (默認top_img全屏,site_info在中間)
  432. # The position of site info, eg: 300px/300em/300rem/10% (主頁標題距離頂部距離)
  433. index_site_info_top:
  434. # The height of top_img, eg: 300px/300em/300rem (主頁top_img高度)
  435. index_top_img_height:
  436. # The user interface setting of category and tag page (category和tag頁的UI設置)
  437. # index - same as Homepage UI (index 值代表 UI將與首頁的UI一樣)
  438. # default - same as archives UI 默認跟archives頁面UI一樣
  439. category_ui: index # 留空或 index
  440. tag_ui: index # 留空或 index
  441. # Website Background (設置網站背景)
  442. # can set it to color or image (可設置圖片 或者 顔色)
  443. # The formal of image: url(http://xxxxxx.com/xxx.jpg)
  444. # background: '#efefef'
  445. background: '#efefef'
  446. # Footer Background
  447. footer_bg: false
  448. # Stretches the lines so that each line has equal width(文字向兩側對齊,對最後一行無效)
  449. text_align_justify: true
  450. # the position of bottom right button/default unit: px (右下角按鈕距離底部的距離/默認單位為px)
  451. rightside_bottom:
  452. # Enter transitions (開啓網頁進入效果)
  453. enter_transitions: true
  454. # Background effects (背景特效)
  455. # --------------------------------------
  456. # canvas_ribbon (靜止彩帶背景)
  457. # See: https://github.com/hustcc/ribbon.js
  458. canvas_ribbon:
  459. enable: false
  460. size: 150
  461. alpha: 0.6
  462. zIndex: -1
  463. click_to_change: false
  464. mobile: false
  465. # Fluttering Ribbon (動態彩帶)
  466. canvas_fluttering_ribbon:
  467. enable: false
  468. mobile: false
  469. # canvas_nest
  470. # https://github.com/hustcc/canvas-nest.js
  471. canvas_nest:
  472. enable: false
  473. color: '0,0,255' #color of lines, default: '0,0,0'; RGB values: (R,G,B).(note: use ',' to separate.)
  474. opacity: 0.7 # the opacity of line (0~1), default: 0.5.
  475. zIndex: -1 # z-index property of the background, default: -1.
  476. count: 99 # the number of lines, default: 99.
  477. mobile: false
  478. # Typewriter Effect (打字效果)
  479. # https://github.com/disjukr/activate-power-mode
  480. activate_power_mode:
  481. enable: true
  482. colorful: true # open particle animation (冒光特效)
  483. shake: false # open shake (抖動特效)
  484. mobile: false
  485. # Mouse click effects: fireworks (鼠標點擊效果: 煙火特效)
  486. fireworks:
  487. enable: false
  488. zIndex: 9999 # -1 or 9999
  489. mobile: false
  490. # Mouse click effects: Heart symbol (鼠標點擊效果: 愛心)
  491. click_heart:
  492. enable: false
  493. mobile: false
  494. # Mouse click effects: words (鼠標點擊效果: 文字)
  495. clickShowText:
  496. enable: false
  497. text:
  498. # - I
  499. # - LOVE
  500. # - YOU
  501. fontSize: 15px
  502. random: false
  503. mobile: false
  504. # Default display mode (網站默認的顯示模式)
  505. # light (default) / dark
  506. display_mode: light
  507. # Beautify (美化頁面顯示)
  508. beautify:
  509. enable: true
  510. field: site # site/post
  511. title-prefix-icon: '\f0c1'
  512. title-prefix-icon-color: '#F47466'
  513. # Global font settings
  514. # Don't modify the following settings unless you know how they work (非必要不要修改)
  515. font:
  516. global-font-size:
  517. code-font-size:
  518. font-family:
  519. code-font-family:
  520. # Font settings for the site title and site subtitle
  521. # 左上角網站名字 主頁居中網站名字
  522. blog_title_font:
  523. font_link:
  524. font-family:
  525. # The setting of divider icon (水平分隔線圖標設置)
  526. hr_icon:
  527. enable: true
  528. icon: # the unicode value of Font Awesome icon, such as '\3423'
  529. icon-top:
  530. # the subtitle on homepage (主頁subtitle)
  531. subtitle:
  532. enable: true
  533. # Typewriter Effect (打字效果)
  534. effect: true
  535. # loop (循環打字)
  536. loop: true
  537. # source調用第三方服務
  538. # source: false 關閉調用
  539. # source: 1 調用搏天api的隨機語錄(簡體)
  540. # source: 2 調用一言網的一句話(簡體)
  541. # source: 3 調用一句網(簡體)
  542. # source: 4 調用今日詩詞(簡體)
  543. # subtitle 會先顯示 source , 再顯示 sub 的內容
  544. source: false
  545. # 如果有英文逗號' , ',請使用轉義字元 &#44;
  546. # 如果有英文雙引號' " ',請使用轉義字元 &quot;
  547. # 開頭不允許轉義字元,如需要,請把整個句子用雙引號包住
  548. # 如果關閉打字效果,subtitle只會顯示sub的第一行文字
  549. sub:
  550. - 给时光以生命,给岁月以文明
  551. # Loading Animation (加載動畫)
  552. # 加載動畫 Loading Animation
  553. preloader:
  554. enable: true
  555. # source
  556. # 1. fullpage-loading
  557. # 2. pace (progress bar)
  558. source: 2
  559. # pace theme (see https://codebyzach.github.io/pace/)
  560. pace_css_url: /css/loading.css
  561. # aside (側邊欄)
  562. # --------------------------------------
  563. aside:
  564. enable: true
  565. hide: false
  566. button: true
  567. mobile: true # display on mobile
  568. position: right # left or right
  569. card_author:
  570. enable: true
  571. description:
  572. button:
  573. enable: true
  574. icon: fab fa-github
  575. text: GitHub主页
  576. link: https://github.com/zyjnicemoe
  577. card_announcement:
  578. enable: true
  579. content: <a href="https://zyjblogs.cn">逝水无痕の博客https://zyjblogs.cn迁移到此</a>
  580. card_recent_post:
  581. enable: true
  582. limit: 5 # if set 0 will show all
  583. sort: date # date or updated
  584. sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works
  585. card_categories:
  586. enable: true
  587. limit: 8 # if set 0 will show all
  588. expand: none # none/true/false
  589. sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works
  590. card_tags:
  591. enable: true
  592. limit: 40 # if set 0 will show all
  593. color: true
  594. sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works
  595. card_archives:
  596. enable: true
  597. type: monthly # yearly or monthly
  598. format: MMMM YYYY # eg: YYYY年MM月
  599. order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending
  600. limit: 8 # if set 0 will show all
  601. sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works
  602. card_webinfo:
  603. enable: true
  604. post_count: true
  605. last_push_date: true
  606. sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works
  607. card_post_series:
  608. enable: true
  609. orderBy: 'date' # Order by title or date
  610. order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending
  611. # 开启Pixiv 日榜
  612. # card_pixiv:
  613. # enable: false
  614. # card_calendar:
  615. # enable: true
  616. # busuanzi count for PV / UV in site
  617. # 訪問人數
  618. busuanzi:
  619. site_uv: true
  620. site_pv: true
  621. page_pv: true
  622. # Time difference between publish date and now (網頁運行時間)
  623. # Formal: Month/Day/Year Time or Year/Month/Day Time
  624. runtimeshow:
  625. enable: true
  626. publish_date: 6/7/2018 00:00:00
  627. # Aside widget - Newest Comments
  628. newest_comments:
  629. enable: false
  630. sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works
  631. limit: 6
  632. storage: 10 # unit: mins, save data to localStorage
  633. avatar: true
  634. # Bottom right button (右下角按鈕)
  635. # --------------------------------------
  636. # Change font size
  637. change_font_size: false
  638. # Conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese (簡繁轉換)
  639. translate:
  640. enable: false
  641. # The text of a button
  642. default: 簡
  643. # the language of website (1 - Traditional Chinese/ 2 - Simplified Chinese)
  644. defaultEncoding: 1
  645. # defaultEncoding: 2
  646. # Time delay
  647. translateDelay: 0
  648. # The text of the button when the language is Simplified Chinese
  649. msgToTraditionalChinese: '繁'
  650. # The text of the button when the language is Traditional Chinese
  651. msgToSimplifiedChinese: '簡'
  652. # Read Mode (閲讀模式)
  653. readmode: true
  654. # dark mode
  655. darkmode:
  656. enable: true
  657. # Toggle Button to switch dark/light mode
  658. button: true
  659. # Switch dark/light mode automatically (自動切換 dark mode和 light mode)
  660. # autoChangeMode: 1 Following System Settings, if the system doesn't support dark mode, it will switch dark mode between 6 pm to 6 am
  661. # autoChangeMode: 2 Switch dark mode between 6 pm to 6 am
  662. # autoChangeMode: false
  663. autoChangeMode: 1
  664. rightside_scroll_percent: true
  665. rightside_item_order:
  666. enable: true
  667. hide: readmode,darkmode,hideAside
  668. show: toc,comment
  669. # Lightbox (圖片大圖查看模式)
  670. # --------------------------------------
  671. # You can only choose one, or neither (只能選擇一個 或者 兩個都不選)
  672. # medium-zoom
  673. # https://github.com/francoischalifour/medium-zoom
  674. medium_zoom: false
  675. # fancybox
  676. # http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/3/
  677. fancybox: true
  678. # series (系列文章)
  679. series:
  680. enable: true
  681. orderBy: 'title' # Order by title or date
  682. order: 1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending
  683. number: true
  684. # abcjs (樂譜渲染)
  685. # See https://github.com/paulrosen/abcjs
  686. abcjs:
  687. enable: false
  688. per_page: true
  689. # Tag Plugins settings (標籤外掛)
  690. # --------------------------------------
  691. # mermaid
  692. # see https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid
  693. mermaid:
  694. enable: false
  695. # built-in themes: default/forest/dark/neutral
  696. theme: default
  697. # Note (Bootstrap Callout)
  698. note:
  699. # Note tag style values:
  700. # - simple bs-callout old alert style. Default.
  701. # - modern bs-callout new (v2-v3) alert style.
  702. # - flat flat callout style with background, like on Mozilla or StackOverflow.
  703. # - disabled disable all CSS styles import of note tag.
  704. style: flat
  705. icons: true
  706. border_radius: 3
  707. # Offset lighter of background in % for modern and flat styles (modern: -12 | 12; flat: -18 | 6).
  708. # Offset also applied to label tag variables. This option can work with disabled note tag.
  709. light_bg_offset: 0
  710. # other
  711. # --------------------------------------
  712. # Pjax
  713. # It may contain bugs and unstable, give feedback when you find the bugs.
  714. # https://github.com/MoOx/pjax
  715. pjax:
  716. enable: true
  717. exclude:
  718. - /talking/
  719. # Inject the css and script (aplayer/meting)
  720. aplayerInject:
  721. enable: false
  722. per_page: true
  723. # Snackbar (Toast Notification 彈窗)
  724. # https://github.com/polonel/SnackBar
  725. # position 彈窗位置
  726. # 可選 top-left / top-center / top-right / bottom-left / bottom-center / bottom-right
  727. snackbar:
  728. enable: false
  729. position: bottom-left
  730. bg_light: '#49b1f5' # The background color of Toast Notification in light mode
  731. bg_dark: '#121212' # The background color of Toast Notification in dark mode
  732. # https://instant.page/
  733. # prefetch (預加載)
  734. instantpage: true
  735. # https://github.com/vinta/pangu.js
  736. # Insert a space between Chinese character and English character (中英文之間添加空格)
  737. pangu:
  738. enable: false
  739. field: site # site/post
  740. # Lazyload (圖片懶加載)
  741. # https://github.com/verlok/vanilla-lazyload
  742. lazyload:
  743. enable: true
  744. field: site # site/post
  745. placeholder: /img/loading.gif
  746. blur: false
  747. # PWA
  748. # See https://github.com/JLHwung/hexo-offline
  749. # ---------------
  750. # pwa:
  751. # enable: false
  752. # manifest: /pwa/manifest.json
  753. # apple_touch_icon: /pwa/apple-touch-icon.png
  754. # favicon_32_32: /pwa/32.png
  755. # favicon_16_16: /pwa/16.png
  756. # mask_icon: /pwa/safari-pinned-tab.svg
  757. # Open graph meta tags
  758. # https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters/
  759. Open_Graph_meta: true
  760. # Add the vendor prefixes to ensure compatibility
  761. css_prefix: true
  762. # Inject
  763. # Insert the code to head (before '</head>' tag) and the bottom (before '</body>' tag)
  764. # 插入代码到头部 </head> 之前 和 底部 </body> 之前
  765. inject:
  766. head:
  767. # - <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://study.zyjblogs.cn/background.css">
  768. - <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/background.css">
  769. bottom:
  770. # - <script src="xxxx"></script>
  771. # - <script src="https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/jquery@latest/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
  772. CDN:
  773. # The CDN provider of internal scripts (主題內部 js 的 cdn 配置)
  774. # option: local/jsdelivr/unpkg/cdnjs/custom
  775. # Dev version can only choose. ( dev版的主題只能設置為 local )
  776. internal_provider: local
  777. # The CDN provider of third party scripts (第三方 js 的 cdn 配置)
  778. # option: local/jsdelivr/unpkg/cdnjs/custom
  779. # when set it to local, you need to install hexo-butterfly-extjs
  780. third_party_provider: cdnjs
  781. # Add version number to url, true or false
  782. version: false
  783. # Custom format
  784. # For example: https://cdn.staticfile.org/${cdnjs_name}/${version}/${min_cdnjs_file}
  785. custom_format:
  786. option:
  787. # main
  788. main_css: /css/index.css
  789. jquery: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/jquery@latest/dist/jquery.min.js
  790. main: /js/main.js
  791. utils: /js/utils.js
  792. # comments
  793. gitalk: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/gitalk@latest/dist/gitalk.min.js
  794. gitalk_css: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/gitalk/dist/gitalk.min.css
  795. valine: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/valine/dist/Valine.min.js
  796. disqusjs: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/disqusjs@1/dist/disqus.js
  797. disqusjs_css: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/disqusjs@1/dist/disqusjs.css
  798. utterances: https://utteranc.es/client.js
  799. twikoo: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/twikoo/dist/twikoo.all.min.js
  800. waline: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/@waline/client/dist/Waline.min.js
  801. # share
  802. addtoany: https://static.addtoany.com/menu/page.js
  803. sharejs: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/social-share.js/dist/js/social-share.min.js
  804. sharejs_css: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/social-share.js/dist/css/share.min.css
  805. # search
  806. local_search: /js/search/local-search.js
  807. algolia_js: /js/search/algolia.js
  808. algolia_search: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/instantsearch.js@2.10.5/dist/instantsearch.min.js
  809. algolia_search_css: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/instantsearch.js@2.10.5/dist/instantsearch.min.css
  810. # math
  811. mathjax: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js
  812. katex: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/katex@latest/dist/katex.min.css
  813. katex_copytex: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/katex@latest/dist/contrib/copy-tex.min.js
  814. katex_copytex_css: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/katex@latest/dist/contrib/copy-tex.css
  815. mermaid: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/mermaid/dist/mermaid.min.js
  816. # count
  817. busuanzi: //busuanzi.ibruce.info/busuanzi/2.3/busuanzi.pure.mini.js
  818. # background effect
  819. canvas_ribbon: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/butterfly-extsrc@1/dist/canvas-ribbon.min.js
  820. canvas_fluttering_ribbon: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/butterfly-extsrc@1/dist/canvas-fluttering-ribbon.min.js
  821. canvas_nest: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/butterfly-extsrc@1/dist/canvas-nest.min.js
  822. lazyload: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/vanilla-lazyload/dist/lazyload.iife.min.js
  823. instantpage: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/instant.page/instantpage.min.js
  824. typed: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/typed.js/lib/typed.min.js
  825. pangu: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/pangu/dist/browser/pangu.min.js
  826. # photo
  827. fancybox_css: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fancyapps-ui/5.0.24/fancybox/fancybox.min.css
  828. fancybox: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fancyapps-ui/5.0.24/fancybox/fancybox.umd.min.js
  829. medium_zoom: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/medium-zoom/dist/medium-zoom.min.js
  830. # snackbar
  831. snackbar_css: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/node-snackbar@latest/dist/snackbar.min.css
  832. snackbar: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/node-snackbar@latest/src/js/snackbar.min.js
  833. # effect
  834. activate_power_mode: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/butterfly-extsrc@1/dist/activate-power-mode.min.js
  835. fireworks: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/butterfly-extsrc@1/dist/fireworks.min.js
  836. click_heart: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/butterfly-extsrc@1/dist/click-heart.min.js
  837. clickShowText: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/butterfly-extsrc@1/dist/click-show-text.min.js
  838. # fontawesome
  839. fontawesome: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css
  840. # Conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
  841. translate: /js/tw_cn.js
  842. # justifiedGallery
  843. justifiedGallery_js: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/justifiedGallery/dist/js/jquery.justifiedGallery.min.js
  844. justifiedGallery_css: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/justifiedGallery/dist/css/justifiedGallery.min.css
  845. # aplayer
  846. aplayer_css: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/aplayer/dist/APlayer.min.css
  847. aplayer_js: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/aplayer/dist/APlayer.min.js
  848. meting_js: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/gh/metowolf/MetingJS@1.2/dist/Meting.min.js
  849. # Prism.js
  850. prismjs_js: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/prismjs/prism.min.js
  851. prismjs_lineNumber_js: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/prismjs/plugins/line-numbers/prism-line-numbers.min.js
  852. prismjs_autoloader: https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/npm/prismjs/plugins/autoloader/prism-autoloader.min.js